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1 Functions of bone and skeletal system Support Protection Assistance in movement Mineral homeostasis Blood cell production Triglyceride storage 6.2 Structure of bone Diaphysis Epiphyses Metaphases Articular cartilage Periosteum - Essential for growth in bone thickness, bone repair, and bone nutrition. It also serves as a point for attachment for ligaments and tendons. Medullary cavity 6.3 Histology of bone tissue Bone or osseous tissue Calcication 4 types of cells are present in bone tissue 1. Osteogenic cells 2. Osteoblasts 3. Osteocytes 4. Osteoclasts Blasts Build bone, while osteoClasts Carve out bone. 2 types of bones 1. Compact bone tissue 2. Spongy bone tissue 6.4 Blood and nerve supply of bone Periosteal arteries Metaphyseal arteries Epiphyseal arteries 6.5 Bone formation Ossication/Osteogenesis 2 types of ossication 1. Intramembranous ossication i. Development of ossication center ii. Calcication

iii. Formation of trabeculae iv. Development of periosteum

2. Endochondral ossication i. Development of the cartilage model ii. Growth of the cartilage model iii. Development of the primary ossication center iv. Development of the medullary (marrow) cavity v. Development of the secondary ossication centers vi. Formation of articular cartilage and the epiphyseal (growth) 2 types of bone growth 1. Growth in length i. Zone of resting cartilage ii. Zone of proliferating cartilage iii. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage iv. Zone of calcied cartilage 2. Growth in thickness i. Differentiation of periosteal cells ii. Formation of endosteum iii. Osteon creation from concentric lamellae iv. New circumferential lamellae is deposited Remodeling of bone Factors affecting bone growth and bone remodeling 1. Minerals 2. Vitamins 3. Hormones 4. Exercise 5. Aging

Reference: Tortora, G., J., Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 13th Edition

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