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He awoke and knew something was wrong.

It was the figure standing at the side of his bed that really set the alarm bells ringing in his head.In fairness a huge hooded figure with a scythe is generally not the most reassuring of sights at the best of times,much less when you have a terrible hangover. Then he realised he didn't have a hangover..or a pulse. YES The word answered the question before it even formed in his head. I AM DEATH look can you just pretend to not know what I'm going to say he said rather testily. SORRY.I CAN'T READ YOUR THOUGHTS oh? EVERYONE ASKS THOSE TWO QUESTIONS oh ANY MORE QUESTIONS can I challenge you? NO.I AM DEATH I'm sorry.he said,then he shoutedcan I challenge you Death hesitated. OH.HA,HA,BLOODY HA.YES I GET IT DEATH..DEAF-HAR DER HAR .IT'S FUNNY THE FIRST FEW TIMES.IT LOSES IT'S APPEAL WHEN YOU HEAR IT ALL THE BLOODY TIME. Sarcasm from Death-what next he thought? WELL? hmm sorry? What? ANY MORE QUESTIONS can I challenge you? YES what do you want to play? PLAY? ohhhh...I challenge you to a game of chess NO lets get strarted....hang on...did you just say no? I DECLINED I thought it was traditional that I could challenge you. REALLY? Yes.I'm sure I read it somewhere or saw it in a film. OH WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT THEN.IF IT'S IN A FILM IT MUST BE TRUE.SILLY OLD ME. No challenge? NO. Afraid I'll win? YOU WON'T. you're lying. I CANNOT LIE Why? BECAUSE I AM DEATH. But you are afraid of losing? I KNOW NO FEAR Everyone fears something. Death hesitated a fraction too long to be comfortable. COME WITH ME Where? I HAVE A....HOME

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