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When darkness covers the sky, And stars twinkle up on high,

Cuando se oscurece el cielo y las estrellas alzan vuelo,

I love to listen to all the sounds, That nighttime brings around.

me encanta prestar odos a toda clase de ruidos.

I hear the crickets song; The frogs also sing along.

Las ranas ensayan su canto, y los grillos, otro tanto.

I can hear the breeze, Rustling the grass and leaves.

Las hojas bailan con los vientos susurrando mil y un cuentos.

Hush now, and listen well, Theres a nighttime tale

Calla y pon atencin. As oirs la cancin

Told to all, near and far, No matter where you are.

que en todas partes se entona del atardecer a la aurora.

Original poem from Lincolns Lullaby, Aurora Productions. Art by Agnes Lemaire

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