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YAY! were almost done in our OJT at ILPI.

Still the same as what my routine from the start of the training. After we finis h checking and sorting the different kinds of vouchers, we have told by our supe rvisor to scan all files in the month of January that we have already put in the ir respective suppliers folder (gabalik-balik ra mig trabaho). Scanning takes a lot of time so 2 of us is having an idle time. Because of the idle time, we have given jobs just like updating the fuel consumption of all company vehicles in t he month of April. after we have finished this, Ma'am Tata gave us job to reconc ile the Fund Bill Deposit of its customer to the Refund that the company had ref unded to its customer usually the discrepancies is not more than 1000 because Pe tty Cash is being used in small amounts. She explained to us that before a custo mer can open an account, he/she must deposit on his/her account that serves as p rotection when that customer closes his/her account. At the same time, Ma'am Wel la, our supervisor had also given us job to make a report such as balance sheet and income statement from its comparative Financial Statements 2011 and 2010 au dited by Punongbayan and Araullo. It's just like comparing the details of each l ine items of each statement. We have 3 jobs, 3 of us working on it, Huey, Bob an d I, to have a balance in working we decided to have a job rotation, after one u s scanned a document, he can reconcile then go to the Financial Statement. Walay week nga walay libre kaon. :)

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