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Junior Health 2012 Extremely Hard Quiz #1 Please answer the following questions in the space provided. 1.

What percent of your overall Health Dynamics grade is P.E. worth? A. 25% B. 40% C. 50% D. 100% Answer: 2. How many points (approximately) is each P.E. class worth if there are 20 P.E. classes in a term? A. 5 B. 10 C. 25 D. P.E. doesnt count Answer: 3. If you don not have a change of clothes or sneakers what grade will you receive for that class? A. 5 B. 10 C. 0 D. dont worry about it, you can always make it up Answer: 4. If you receive a 0 for a day of P.E., when can you make it up in order to receive credit? A. whenever you want, its your world I just live in it B. during English class C. Never, because you cant make up 0s D. dont worry about it, you can always repeat Health Dynamics again in summer school Answer: 5. If you are prepared with a change of clothes however you just dont feel good and do not want to participate in P.E., what grade will you receive for that day? A. 0 for 0 credit B. T for Tired and need to sleep C. E for excused D. None of the above Answer: 6. If you receive an E for a day of P.E., when can you make it up in order to receive

credit? A. whenever you want, tell me when you are available and I will schedule around you B. after school when a P.E. teacher makes themselves available for make-ups C. when you have substitute and have permission from both the sub and whichever P.E. teacher is teaching that class period D. Both B and C Answer: 7. If you have a note from your Doctor explaining why you cant participate in P.E., what grade will you receive for all of the dates the Doctor includes in the note? A. A for Apple B. J for Jack C. T for Tardy D. M for Medically Excused Answer: 8. How many ways are there to make-up a P.E. class? A. none it cant be done B. 1 C. 2 D. dont worry about it, it is only P.E. Answer: 9. What is the maximum number of article summaries you can write in order to make-up a P.E. class? A. none you have to run a mile in order to make-up a P.E. class B. 14 because that is your favorite number C. as many as you want, sky is the limit D. 3 Answer: 10. What is the email address you will use to turn in online activities for credit? A. no email, just print everything and hand in a hard copy B. C. D. Answer:

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