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Useful Microbes

Fungi and bacteria have many uses. Special types of bacteria called lactobacillus can convert milk into yoghurt. They can also turn milk into cheese. Blue cheese is blue because it is mouldy! Types of fungi are added into the cheese to make the blue veins. Yeast is a type of fungi. When it is added to glucose and water it produces carbon dioxide and alcohol. This process is called fermentation and is used to make alcoholic drinks as well as bread. In some countries like Brazil alcohol made from sugar cane can be used instead of petrol in cars! Another food product that is made by microbes is vinegar. Certain bacteria can turn alcohol into an acid called acetic acid (the scientific name for vinegar). Bacteria can turn all types of alcohol into vinegar including wine, beer and cider. A type of fungi is used to make Quorn. The fungi are grown in large chambers; collected and compressed together to form the blocks of Quorn. Quorn is a healthy alternative to meat because it is high in protein but low in fat, and as it is made from microbes, not animals, it is suitable for vegetarians. Bacteria carry out a process called decay. They break down dead plants, animals and animal waste into harmless products. This process can be used in sewage works where bacteria break down the sewage in order to turn it into clean water. Bacteria also break down plant material to make compost, which is used in gardening to add nutrients to the soil. Some bacteria give out a smelly gas called methane when they carry out decay. This can be used as a fuel for cooking or making electricity. Some fungi produce a chemical called antibiotics, which kill bacteria. We can use fungi to make antibiotics. They are used to treat bacterial infections. The most famous type of antibiotic is called penicillin.

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