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The Shang Dynasty Origins Around 3000 BC- Yangshao village Used stones and bones as tools Gradually,

ually, Longshao villages appeared. Good in polished black pottery By 1500 BC, first chinese cities appeared on the plains of the Yellow River Known as Shang Dynasty

Features Ruled parts of Northern and Central China. Capital city located at present day Anyang, near the border of Henan from about 1384 BC. First true dynasty after overthrowing Xia, originally a myth Consisted of 30 kings and 7 successful capitals Known as Yellow River Civilisation because they built their cities in Northern China around eastern parts of the yellow river. Architecture Center of capitals were the rulers palace, surrounded by artisans houses Kings residence was built on a north-south axis. All buildings were rectangular and made of mud with wooden beams. Nobility lived within the city too.

Political Structure of the Shang Dynasty Ruled by a very powerful king Considered the Son of Heaven Had supreme power; political and religious leader Along with aristocrats and bureaucrats, directed the life and work of the peasants and serfs. Subordinates helped him Protect the borders Recruit men for wars Build works

Social Structure and life during the Shang Dynasty

Social Scale (Class system) The King and his nobles sat at the top Warriors were also powerful Peasants had little and barely made it through the taxes that the kings enforced

Religious Beliefs Shang Ti- head god, ruler over all other gods Worship of ancestors was very important Sacrifices made to gods and ancestors

Cultural Achievements Developed sophisticated form of writing Excellent bronze workers Primitive agriculture Created the first calendar and decimal system

Economic Structure of the Shang Dynasty Serfs and slaves performed all economic functions of society Main income came from agriculture Many farmers cultivated silkworms to make cloth for clothing Many artisans manufactured weapons, ritual vessels, jewellery and other items of interest

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