Analysis of Listening

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1 Chynara Erkulova 20122194 BSC-1

In-depth analysis of listening material #1

A host of the radio All Things Considered discusses whether an issue of organ donation is ethical or not . He approaches the issue critically and in order to have a wide outlook at this problem, he invites for the discussion guest speakers, who are related to this issue in various ways. Among the speakers, there is a woman, receiver of organ from a donor, transplantation coordinator, and a doctor. In the beginning, the host mentions the recent law, which was going to be passed by the Welsh government on the opt-out policy. This policy says that when a person dies his/her organs can be used for donation, if no family members object. But author thinks that that this law is not ethical, since organ donation happens without the consent of a donor. Year by year more and more people get into the waiting list, and each day 3 people day while in a queue. This fact shows that because there are not enough donors, government had to come up with this law. However, a transplantation coordinator argues that it is not ethical to ask family members for donating organs of their loved ones, while they are in a moment of sorrow and mourn. In fact, a lot of people are not ready to donate their organs, because they simply are not informed and are not aware what a big contribution they could make. When she talks to family members, she doesnt pressure them, she doesnt even try to persuade them, what she does is that she puts on their

2 shoes and says that she understands the situation and gives some information about a difference they could make in someone elses life. The host questions a new law by asking Does your body belong to your family? Or to the state? Or to you? This question helped me to clear up one thing in my mind: Im the one who decides how to use my body after my death. It also encouraged me to ask myself if Im ready to donate my organs, I believe yes, in my opinion, the end of something is a beginning of something new. Id be happy to contribute to other peoples well-being even after my death. There is still a crucial need for this topic to be discussed and debated among the folks, because organ donation is a controversial issue, and every case is unique and individual.

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