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Josh Carlew Mr.

Neuburger Eng Comp 102-104 29 August 29 2012 Response Essay America Full of Waste Lars Eighners On Dumpster Diving elaborates on what life is like when sustenance is obtained by sorting through dumpsters. One can conclude from the essay that Eighner lives comfortably off of dumpster diving by adhering to certain rules. Eighner explains,Eating safely from the Dumpsters involves three principles... (254) divulging tactics such as, asking the question, Why was this discarded?(255). One other principle Eighner discusses is knowing the dumpsters of a given area(254). He offers an example of pulling pizzas from a dumpster behind a pizza shop, knowing they would always be fairly fresh due to mistakes like pizzas being incorrectly baked or made with the wrong toppings. Plus, every pie would be boxed up, unboxed pizza does not exist (256). The third and last of Eighners principles necessitates common sense and basic human senses to ..evaluate the conditions of the found materials.. (254). Canned goods are items Eighner strongly endorses while simultaneously pointing out the botulism is still a possibility. As long as a person can follow these three basic principles that Eighner provides, living comfortably off of dumpster diving is a strong possibility. 180 words

Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." Power of Language Language of Power. Sedond Custom Edition for Ozarks Community Technical College ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 253-66. Print

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