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DRUG TYPE COMMERCIAL NAME INGREDIENTS Gloves Latex gloves Latex Blanket Shock Blanket Silver metalic Pins Safety pins Nickel plated Tape Micropore tape tape Bandages Triangular bandages Fabric Bandages Self adherant bandages elastic Tape Omnifix retention tape elastic Tape Omnifix retention tape elastic Bandages Handyband Guaze bandage Dressing Extra large unmedicated dressingSterile dressing Dressing Large Kendall dressing Sterile dressing Dressing Mercurochrome compresses Sterile compresses Dressing Mepilex self ahdesive dressing Silicon dressing with guaze Shield CPR shield Plastic shield Scissors Scissors Scissors Scalpel Scalpel with blades Size 11 & 15 blades Object removal Steel pin & loop Steel pin & loop Suturing Steri strip Skin closures Suturing Urgostrips Skin closures Suturing Flexocrin USP 2/0 & USP 4/0 Polyamide monofilament Disinfectant Alcohol Prep wipes Isopropyl alcohol 70% Plaster Antibacterial & strong strips Plasters Plaster Tricosteril Liquid plaster Bleeding Stop Hemo Stop bleeding Healing accelerator Ialuset Hyaluronic acid Antiseptic Dettol Chloroxyenol Antiseptic Hexomedine Alcohol, acetic acid Antiseptic Tee Tree Antiseptic Cream Tmelaleuca oil TYPE gloves blanket Pins tape bandges bandges 10cmx10cm 5cmx10cm 5cmx1,5m 28cmx17cm 6 ply Non woven 12,5 x 12,5 cm shield metal metal metal Sterile Sterile non-absorbable Sterile sterile Plaster Plaster Spray creme 48mg/ml Solution cream QUANTITY various 1 blanket 50 pins 3 rolls 3 bandages 4 rolls 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll 2 rolls 20 x 2 ply 7 plasters 1 shield 1 pair 5 of each 1 stick 8 packets 8 strips 2 of each 5 pads 8/20 strips 2 x 35ml spray 2 x boxes 1 x 100g can 1 x 210ml 1 x 45ml 1 x 125ml

updated March 2011 TREATMENT FOR protection Shock and cold Attaching bandages Attaching bandages Supporting arms Support & wound dressing Support & wound dressing Support & wound dressing Support or packing strip Dressing wounds Dressing wounds Dressing & cleaning wounds Dressing wounds Doing CPR Cutting Cutting Removing foreign objects Suturing Suturing Suturing cleaning area before suturing Covering wounds small cuts & wounds Stops bleeding Help accelerate healing Disinfects wounds Disinfects wounds Disinfects wounds

EXP DATE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 30/06/2012 N/A N/A N/A 31/07/2010 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 31/03/2014 31/01/2015 31/08/2013 30/11/2013 30/08/2010 31/01/11

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