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Part 1: Who are you?


Email________________________________ Phone_________________________ Part 2: When can you meet? Please mark your top 5 day/time preferences (rank them 1-5). Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Morning Afternoon Evening Part 3: Other stuff to ask you

20/30 Small Groups Survey



1. Would you be willing to be a leader? (Helps keep the group on track. Its not stressful. You do not need to be a Biblical scholar. You will have a brief training. Please? ) Yes_________ No__________

2. Would you be willing to host a small group in your home? Yes_________ No__________

3. If you are married, would you prefer to attend with your spouse, or are you open to other kinds of groups (i.e. a moms small group, a mens small group, etc.?) Prefer to attend with spouse__________ Open to other groups__________ N/A_________

4. If you have children, do you think your children will attend with you? Yes_________ No___________ N/A__________

5. Do you have any suggestions for future 20/30 events, or any questions, comments, or concerns that you would like to share in this non-threatening survey environment?

Thank you so much! P.S. We know you are probably busy, but we could always use more help with the 20/30 group! If lots of people can help just a little bit, we could lighten the load for everyone and make our group even better than it already is! We would love volunteers to help with music, setup, planning, childcare, service, social eventsbasically everything! Were seriouswe want your gifts! Email (insert email address here) or talk to one of the Core Team members for more details!

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