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Brandy Renfro Mr.

Neuburger English Comp 102-127 30 August 2012

Response Essay Lars Eighner The Man that Knows the Art of Dumpster Diving On Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner showcases the authors wisdom when he happens to find himself homeless and survives life by dumpster diving. After reading Eighers essay, one understands that to maintain a healthy state of mind one should not get attached to material things. Eigher explains Almost everything I have now has already been cast out at least once, proving that what I own is valueless to someone (265). Earlier in Eighers essay he states I was shocked to realize that some things are not worth acquiring, but now I think it so. Some material things are white elephants that eat up possessors substance (264). Eigher also states in his essay Once I was the sort of person who invests objects with sentimental value. Now I no longer have those objects, but I have the sentiments yet (264). One can conclude Eigher finds what was truly important in life by the lessons he learns on the way when he dumpster dives. Words (174) Works Cited Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." Power of Language/Language of Power. Second ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 253-65. Print. Custom for Ozark Technical Community College

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