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My vacations


The travel

To go to bahamas we take like 4 planes and to return ge take 3! we go to mexico and there we had a problem because there they lost our ticket and they give us a ticket in first class. then we go to cancun and miami and we stayed in miami one day.




The day in Miami


we arrived to the Miamis airport was so big and we go to shopping and there was so incredible and amazing then we sleep at 3:30 am. But the Miamis clock was one hour forward than the Mexican clock so was 4:30 so we need to wake up at 5:00 in miami so we only sleept 30 minutes! And then we go to the airport to go to bahamas.



go to bahamas and the hotel was so wonderful i think we could never pay that money for that vacations but mi momo dont pay anithing my mom won the travel in one company named reliv. was the best vacations i ever had!



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