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CCOM 206- Reading 1

2012-09-12 18:48:00

APOS : Audience Purpose o Example : Instructional Dislplay expertise Organization o Structural paterns : example of good news/bad news letter (acceptance and rejectal) o A common patern is to organize info in problem-solutions 1. Description of situation 2. Identification of problem 3. Description of a solution 4. Description of the solution o Comparison contrast pattern o cause-effect pattern o classification Style o Must be consistent and appropriate for the message and the

audience. Language Focus : The vocabulary shift Verbs o Formal style use verb only whithout preposition : coming up with clear proof offering clear proof Flow o Moving from one statement to another Linking words and phrases (p27- useful!) Addition Adversatitivity Cause and effect Clarification Contrast Illustration intensification

9/12/2012 6:48:00 PM

9/12/2012 6:48:00 PM

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