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This document is for candidate who apply for a job at Kloon. This document describes a test in ASP.NET

The application
The application is loading an form programmatically based on a xml definition. The xml files will define all controls on the form. The application render the form. The application load data from database and fill to the form. User can update/insert data to database by interacting on the form.

Xml definition
In this test, there are limit to 2 kind of controls that can be defined: Textbox and Dropdownlist. Please see the example below. type is type of control (Textbox or Dropdown) id is Id of control, and also a key for data in database (see more in Data model) group defines which group that control belong to. Controls have the same group will be display together. title is the label before the control. With dropdown type, there is a list of item for dropdown. Valua and text are also be defined.

Data model
There is only one table in the database named Data. Table has columns: - Id: int (PK, auto-increase) - Key: nvarchar - Value: nvarchar Column Key is corespond to Id in the xml. Column Value is corespond to value that user input in the form.

The form
Based on the xml, the application will render a form. For the example of xml above, the form will look like below:

User can choose to display control from all group or just display controls from specific group by selecting the group in Group dropdownlist When user click to button Update, all data that filled on the form will be inserted/updated in database.

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