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Haley Griggs Mr.

Neuburger Eng Comp 102104 29 August 2012 Response Essay DoctorsA Life Finally at Peace Jack Kevorkians A Case of Assisted Suicide describes his experiences as a man with the desire to help others with their own pain. In the eyes of the law Kevorkian is a murderer, but in reality he is a compassionate care giver wanting to help others with their pain. At the end of the essay Janet, his first assisted suicide patient shows her gratitude for his help and her dying words are, Thank you, thank you, as if she had finally found peace with herself and the world around her. As she thanks him for relieving her pain and suffering that she had endured, she finally is able to have the relief she longs for. A murderer only gives pain he/she doesnt just go around to the sick and take that pain away. Someone who truly has the want to help others performs these kinds of tasks in life. A man who is a miracle worker, for the first time that cold, dank daywarm sunshine bathed the park. Now he is a man who has pain of his own that can never be healed, who cannot have sunshine for his own. Someone who does what is right in his heart but wrong in the eyes of others.

Kevorkian, Jack. "A Case of Assisted Suicide." Power of Language Language of Power. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-23. Print. Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College.

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