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I am orange, grow in the ground, have a green top and rabbits like me. What am I? A _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I am soft with green leaves. You can use me in many kinds of salad. I am _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I am usually red and you can cook me or eat me raw. I am often made into sauce. I am a _ _ _ _ _ _.

I grow on trees. I am green. I have a very big stone inside me. I am an _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I like to grow in the dark. You can cook me or eat me raw. I am usually brown and white. I am a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce. Missing words: avocado, mushroom, tomato, carrot, lettuce.

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