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Business English 5th Bilingual Secretarial Teacher: Hugo Toledo Fourth Quarterly Homework, 2012


VOCABULARY of selected pages

For each one of the word do the following: 1. Write the word or words 2. Write the pronunciation symbols 3. Write the English meaning(s) 4. Write the title(s) of the word(s) 5. Write the Spanish meanings 6. Write a sentence with each word or group of words. (English-Spanish). 7. Number each sentence from 01 to 243. 8. Highlight all the vocabulary word(s) as in the example. 9. All the content must be written inside a box as in the example.

1) Acknowledgment letter (kn:ldmnt let(r)) a) It is the reply of an order letter. Companies show efficiency and good business relations when they write them. Letters of acknowledgment are also called thank you letters and may contain some information like: thank the customer, say when the order will be shipped, say if the items are in stock or not and when they will be available, can contain a polite refusal and some details not mentioned in the order.

Acknowledgment letter = carta de acuse de recibo (243 words) Our company sent an acknowledgment letter to the prospective customers. Nuestra compaa envi una carta de acuse de recibo a los clientes prospectos.

1. In groups of 4, no less, no more. 2. Your work has to contain: a. Cover i. Full name ii. Code number iii. Additional information b. Introduction c. Content d. Conclusions e. Remarks f. Bibliography 3. This task must be delivered on September 24. 4. By Computer using: FONT=Times New Roman, SIZE=14. 5. Same copies will be null and void. 6. Homework not complete will no longer be received. 7. Homework will be scored: 20 points.

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