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2010 was the worst year of my life.

I will never forget the year 2010; 2010 was the most hurtful, hardest year of my entire life; I faced something that I thought would have never happened to a girl like me. I lost my love, my motivation, my heart, my mind, I just totally lost my everything. Well, I lost my son. When that happened I thought it was the end of the world, I just thought I wasnt going to make it without him because it was like we were just getting to know each other, well let me go head and tell you my true life story. Born on March 30, 2010 I gave life to my very precious son David Price Jr.III born at 24 weeks and at 1 pound 7 oz. When he came in this world I felt happy because I knew that I was going to be the BEST parent. I was going to be very responsible, take good care of my son, and just do what I have to do for my son and just be there for him 1000%. I was the happiest parent when he came into this world. I felt like a little kid finding out that they were going to take a family trip to Walt Disney world. I was just too happy. Okay, yeah that was the happy part, now here is the killer. Well of course you would think any baby born at 1pound 7oz, at 24 weeks, will defiantly be sick because its not yet fully developed. My son was very sick because he was born too early and the main problem was his lungs, they were not fully developed. When he came into this world he was very sick. It really hurt me a lot because it was hard for me to look at my son knowing that he is sick and fighting for his life every day. I knew that when my son was born that he was at that risk of him not making it, knowing that my son can go any day at anytime was a very scary thing for me. I would be up at that hospital everyday all day because I wanted to be there for my son, I mean what mom you know that wouldnt be up at a hospital if their baby is very sick? I was there for him through it all; I wanted to be the best mom to my son. There will be days that I would just stay there in his room and sleep in a chair just so I can be there with him. It was crazy because its like he can sense me when I was there. I love him and miss him so much, and I will give any and everything if the man upstairs will give him back to me. It really hurt me a lot its like I think about him every day. May 5, 2010 was a day that I cant even explain how I felt. It was crazy because I was on my way to my school because I was invited to a lunch for all the moms on Cinco Demio. As Im walking to the bus stop, out of nowhere I just started talking to god I said Lord, please watch over my son, let him be alright until I get there, and that was that Im at the school having a good time and from there I go to my doctor and get a prescription for me to increases my breast milk because around that time my baby was doing just fine, and he needed more milk because he was eating fast and good. At that time I get my prescription from my doctor, drop it off, and I heard to the hospital to chill with my son and let know that mommy was there for him.

About 1 hour passed, and Im getting off the bus and Im walking up to the hospital (Dells Children Hospital) where my son is. As I got off the bus I saw this short black lady running full speed towards me, as shes getting closer and closer to me I noticed it was my mom. Come on, hes about to take his last breath were the words she said, when I heard those words I was like what? Whats going on? I blacked out and we started to sprint through the hospital. When we entered the room there I see David (his daddy), my brother, my uncle, and more people. I started to cry because I had already known what time it was. Everybody was sad and crying, and all the doctors were all in the room crowding over my baby. They was able to bring my son back to life twice, but the third time they tired he would not come back, my son was gone May 5, 2010. I will never ever forget that day.

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