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The Teeth of Jaws

During the documentary The Teeth of Jaws interviews have been carried out. In between interviews cutaways have been used. This is to keep the audience interested in what they are saying, they relate to the topic which is being discussed.

Here people in the documentary are talking about Jaws therefore the cutaway at the beginning between interviews is of the camera following the ocean at a fast speed. Also the Jaws theme tune was used here to outline what they are talking about. The music gets faster as more people are being interviewed and more cutaways are being used.

Voice overs are also used in this documentary. The camera shows what the person is talking about but the audience can still hear their voice. This makes it easier to understand and picture what they are talking about.

In one if the interviews we see the author of Jaws sitting on an immovable chair with the ocean behind him. Again this reinforces the fact that this is about Jaws in the ocean.

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