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to full c apac i t and expell the exce s s i ve gas tnrOU6!

1 t he
neck at the bottom, t hus allowin6 the balloon to
fioat at its ceiling unt i l t he automatic rip-panel is pul
led or the gas at sun down .
3. To develope techni que so that by f requent releases of
balloons, the air mass movement in uppe r air may be
studied and cosmic ray observations made. This
necessitate the sendi ng of numerous sounding balloons
Dr. Pic card, xX :10W lectur iIl3 in the Department of Aeronauti cal
Engineering, at t he Universit y of =innesota, started experiments
with Cellophane balloons for the Bartol Resear ch in
swarthmore, Pa. with Professor Thomas Johnson as collaborator. After
Dr. Piccard I s departure from Swartrilllore to li inneapolis, Dr. Johns -::>n
continued to experiment with Cellophane balloons and according to repe:
the first balloon was destroyed during inflation and the second cease d
reporti ng after reachin3 t hre2 and half mile s al tHlude.. Dr .
Regner in stuttgard, Germany, has also conducted experiments with Cel-
lophane balloons _ Future experi ments with Cel l ophane balloons will be
condu cte d. at t he '_Tniversity of IvIinnesotaji by Dr . Jean F. ? iccard in
col l aboration with Professor John D. Akerman, Head of the De partl ent
of Ae ronautical Engineeri.:lg, and other members of tne Department of
Engineeri ng staff.

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