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About AdAvance Embedded System Advanced Features and Techniques of Embedded Systems Development provides embedded systems developers

the necessary skills to develop complex embedded systems and enables them to improve their designs by using the tools available in the Embedded Development Kit (EDK). This course also helps developers to understand and utilize advance components of embedded system design for architecting a complex system. This course builds on the skills gained in the Embedded Systems Development course. Labs provide hands-on experience with the development, verification, debugging, and simulation of an embedded system. Scope Of Advance Embedded System Several industry groups have formed to foster use of Linux in embedded applications. These include: the CE Linux Forum, founded in 2003 to aid the inclusion of embedded features in the main Linux kernel branch; the Linux Foundation (formerly Open Source Development Labs); the Linux Phone Standards Forum, created in 2004 to pursue a standard applications environment for Linux-based mobile phones and "converged devices"; the LiMo Foundation, founded in 2006 by Motorola, NEC, Panasonic, Samsung, DoCoMo, and Vodafone to establish a set of interfaces and standard reference components to improve the third-party mobile phone developer base; and the San Francisco, California-based Embedded Linux Consortium, which, until its 2005 closure and transfer of operations to the Linux Foundation, included IBM, Intel, LynuxWorks, and others, and focused on application programming interface standardization. The Embedded Linux Consortium produced the ELCPS (Embedded Linux Consortium Platform Specification) which was intended as a guide to developers of embedded Linux devices as to what functionality should be included in order to provide a standard platform supporting application portability. Kevin Dankwardt spoke up about the ELC's efforts and later contributed significantly to the standard

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