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NAME: _______________________

DATE: _________________

Inductive Grammar Chart (Unit 6, page 49) GRAMMAR. The simple present tense: questions with What, Why, and Which / One and ones
Look at these examples.

What do you need? (A blue and white tie.) Why do they want that suit? (Because its nice.) Which sweater do you want? (The blue one.)

What does she want? (New shoes.) Why does she like this tie? (Because its green.) Which shoes does she like? (The black ones.)

Complete these grammar rules. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Begin information questions with ________. a. What, Why, or Which
do / does

b. Do or Does

Use _________ with I, you, we, or they. Use _________ with he, she, or it.
do / does

Use ________ to answer questions with why. Answer Which questions about singular nouns with _________ and plural nouns
one / ones

with _________.
one / ones

Top Notch Fundamentals, Second Edition

Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 6

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