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Topaz Garments Store

A store is a life line of an garments industry, a place where raw materials such as fabrics, accessories etc are store for further production and finish garments are stored for dispatch thus having a 2 way linkage. Store of Topaz Garments works in a similar way receiving goods from supplier and storing it and issuing good to other departments (sampling, cutting, finishing, sub store) when goods are demanded through requisition. When an order is placed, merchandising department estimates the cost, determines the Fabric requirement. Determines Accessories requirement (e.g. Thread, Button, Interlining, Label, Carton etc) Sourcing of fabrics and accessories. And then places an order with the supplier. After the material arrives the work of store starts. Store receives the good. And Store dispatches good when specific department demands goods through requisition department such as (sampling, Cutting, Substore, and Finishing).

The Process of Store

Merchandising (place the order)

Store (Receive the goods)






Figure 1

Findings Merchandising and store

When a order is confirmed merchandising department estimaties and order the fabrics and accessories. Copy of buyers order along with purchase order doucument of fabrics and accessories are send to the store thus informing store that new order is confirmed,and inventory for that specific good is odered. When goods are received by the store the goods are checked against the packing list provided by the merchandising department. If the amount of goods equal to the amount of good order , store makes a inventory report which is pass on to the merchandising department. But if there is any problem with the amount they notify the problem to the merchandising department and then makes the inventory and the goods are marked by Bin card..And keep the goods until those are required by department. Documents fowareded by the merchandiser to the store are:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Buyers Purchase order Fabric and accessores booking document Trim card Technical specification pack Packing list Invoice Orginal/Non-negotiable B/L LAC No: Letter of Authority Letter of Guarantee

Store and Cutting Department:

When goods are issued from store to cutting department. Both side uses register. Store records the quantity of goods that are issued to cutting department according to style no and story. While cutting department records the quantity of goods that they receive according to style no and story and bale no. Cutting department also take fabrics to check the qualatiy of fabric using fabric checking machine and also checks the quatitiy of fabrics to see if it is equal the quantity order. If there is any problem it is repoted to the store and store reports it to the merchandisnig department.

Store and Sampling Department:

Sampling department sends a requestion for the material they require based on which store issue goods.And also issue Gate Pass for sampling department when they send sample outside factorty for inspection. Person who comes to take the goods from the department has to sign the registerand the requestion sheet before receving the goods.

Substore and Store:

Substore is a small store that takes thread buttons etc from the store through requestion, Person who comes to take the goods from the department has to sign the register and the requestion sheet before receving the goods.Substore keeps the goods with them until it is require by different line , they calculate how much each line requires and distributes the goods to the line.

Finishing and store:

Finishing is the last stage of production they require things like hanger, poly pack, tissue ets they also receive goods from store by requestion andhas to sign the store register and requestion form.

Store Floor:
Inventory in the store floor are kept in different categories such as hanger, Thread, Button, tag, fabric, etc are kept is differennt part of store. Though stock are maintained well, It can be maitained better , if stocks are maintain according to buyer and subdivided in to style and story will help store to be more efficient as well as help other department to trace down goods quickly when it is required. Documents Maintain by the Store are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Copy of Purchase Order Inventory Report Register book of Accessories (button, hanger, thread etc) Register book of fabrics Gate pass book Challan Wash Register Book File of Individual order (Style)

Present Store layout


Spare Machinery

Sample Clothes


Spare Threads
Threads (Colins, new look, Mondial ETC)

Butto n

Labels stock/ Tags

Buttons (Colins, New look)

Stock Lot

Stock lot

New look

New look




Stock Lot

Stock of Old Cloth


New Look











At present the layout above show how goods are stocked though fabrics can be easily be traceable but threads Button are stored togather though they are marked by Bin Card showing style number, story and story name but it would have been better if specifc orders goods are kept all togather this will help good to easily be traceable. Thus reducing time and increasing increasing efficiency. Layout below show how store should be re-modeled

Proposed Store Layout

Spare Machinery Spare Labels



Stock Lot and spare thread

Suggested Store Layout:

New Look Mondial


Bin Card

Bin Card


Bin Card

Bin Card





Style/ Story


Style/ Story


Style/ Story


Style/ Story


Spare Fabrics


1. 2. 3. 4.

Hanger Tissue Tags ETC

Bin Card

Bin Card



Style/ Story


Style/ Story

Inventory Management
In Topaz garments there is no modern inventory management system in existence. Though inventory report is made and forwarded to the concern departments, but some time there might be lack of communication thus having a risk of creating problem, which hampers the production as well as revenue of Topaz Garments. So to minimize this risk involved. Topaz group should adopt modern inventory management system such as: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): In order to improve productivity and control, Topaz Garments store can seriously consider the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for day-to-day operations. This wireless technology increases efficiency of warehouse management because, unlike bar codes which must be scanned manually to feed in the information on the computers, RF tags broadcast a signal with information about the product they are attached to and about the location of the product in the warehouse. RFID technology provides an interesting option to complement data collection and product identification in the supply chain management and warehouse operation. The main purpose of using RFID is to increase warehouse efficiency by reducing labor, reducing discrepancy and logistic costs that are otherwise skyrocketing and provides everincreasing pressure on profit margins in todays competitive environment. It is cost-efficient because the warehouses can now streamline several operational areas inside their premises. For example, picture a typical warehouse where staff receives stock accompanied by paperwork detailing items in the delivery. Staff members then manually check each goods against the manifest. The drawback of this method is that store staff cannot see what items are in which box, or whether items were missing until each box had been individually checked. Many of these operation areas might benefit from radio frequency (RF) communications technology. This wireless technology in warehouses can help establish a simple paperless, on-line communication between operations and the staff's computer. A wireless warehouse, that uses RFID Technology, works by linking warehouse workers to the back-end warehouse management application server where warehouse activities are being recorded via wireless handheld devices, scanning bar codes or RF tags attached to the pallets. These devices help employees to identify where to pick, put away, count, or move products within the plant. This translates to a better control over the movement and storage of materials within the warehouse by maximizing the efficiency of the receipt and shipment of goods, optimizing warehouse space utilization and knowing at all times exactly where goods are stored, allowing employees to improve and maintain high customer service levels. Bar-coding: A barcode can be described as an "optical Morse code". Series of black bars and white space of varying widths are printed on labels to uniquely identify items. The barcode labels are read with a scanner, which measures reflected light and interprets the code into numbers and letters that are passed on to a computer. Barcode data collection systems provide enormous benefits for just about any business. With a barcode data collection solution, capturing data is faster and more accurate, costs are lower, mistakes are minimized, and managing inventory is much easier.

\ Fast and Reliable Data Collection: Faster Data Entry: A barcode scanner typically can record data five to seven times as fast as a skilled typist.

10,000 Times better Accuracy: Keyboard data entry creates an average of one error in 300 keystrokes. Barcode data entry has an error rate of about 1 in 3 million. Necessary Inventory Levels: Using barcodes are one of the best ways to reduce inventory levels and save on capital costs. Keeping a tight handle on inventory can save significant amounts of money. Improved Management and Better Decision Making: Although hard to measure, this is an important benefit. In many cases, improved management due to automated data collection technology could be the best benefit of a barcode system. A barcode system can easily gather information that would be difficult or impossible to gather in other ways. This allows managers to make fully informed decisions that can affect the direction of a department or company. Faster Access to Information: This benefit goes hand in hand with better decision-making. With better information, you can gain opportunities and get the jump on the competition.

Store Staff & Office

Most Store staffs do their work with sincerity, however there are some who neglect their work and sleep during duty hours and roam around, thus having negative effect on other staff. Store staff can be motivated by providing them proper chair and table in the store.

The work process of store is good but it should be modernized which will enhance efficiency reduce lead time reduce discrepancy. Topaz Group has a plan to expand, if the company modernized its facilities it will boost companys expansion process, reduce cost and increase profit.

Recommendation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inventory Management system should be installed. CCTV should be installed for better security. If possible staff should be reshuffled. Tighter security should be imposed in store. Paper work among department should be more clear/ transparent. Swatch of each product should be maintained and swatch should also be included in the bin card.

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