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1. Install Adobe Dreamweaver 2.

Install Wamp server

Creating Database 1. Open-up wamp server

2. Click start all services 3. Click PhpMyAdmin 4. Type database name student, click button create.

5. Type table name information and number of fields 5, click button go


Insert all the entities, set all as varchar and the length, click save.

Now, one table has created.

Create connection between dreamweaver and and server. 1. Open-up adobe dreamweaver 2. Go to Files section, choose Manage sites

3. Click New, choose Site

4. Name the site as student and click next

5. Check Yes, and choose PHP MySQL, click next

6. Click folder icon, find c:, open wamp folder, open www folder.

Create a new folder, name it as student.

After that, open student folder, click select.

The directory will be as above . Then click, next

7. Choose Local/Network, click folder icon to select the same directory again.

8. Set the directory as shown below, click Test URL and the successful pop-up message will appear. Just click ok, and click the next button.

9. Click next until finish.

Create connection between dreamweaver and database. 1. In Application section, click + sign under database tab, click MySqlConnection.

2. Set the connection name,mysql server and user name and click select

3. Choose student, click ok.

4. Click Test and this message will appear, and click ok, click ok again to finish this step.

Now, you can view the database.

Create registration page

1. Create a php page Go to File, New.. , and choose PHP, click button create.

2. Go to Insert, Data Objects, Insert Record, Record Insertion from Wizard. Choose connection student, and click ok

3. Now, save the file. 4. Run the page by clicking, choose preview in Firefox or IExplore

Now try insert the record. 5. You can view back the data you have inserted in PhpMyAdmin. Click Browse and you can see the data.

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