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Big bang theory

The Big Bang theory is an accepted theory of how the Universe began. According to the Big Bang theory, our Universe burst into sudden existence in a massive explosion called the Big Bang and it's still evolving. The Big Bang probably occurred around 13.7 billion years ago. All of the matter and radiation in the universe started out in an extremely hot, dense state similar to a fireball. From this state, the universe expanded rapidly. Matter and radiation from the fireball expanded and cooled. Protons and neutrons are formed. Minutes later, hydrogen, and other elements were created. Millions and millions of years later, galaxies and stars started to form. From what we can observe, the Universe continues to expand even today, and galaxies move farther and farther apart. The universe is composed of approximately 74% hydrogen, 24% helium, and other elements. Astronomers have differing opinions about what may happen to the universe in the future. We know that there is a finite amount of hydrogen in existence and once it's gone, all stars will stop shining. The Universe wont be able to expand forever.

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