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Pixie's Story: The Pains in my Life

Pixie has 2 step-sisters-Hetty Payne and Sophie Payne. The 'Paynes'(or pains) always fight with each other and one day,one of them has to sleep in Pixie's room. Hetty is rude and quite mean,(as example) she had role the cat with the mat! Pixie was planning to get Hetty out,so she make some fuss. She told Hetty that the room is haunted but she doesn't believe her. Day by day,she hate Hetty even more because Hetty is always the best?(excellent at school,good attitude) Pixie got fed-up and finally had a quarrel with her step-mother. She told her that it was unfair and both started to cry. Finally, they can get along well with each other and live in a happy family..

Robbo's Story: Dumpa's the Problem

Robbo's parents divorced when he was 6years old. He then has a step-father,called 'Mr. Beard' His sister,Callie doesn't like him because he like to picks on her a lot. But when Dumpa was born,'The Beard' became more bossy. Callie even imitated his voice of telling her what to do,and what she can't do. One day, Mr. Beard and Mom quarrel and he stormed out. Callie thought he would go out forever but he came back. It was because of Dumpa,who is really fond of his Dad. At last, Callie had to move out in order to solve their problem and for Dumpa's sake.

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