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25-6-11 NUCLEOS FONETICOS -If the information is new in the advance the nucleos ussually corresponds to the last

content word (nouns,adjectives,adverbs) Example: A: Are you enyoing the course? N B: Well I dont like the teacher. N ... A: What do you think of the teacher? N B: Well i dont like the teacher. N -If the content word has a broader meaning it is deaccented. Example A: Do you like dogs N B: I like all animals N Because animal is a broader meaning it is repeating the wor dogs, so the nucleus moves to the next content word -When we affirm o deny something previously mentioned, the nucleos goes on the auxiliary verb or negative particle. Example: A: You dont like mozart, do you? N B: I do like mozart. N - When we want to enfasize the tense: A: Does billy keep himself fit? N B: Well he did manage to/ untill his operation. N(T:V:1) N(T:V:2) - Pronouns may be accented to emphasize a change of person: A: I know what I like,/ but what do you like? N N --------------------- -------------------------first tone unit second tone unit T.U.1 T.U.1

- Broad and narrow focus: BROAD/NARROW FOCUS We can focus the attention on the whole of what we are saying or just on a limited part of it. Broad focus: A: What does michael do? N B:He writes novels. N Narrow focus: A: What does michael write,plays? N B: No he writes novels. N .... A: Does michael read novels? B:I dont know/ but he certanly writes novels. _________N__ N 2 tone, es otra posibilidad -Event sentences -The nucleus is usually atracted to the ----A: the phone is ringing. N - A fully lexical noun phrase object usually atractes the nucleus even when fronted( front position): A: The teachers given us a problem to solve. N .... A: Which programme did you watch? N -In broad focus final adverbes and adverbial phrases are often the deaccented: A: There going to dinner tommorrow. N adv.

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