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Bureaucracy develops-> Monarch is the only person making decisions. Growth of country is compromised As the state expands in size it becomes less possible for the King to control everything. The more decisions the King took upon himself the slower things became as everything had to go through numerous different circles of government e.g. Philip II of Spain frequently said I have a lot to send you from yesterday, but it is not possible now. I will do it tomorrow. Monarch abuses his power: A poor Monarch may abuse his power to create biased laws and policies that favor a particular group of individuals Because effectively the specifics of the Constitution is determined by the Monarch, a poor monarch can take advantage of this loophole Divisions in ideologies and beliefs:

Lack of support= short lived reign Less time to carry out substantial action Country is frequently in political turmoil because of frequent usurping When the country is relatively small (physically,economically)

Decisive action can be carried out without approval from numerous parties Growth of country may be facilitated. When the Monarch is fair and just:

ensures the Constitution is favorably formulated and always abided by. Can use his power to coerce others to abide by the Constitution e.g. The 2010 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) researched by Transparency International shows that constitutional monarchies dominate the top 10 least corrupt nations on earth. Not only is crime lower in constitutional monarchies, but recent studies also demonstrate that constitutional monarchies generally do better in global competitiveness, economic freedom, human development, life expectancy and the general perception of personal happiness. Monarch is well supported: Can be due to similarities in race, religion, political beliefs or belief in absolute power of Monarch-> Monarch becomes a symbol of unity, prosperity and stability. More unified-> where the Monarch is the unifying force e.g. Does it surprise you that "among the 10 richest countries of the world, 7 are monarchies." The "per capita income of the 45 monarchies [throughout the world] average $17,000, to compare with the [the rest of the world who] average $7,200 world per capital income."

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