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Words in This List

chicanery noun trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry indigenous adjective originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country trepidation noun tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation admonitory adjective tending or serving to admonish alleviate verb make easier to endure amalgamate verb mix or merge so as to make a combination ambidextrous adjective able to use both hands equally well apotheosis noun elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god arboreal adjective or pertaining to trees asperity noun harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner benevolence noun desire to do good to others castigation noun criticize or reprimand severely commodious adjective spacious and convenient

contumacious (adjective)
Stubbornly perverse or rebellious dereliction noun deliberate or conscious neglect

detumescence (noun)

reduction or subsidence of swelling disencumber verb free from a burden or other encumbrance efficacy noun capacity for producing a desired result or effect effluvia noun slight or invisible exhalation or vapor effrontery noun shameless or impudent boldness empirical adjective derived from or guided by experience or experiment encomium noun formal expression of high praise

exigency noun exigent state or character exoneration noun clear, as of an accusation

expatiate (verb)
enlarge in discourse or writing

fulmination (noun)
violent denunciation or censure ignominious adjective marked by or attended with ignominy inimical adjective adverse in tendency or effect

insouciant (adjective)
free from concern, worry, or anxiety intransigent adjective refusing to agree or compromise labyrinthine adjective of, pertaining to, or resembling a labyrinth laudatory adjective containing or expressing praise machination noun instance of machinating

obstreperous (adjective)
resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner palatial adjective of, pertaining to, or resembling a palace penurious adjective extremely stingy

perfidious (adjective)
deliberately faithless propinquity noun nearness in place

recalcitrant (adjective)
resisting authority or control recidivism noun repeated or habitual relapse, as into crime

recreancy (adjective)
cowardly or craven redoubtable adjective that is to be feared

sophomoric (adjective)
or pertaining to a sophomore or sophomores soporific adjective causing or tending to cause sleep stentorian adjective very loud or powerful in sound

tautology (noun)
needless repetition of an idea

ubiquitous adjective existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time

vacillation (noun)
instance of vacillating

vituperate (verb)
use or address with harsh or abusive language

Words in This List (Similar

to Irony and related concepts)

dramatic irony n. irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. irony n., the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: sarcasm n. harsh or bitter derision or irony. sardonicism adj. characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering: satire n. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. schadenfreude n. satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. socratic-irony n. pretended ignorance in discussio

Words in This List (GRE)

abase v.t., to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade. abate v.t. to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish: abdicate v.i. to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, esp. in a formal manner: aberrant adj. departing from the right, normal, or usual course. abeyance n. temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension: abjure v.t., to renounce, repudiate, or retract, esp. with formal solemnity; recant: abscond v.i. to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal prosecution: abstain v.i. to hold oneself back voluntarily, esp. from something regarded as improper or unhealthy (usually fol. by from): abstemious adj. sparing or moderate in eating and drinking; temperate in diet. abyss n. a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm.

accretion n. an increase by natural growth or by gradual external addition; growth in size or extent. acme n. the highest point; summit; peak: aerie n. the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk. alacrity n. cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness: amalgamate v.t. to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: ameliorate v.t., v.i., to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve; meliorate. amortize v.t., to liquidate or extinguish (a mortgage, debt, or other obligation), esp. by periodic payments to the creditor or to a sinking fund. amulet n. a small object worn to ward off evil, harm, or illness or to bring good fortune; protecting charm. anachronism n. something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time: analgesia n. absence of sense of pain. anodyne n. a medicine that relieves or allays pain. anomaly n., a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form. antagonize v.t. to make hostile or unfriendly; make an enemy or antagonist of: antipathy n., a natural, basic, or habitual repugnance; aversion. apathy n., absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement. apocryphal adj. of doubtful authorship or authenticity. apostate n. a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc. approbation n. approval; commendation. arbitrate v.t. to decide as arbitrator or arbiter; determine. archaic adj. marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated: ardor n. great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion: arrogate v.t., to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right:

articulate adj. uttered clearly in distinct syllables. assail v.t. to attack vigorously or violently; assault. assuage v.t., to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: attenuate v.t. to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value: audacious adj. extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: august adj. inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic: austere adj. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: axiom n. a self-evident truth that requires no proof. banal adj. devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite: belfry n., a bell tower, either attached to a church or other building or standing apart. bevy n., a group of birds, as larks or quail, or animals, as roebuck, in close association. bifurcate v.t., v.i. to divide or fork into two branches. bilk v.t. to defraud; cheat: blight v.t. to destroy; ruin; frustrate: blithe adj., joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful: bombastic adj. (of speech, writing, etc.) high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious. bonhomie n. frank and simple good-heartedness; a good-natured manner; friendliness; geniality. burgeon v.i. to grow or develop quickly; flourish: burnish v.t. to polish (a surface) by friction. cabal n. a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority. cacophony n., harsh discordance of sound; dissonance: calumny n., a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something:

canard n., a false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report, or rumor. candid adj. frank; outspoken; open and sincere: capricious adj. subject to, led by, or indicative of caprice or whim; erratic: cartography n. the production of maps, including construction of projections, design, compilation, drafting, and reproduction. castigate v.t., to criticize or reprimand severely. catalyst n. a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected. catholic adj. universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all. caustic adj. capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue. chauvinist n. biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause. chicanery n., trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry: circumspect adj. watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent: coalesce v.i. to grow together or into one body: coffer n. a box or chest, esp. one for valuables. cogent adj. convincing or believable by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation; telling. collusion n. a secret agreement, esp. for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy: condone v.t., to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like). connoisseur n. a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgments in an art, particularly one of the fine arts, or in matters of taste: corroborate v.t. to make more certain; confirm: coterie n. a group of people who associate closely. craven adj. cowardly; contemptibly timid; pusillanimous. credulous adj. willing to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullible. crescendo n. a gradual, steady increase in loudness or force.

cupidity n. eager or excessive desire, esp. to possess something; greed; avarice. curmudgeon n. a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person. debutante n. a young woman making a debut into society. declivity n., a downward slope, as of ground ( decorous adj. characterized by dignified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc. decorum n. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc. deface v.t., to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure: deference n. respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another. deleterious adj. injurious to health: demagogue n. a person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people. demur v.i. to make objection, esp. on the grounds of scruples; take exception; object: deride v.t., to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at; mock. desiccate v.t. to dry thoroughly; dry up. desultory adj. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: diaphanous adj. very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent. diatribe n. a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism: dictum n., an authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion. diffident adj. lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy. dilatory adj. tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy. dilettante n. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, esp. in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler. dirge n. a funeral song or tune, or one expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead. disabuse v.t., to free (a person) from deception or error.

discern v.t. to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend: disparate adj. distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar: dissemble v.t. to give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of: dissonance n. inharmonious or harsh sound; discord; cacophony. distend v.t., v.i. to expand by stretching, as something hollow or elastic: dither n. a trembling; vibration. diurnal adj. of or pertaining to a day or each day; daily. divine v.t. to discover or declare (something obscure or in the future) by divination; prophesy. doctrinaire n. a person who tries to apply some doctrine or theory without sufficient regard for practical considerations; an impractical theorist. dogma n., a system of principles or tenets, as of a church. dogmatic adj. asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated. droll adj. amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous; waggish. dupe n. a person who is easily deceived or fooled; gull. ebullient adj. overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: edify v.t., to instruct or benefit, esp. morally or spiritually; uplift: effigy n., a representation or image, esp. sculptured, as on a monument. effrontery n., shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity: elegy n., a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, esp. a funeral song or a lament for the dead. embellish v.t. to enhance (a statement or narrative) with fictitious additions. encomium n., a formal expression of high praise; eulogy: endemic adj. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous: enervate v.t. to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.

engender v.t. to produce, cause, or give rise to: enigma n., a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation: ephemeral adj. lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory: epicure n. a person who cultivates a refined taste, esp. in food and wine; connoisseur. equivocate v.i., to use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead; prevaricate or hedge: ersatz adj. serving as a substitute; synthetic; artificial: erudite adj. characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly: eschew v.t. to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid: esoteric adj. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: estimable adj. worthy of esteem; deserving respect or admiration. ethos n. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: eulogy n., a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, esp. a set oration in honor of a deceased person. euphemism n. the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt. euphony n., agreeableness of sound; pleasing effect to the ear, esp. a pleasant sounding or harmonious combination or succession of words: exacerbate v.t., to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate. exculpate v.t., to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame; vindicate. exigent adj. requiring immediate action or aid; urgent; pressing. exonerate v.t., to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate: exponent n. a person or thing that is a representative, advocate, type, or symbol of something: expurgate v.t., to amend by removing words, passages, etc., deemed offensive or objectionable: fallow adj. not in use; inactive: fatuous adj.

foolish or inane, esp. in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly. fecund adj. producing or capable of producing offspring, fruit, vegetation, etc., in abundance; prolific; fruitful: fervid adj. heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.: forestall v.t. to prevent, hinder, or thwart by action in advance: fortuitous adj. happening or produced by chance; accidental: fractious adj. refractory or unruly: frenetic adj. frantic; frenzied. frugality adj. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: furtive adj. taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret: gambol v.i. to skip about, as in dancing or playing; frolic. garner v.t. to gather or deposit in or as if in a granary or other storage place. garrulous adj. excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters. glib adj., readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so: glower v.i. to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger. gradation n. any process or change taking place through a series of stages, by degrees, or in a gradual manner. gregarious adj. fond of the company of others; sociable. grievous adj. causing grief or great sorrow: grovel v.i., to humble oneself or act in an abject manner, as in great fear or utter servility. guile n. insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity. gullible adj. easily deceived or cheated. hapless adj. unlucky; luckless; unfortunate. hegemony n., leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation. hermetic adj.

made airtight by fusion or sealing. hoary adj., gray or white with age: husband v.t. to manage, esp. with prudent economy. hyperbole n. obvious and intentional exaggeration. iconoclast n. a person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc., as being based on error or superstition. idiosyncrasy n., a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual. ignoble adj. of low character, aims, etc.; mean; base: imbue v.t., to saturate or impregnate with moisture, color, etc. impasse n. a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock. impecunious adj. having little or no money; penniless; poor. impervious adj. not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable: impetuous adj. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: impious adj. not pious or religious; lacking reverence for God, religious practices, etc.; irreligious; ungodly. implacable adj. not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable: imprecation n. the act of imprecating; cursing. impugn v.t. to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon. incarnadine adj. blood-red; crimson. inchoate adj. not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary. inculcate v.t., to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently and earnestly (usually fol. by upon or in): indolent adj. having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful: inexorable adj. unyielding; unalterable: ingenuous adj. free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere. ingrate n.

an ungrateful person. ingratiate v.t., to establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others, esp. by deliberate effort (usually fol. by with): inimical adj. unfriendly; hostile: iniquity n., a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin. innocuous adj. not harmful or injurious; harmless: inquest n. a legal or judicial inquiry, usually before a jury, esp. an investigation made by a coroner into the cause of a death. insipid adj. without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid: insurrection n. an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. inter v.t., to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury. interregnum n., an interval of time between the close of a sovereign's reign and the accession of his or her normal or legitimate successor. intractable adj. not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn; obstinate: intransigent adj. refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible. intrepid adj. resolutely fearless; dauntless: inundate v.t., to flood; cover or overspread with water; deluge. inure v.t. to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually fol. by to): invective n. an insulting or abusive word or expression. investiture n. the formal bestowal, confirmation, or presentation of rank, office, or a possessory or prescriptive right, usually involving the giving of insignia or an official title. invidious adj. calculated to create ill will or resentment or give offense; hateful: irascible adj. easily provoked to anger; very irritable: itinerant adj. traveling from place to place, esp. on a circuit, as a minister, judge, or sales representative; itinerating; journeying. jargon n. unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing; gibberish. jettison v.t. to throw off (something) as an obstacle or burden; discard. jocular

adj. given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting; waggish; facetious: judicious adj. using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic: juncture n. a point of time, esp. one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances: keen adj., finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: kindle v.t. to excite; stir up or set going; animate; rouse; inflame: knell n. the sound made by a bell rung slowly, esp. for a death or a funeral. lachrymose adj. suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful. laconic adj. using few words; expressing much in few words; concise: lampoon n. a sharp, often virulent satire directed against an individual or institution; a work of literature, art, or the like, ridiculing severely the character or behavior of a person, society, etc. languid adj. lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow: lapidary n. a worker who cuts, polishes, and engraves precious stones. lassitude n. weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor. latent adj. present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential: laud v.t. to praise; extol. lavish adj. expended, bestowed, or occurring in profusion: leery adj., wary; suspicious (usually fol. by of): legerdemain n. trickery; deception. lethargic adj. of, pertaining to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish. levity n., lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness or earnestness. liberal adj. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc. libertine n. a freethinker in religious matters. licentious adj. unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.

limpid adj. clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air: lionize v.t. to treat (a person) as a celebrity: lissome adj. lithesome or lithe, esp. of body; supple; flexible. listless adj. having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent: livid adj. having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails. lugubrious adj. mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner: lumber v.i. to move clumsily or heavily, esp. from great or ponderous bulk: luminous adj. radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright. machination n. an act or instance of machinating. maelstrom n. a restless, disordered, or tumultuous state of affairs: magnate n. a person of great influence, importance, or standing in a particular enterprise, field of business, etc.: malediction n. a curse; imprecation. malinger v.i. to pretend illness, esp. in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc. martinet n. a strict disciplinarian, esp. a military one. maudlin adj. tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental: mendacious adj. telling lies, esp. habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: mendicant adj. begging; practicing begging; living on alms. mercurial adj. changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic: meretricious adj. alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry. meticulous adj. taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: missive n. a written message; letter. mitigate v.t. to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.

mollify v.t., to soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease. molt v.i. (of birds, insects, reptiles, etc.) to cast or shed the feathers, skin, or the like, that will be replaced by a new growth. monastic adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a secluded, dedicated, or austere manner of living. monotony n. the continuance of an unvarying sound; monotone. multifarious adj. numerous and varied; greatly diverse or manifold: myopic adj. unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted. nadir n. the lowest point; point of greatest adversity or despair. nascent adj. beginning to exist or develop: neologism n. a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase. neophyte n. a beginner or novice: nettle v.t. to irritate, annoy, or provoke. noisome adj. offensive or disgusting, as an odor. nominal adj. being such in name only; so-called; putative: nuance n., a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc. obdurate adj. unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding. oblique adj. neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping. obsequious adj. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: obstinate adj. firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty. obviate v.t., to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unnecessary: occlude v.t. to close, shut, or stop up (a passage, opening, etc.). officious adj. objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: onerous adj. burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship:

opaque adj. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through. opine v.t., v.i., to hold or express an opinion. opprobrium n. the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful; infamy. orotund adj. (of a style of speaking) pompous or bombastic. ossify v.t. to convert into or cause to harden like bone. ostensible adj. apparent, evident, or conspicuous: ostentation n. the act of showing or exhibiting; display. overwrought v.t. to cause to work too hard, too much, or too long; weary or exhaust with work (often used reflexively): palatial adj. of, pertaining to, or resembling a palace: palliate v.t., to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate. pallid adj. pale; faint or deficient in color; wan: panache n. a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair: panegyric n. formal or elaborate praise. panoply n., a wide-ranging and impressive array or display: paradox n. a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. paragon n. a model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence. pare v.t., to reduce or remove by or as by cutting; diminish or decrease gradually (often fol. by down): pariah n. an outcast. parley n. an informal conference between enemies under a truce, esp. to discuss terms, conditions of surrender, etc. parry v.t. to ward off (a thrust, stroke, weapon, etc.), as in fencing; avert. pastiche n. a literary, musical, or artistic piece consisting wholly or chiefly of motifs or techniques borrowed from one or more sources. pathogenic adj. capable of producing disease:

peccadillo n., a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault. pedant n. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning. pejorative adj. having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force: penury n. extreme poverty; destitution. peregrinate v.i. to travel or journey, esp. to walk on foot. perfidious adj. deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: perfunctory adj. performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: peripatetic n. a person who walks or travels about. permeate v.t. to pass into or through every part of: perspicacious adj. having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning: pervade v.t., to become spread throughout all parts of: phalanx n. any body of troops in close array. philistine n. a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes. phlegmatic adj. not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish. pithy adj., brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse; forcible: placate v.t., to appease or pacify, esp. by concessions or conciliatory gestures: plastic adj. capable of being molded or of receiving form: plebeian adj. belonging or pertaining to the common people. plethora n. overabundance; excess: plucky adj., having or showing pluck or courage; brave: polemic n. a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc. politic adj.

shrewd or prudent in practical matters; tactful; diplomatic. polyglot adj. able to speak or write several languages; multilingual. potentate n. a person who possesses great power, as a sovereign, monarch, or ruler. pragmatic adj. of or pertaining to a practical point of view or practical considerations. prattle v.i. to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble. precipitate v.t. to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: precis n. a concise summary. prescient n. knowledge of things before they exist or happen; foreknowledge; foresight. prevaricate v.i., to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie. pristine adj. having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied. probity n. integrity and uprightness; honesty. proclivity n., natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition: prodigal adj. wastefully or recklessly extravagant: profligate adj. utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. proliferate v.i., v.t., to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division, or by procreation. propitiate v.t. to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate. propriety n., conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners. prudence n. caution with regard to practical matters; discretion. puerile adj. childishly foolish; immature or trivial: pugilism n. the art or practice of fighting with the fists; boxing. pulchritude n. physical beauty; comeliness. pungent adj. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid. pusillanimous adj.

lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid. querulous adj. full of complaints; complaining. quiescent adj. being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: quixotic adj. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable. quotidian adj. daily: raconteur n., a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. rarefy v.t. to make rare or rarer; make less dense: redress n. the setting right of what is wrong: rejoinder n. an answer to a reply; response. repast n. the time during which a meal is eaten; mealtime. replete adj. abundantly supplied or provided; filled (usually fol. by with): repose n. peace; tranquillity; calm. repudiate v.t., to reject as having no authority or binding force: requite v.t., to make repayment or return for (service, benefits, etc.). restive adj. impatient of control, restraint, or delay, as persons; restless; uneasy. reticent adj. disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved. rhetoric n. the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech. ribald adj. vulgar or indecent in speech, language, etc.; coarsely mocking, abusive, or irreverent; scurrilous. rococo n. a style of architecture and decoration, originating in France about 1720, evolved from Baroque types and distinguished by its elegant refinement in using different materials for a delicate overall effect and by its ornament of shellwork, foliage, etc. rustic adj. of, pertaining to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural. sacrosanct adj. extremely sacred or inviolable: sagacious adj. having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: salient

adj. prominent or conspicuous: salubrious adj. favorable to or promoting health; healthful: sanguine adj. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: sardonic adj. characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering: satiate v.t. to satisfy to the full; sate. scintilla n. a minute particle; spark; trace: sedition n. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government. sentient adj. having the power of perception by the senses; conscious. sinecure n. an office or position requiring little or no work, esp. one yielding profitable returns. slake v.t. to allay (thirst, desire, wrath, etc.) by satisfying. sobriquet n., a nickname. solecism n. a nonstandard or ungrammatical usage, as unflammable and they was. soporific adj. causing or tending to cause sleep. spartan adj. brave; undaunted. specious adj. apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: sportive adj. playful or frolicsome; jesting, jocose, or merry: stentorian adj. very loud or powerful in sound: stolid adj. not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive. stratagem n. a plan, scheme, or trick for surprising or deceiving an enemy. sublime adj. elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.: Paradise Lost is sublime poetry. sully v.t. to soil, stain, or tarnish. supplant v.t. to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like. surfeit

n. excess; an excessive amount: sybarite n. a person devoted to luxury and pleasure. symbiosis n., the living together of two dissimilar organisms, as in mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, or parasitism. tacit adj. understood without being openly expressed; implied: taciturn adj. inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation. talon n. a claw, esp. of a bird of prey. tangential adj. divergent or digressive, as from a subject under consideration: tawdry adj. (of finery, trappings, etc.) gaudy; showy and cheap. toady n. an obsequious flatterer; sycophant. tome n. a volume forming a part of a larger work. torpor n. sluggish inactivity or inertia. transitory adj. not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal. trenchant adj. incisive or keen, as language or a person; caustic; cutting: turgid adj. swollen; distended; tumid. tyro n., a beginner in learning anything; novice. umbrage n. offense; annoyance; displeasure: unconscionable adj. not guided by conscience; unscrupulous. unequivocal adj. absolute; unqualified; not subject to conditions or exceptions: upbraid v.t. to find fault with or reproach severely; censure: usury n., the lending or practice of lending money at an exorbitant interest. vacillate v.i., to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute: venerate v.t., to regard or treat with reverence; revere. veracity

n., conformity to truth or fact; accuracy: verbose adj. characterized by the use of many or too many words; wordy: verdant adj. green with vegetation; covered with growing plants or grass: vernal adj. of or pertaining to spring: vestige n. a footprint; track. vex v.t. to irritate; annoy; provoke: vicissitude n. a change or variation occurring in the course of something. vim n. lively or energetic spirit; enthusiasm; vitality. viscous adj. of a glutinous nature or consistency; sticky; thick; adhesive. vituperate v.i., v.t., to use or address with harsh or abusive language; revile. volatile adj. evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor: voluble adj. characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative: wan adj. of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color: wanton adj. done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably: whimsical adj. erratic; unpredictable: wily adj., full of, marked by, or proceeding from wiles; crafty; cunning. winsome adj. sweetly or innocently charming; winning; engaging: wraith n. an apparition of a living person supposed to portend his or her death. xenophobia n. an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange. yoke v.t. to join, couple, link, or unite. zeal n. fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor. zenith n. a highest point or state; culmination. zephyr

n. a gentle, mild breeze. lucid adjective easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible convoluted adjective twisted or coiled; complicated or intricately involved misanthrope noun a person who dislikes other people foment verb to instigate or foster discord or ill feeling fetid adjective having an offensive odor; stinking waver noun an act of fluttering or vacillating flag verb to fall off in vigor, energy, activity, interest; to hang loosely or droop mar verb to damage or spoil to a certain extent; to disfigure, deface, or scar posit verb to lay down or assume as a fact or principle; postulate venerable adjective commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence boor noun a churlish, rude, or unmannerly person; a country bumpkin, rustic or yokel zealot noun a person who shows a great deal of enthusiasm, a fanatic malleable adj. capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure from rollers. largess n. generous bestowal of gifts. variegated v.t., to make varied in appearance, as by adding different colors. ford n. a place where a river or other body of water is shallow enough to be crossed by wading. affected adj. assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: mirth n. gaiety or jollity, esp. when accompanied by laughter: numismatics n. the study or collecting of coins, medals, paper money, etc. wizened v.i., v.t. to wither; shrivel; dry up. surly adj., churlishly rude or bad-tempered: kudos

n., honor; glory; acclaim: gestating v.t. to carry in the womb during the period from conception to delivery.

Words in This List (Similar

approbation n approval; commendation. effrontery

to GRE words commonly found in literature)

n shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity ennui n a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom laud vo to praise; extol. nebulous a hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused onerous a burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship reticent a disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved. cacophony n harsh discordance of sound; dissonance inveigle vo to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements (usually followed by ) ubiquitous a existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent penurious a extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly. urbane a reflecting elegance, sophistication, etc., especially in expression bombast n speech too pompous for an occasion; pretentious words. fortuitous a happening or produced by chance; accidental brusque a abrupt in manner; blunt; rough petulant a moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance imperturbable a incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm lugubrious a mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner surreptitious a obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine

censure vo to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner fatuous a foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly. uxorious a doting upon, foolishly fond of, or affectionately submissive toward one's wife. propinquity n nearness of relation; kinship. blithe a joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful precipitant a hasty; rash. piquant a agreeably stimulating, interesting, or attractive mien n air, bearing, or demeanor, as showing character, feeling, etc. fastidious a requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking. pique vo to arouse an emotion or provoke to action assiduous a constant in application or effort; working diligently at a task; persevering; industrious; attentive probity n integrity and uprightness; honesty. subterfuge n an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc. banal a devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite flippant a frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity capricious a subject to, led by, or indicative of caprice or whim; erratic august a venerable; eminent recalcitrant a resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory. affability a pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite coquetry n the behavior or arts of a coquette; flirtation. inured vo to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually followed by ) dilatory a tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy.

sententious a given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous. ribald a vulgar or indecent in speech, language, etc.; coarsely mocking, abusive, or irreverent; scurrilous. tutelage n the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship. temerity n reckless boldness; rashness. inchoate a not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary. imbibe vo to take or receive into the mind, as knowledge, ideas, or the like fecund a producing or capable of producing offspring, fruit, vegetation, etc., in abundance; prolific; fruitful ineffable a incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible vociferous a crying out noisily; clamorous. stultify vo to make, or cause to appear, foolish or ridiculous. unctuous a characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug. amenable a ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable intrepid a resolutely fearless; dauntless obfuscate vo to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy. quixotic a extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable. disparage vo to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle

GRE (by RYAN ) 23 words

ostentatious adj. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: phlegmatic adj. not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish. probity n. integrity and uprightness; honesty. proclivity n., natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition: profligate adj.

utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. prosaic adj. commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative: quixotic adj. resembling or befitting Don Quixote. quotidian adj. daily: rarefy v.i. to become rare or less dense; become thinned: recondite adj. dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter: refulgent adj. shining brightly; radiant; gleaming: renege v.i. to go back on one's word: sedulous adj. diligent in application or attention; persevering; assiduous. spendthrift n. a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; prodigal. tacit adj. understood without being openly expressed; implied: terse adj. neatly or effectively concise; brief and pithy, as language. trenchant adj. incisive or keen, as language or a person; caustic; cutting: truculent adj. fierce; cruel; savagely brutal. untenable adj. incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc.; indefensible. vacillate v.i., to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute: vexation n. the act of vexing. vituperate v.i., v.t., to use or address with harsh or abusive language; revile. variegated v.t., to make varied in appearance, as by adding different colors

Words in This List (Letter P deck 2) 73 words

propitious a presenting favorable conditions; favorable proponent a person who argues in favor of something; an advocate. an opposite of opponent. propriety n the conventional standards of proper behavior; manners

propulsive n a means of propelling propelling force, impulse, etc. prosaic a commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative proscenium n the arch that separates a stage from the auditorium. pros. proscribe vo to denounce or condemn (a thing) as dangerous or harmful; prohibit. proselytize vo,vw to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte recruit. proselyte n a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert. prosody n the science or study of poetic meters and versification. prostrate vo to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration. protean a readily assuming different forms or characters; extremely variable. protg person receiving protection and support from a patron. protocol n the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette. prototype n the original or model on which something is based or formed. protrude vo to thrust forward; cause to project. protract vo to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong. protuberance n the condition, state, or quality of being protuberant provenance n place or source of origin purport vo to present, especially deliberately, the appearance of being; profess or claim, often falsely purported vo to present, especially deliberately, the appearance of being; profess or claim, often falsely purse vo to contract into folds or wrinkles; pucker purveyor n a person who purveys provides, or supplies pusillanimous a lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid. putative a commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed putrid

a in a state of foul decay or decomposition, as animal or vegetable matter; rotten. pylon n a marking post or tower for guiding aviators, frequently used in races. pyromaniac n a compulsion to set things on fire. provender n dry food, as hay or oats, for livestock or other domestic animals; fodder. provident a having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future. provincial a belonging or peculiar to some particular province local provisional a providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary proviso n a stipulation or condition. provocative a tending or serving to provoke inciting, stimulating, irritating, or vexing. prowess exceptional valor, bravery, or ability, especially in combat or battle.exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength proxy n the agency, function, or power of a person authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another. prude n a person who is excessively proper or modest in speech, conduct, dress, etc. prudent a wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. prune vo to remove (anything considered superfluous or undesirable). prurient a having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc. preen vw to make oneself appear striking or smart in dress or appearance pry vw to inquire impertinently or unnecessarily into something pseudonym n a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. Psyche n the human soul, spirit, or mind. psychiatrist n a physician who practices psychiatry psychopathic a of, pertaining to, or affected with psychopathy psychopathy n any mental disease. psychosis n

any severe form of mental disorder, as schizophrenia or paranoia. pterodactyl n any of a number of genera of flying reptiles of the extinct order Pterosauria, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, having a highly reduced tail and teeth and a birdlike beak. puerile a of or pertaining to a child or to childhood. pugilist n a person who fights with the fists; a boxer, usually a professional. pugnacity a inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative. puissant a powerful; mighty; potent. pulchritude n physical beauty; comeliness. pulmonary a of or pertaining to the lungs. pulsate vw to expand and contract rhythmically, as the heart; beat; throb. pulverize vo to reduce to dust or powder, as by pounding or grinding. pummel vo to beat or thrash with or as if with the fists. punctilious a extremely attentive to punctilios strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions. punctilios n a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure. punctiliousness a extremely attentive to punctilios strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions. pundit n a learned person, expert, or authority. punitive a serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment purgative a purging or cleansing, especially by causing evacuation of the bowels. purgatorial a removing or purging sin; expiatory purgatory n (in the belief of Roman Catholics and others) a condition or place in which the souls of those dying penitent are purified from venial sins, or undergo the temporal punishment that, after the guilt of mortal sin has been remitted, still remains to be endured by the sinner. purge vo to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify. pun n the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words. parlance n

a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom parterre n the rear section of seats, and sometimes also the side sections, of the main floor of a theater, concert hall, or opera house. primeval a of or pertaining to the first age or ages, especially of the world priapism n continuous, usually nonsexual erection of the penis, especially due to disease. posterity n all descendants of one person

Words in This List (Similar

to 199 Words to Master for the GMAT)

199 words.
pedantic adjective ostentatious in one's learning, overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching ambiguous adjective open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify repudiate verb to reject as having no authority or binding force, to cast off or disown paradigm noun a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, an example serving as a model or pattern paradox noun a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth refute verb to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge innocuous adjective not harmful or injurious; harmless austere adjective severe in manner or appearance, rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; lacking softness arcane adjective known or understood by very few; mysterious, secret or obscure anomaly noun a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form; an odd or peculiar condition pernicious adjective causing insidious harm or ruin, injury or hurt spurious adjective not genuine, authentic, or true; pretended or counterfeit petulant adjective moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance propensity noun a natural inclination or tendency mercurial adjective changeable, volatile, fickle, flighty and erratic nascent adjective

beginning to exist or develop sporadic adjective appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; scattered or isolated instances arduous adjective requiring great exertion; laborious, using much energy and vigor; full of hardships cogent adjective convincing or believable by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation perfunctory adjective performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic pithy adjective brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse catalyst noun a person or thing that precipitates an event or change tacit adjective understood without being openly expressed; implied, unvoiced or unspoken placate verb to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures ascetic noun a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial for religious reasons ostensible adjective outwardly appearing, professed or pretended terse adjective neatly or effectively concise, brief and pithy abscond verb to depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture and legal prosecution obdurate adjective unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn, unyielding guile noun insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception impede verb to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances maverick noun an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother, or a lone dissenter who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates levity noun lightness of mind, character, or behavior; lack of appropriate seriousness or earnestness phlegmatic adjective not easily excited to action or display of emotion; self-possessed, calm, or composed abeyance noun temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension aberrant adjective departing from the right, normal, or usual course; exceptional umbrage noun offense, annoyance or displeasure; the slightest indication or vaguest feeling of suspicion, doubt or hostility partisan noun

an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially one that shows a biased, emotional allegiance lassitude noun weariness of body or mind from strain; a condition of indolent indifference apposite adjective suitable, well-adapted, pertinent, relevant or apt salubrious adjective favorable to or promoting health reprobate adjective morally depraved, unprincipled or bad; rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation castigate verb to criticize or reprimand severely, or punish in order to correct chicanery noun trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry recondite adjective dealing with very profound or difficult subject matter; beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding imperious adjective domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial or overbearing laud verb to praise, extol reverent adjective feeling, exhibiting, or characterized by reverence; deeply respectful pedestrian adjective lacking in vitality, imagination or distinction; commonplace or dull impecunious adjective having little or no money; penniless, poor sedulous adjective diligent in application or attention; persistently or carefully maintained trenchant adjective incisive or keen, as language or a person; vigorous, effective and energetic mendacious adjective telling lies, habitually dishonest, untruthful mollify verb to soften in feeling or temper; pacify or appease; reduce or soften perfidious adjective deliberately faithless, treacherous or deceitful torpid adjective inactive or sluggish; slow; dull or lethargic objective noun something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; a purpose, goal or target sanguine adjective cheerfully optimistic or confident; reddish, ruddy moot adjective open to discussion or debate; doubtful mitigate verb

to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate astute adjective of keen penetration or discernment; clever or shrewd obtuse adjective not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; dull sycophant noun a person who uses flattery to win favor; one who fawns, a toady nefarious adjective extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous clandestine adjective characterized by secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception manifest verb to make clear or evident, to prove beyond a doubt solace noun comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble; something that gives comfort, consolation, or relief innate adjective existing in one from birth; inherent in the essential character of something ephemeral adjective lasting a very short time; short-lived or transitory perpetual adjective continuing or enduring forever or an indefinitely long time futile adjective incapable of producing any result; useless trite adjective lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition; hackneyed and stale laconic adjective expressing much in few words; concise implicit adjective implied rather than expressly stated; unquestioning or unreserved implication noun something suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood prosaic adjective commonplace or dull; having the character of prose rather than poetry jaded adjective dulled by overindulgence; worn out or wearied, as by overwork or overuse resolution noun a formal opinion or intention made after voting by a formal organization, a legislature or a club affable adjective pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly or cordial rhetorical adjective concerned with mere style or effect; tending to use bombast obfuscate verb to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy, to make obscure or unclear stigma noun

a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation reiterate verb to say or do again; to repeat excessively pejorative adjective having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force infer verb to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence; to indicate, hint or suggest chagrin noun a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation nexus noun a means of connection; the core or center, as of a matter or situation nebulous adjective hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused; cloudy or cloudlike idiosyncrasy noun a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual haughty adjective disdainfully proud, snobbish or scornfully arrogant protocol noun the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette abhor verb to regard with extreme aversion or to detest utterly fortitude noun mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously incorrigible adjective bad beyond correction or reform abstruse adjective hard to understand, esoteric or secretive maudlin adjective tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental furtive adjective taken and used by stealth; secret, sly or shifty abrogate verb to abolish by official means; annul by an authoritative act; repeal tepid adjective lukewarm; characterized by a lack of force or enthusiasm impervious adjective not permitting entrance; incapable of being injured, influenced or persuaded omniscient adjective having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things incessant adjective continuing without interruption; ceaseless or unending xenophobia noun an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers censure verb

to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner inchoate adjective not yet completed or fully developed cache noun a hiding place in the ground, for ammunition, food or treasure wanton adjective done maliciously or unjustifiably; deliberate and without motive or provocation juxtapose verb to place close together or side by side for comparison or contrast mandate noun a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative allude verb to refer casually or indirectly; to make an allusion tenet noun any opinion, principle, doctrine, dogma held as true by members of a profession, group, or movement ramification noun a related or derived subject, problem; an outgrowth, consequence or implication forbearance noun a refraining from something, patient endurance or self-control cohort noun a group or company, companion or associate heed noun careful attention, notice or observation hone verb to enlarge or finish; to make more acute or effective raconteur noun a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly pecuniary adjective pertaining to money; exacted in monetary payments or involving a fine bucolic adjective pertaining to shepherds or suggesting an idyllic rural life adroit adjective nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious stagnant adjective not flowing or running, such as water or air; characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement obviate verb to anticipate and prevent by effective measures; render unnecessary odious adjective deserving or causing hatred; highly offensive or disgusting heresy noun an opinion at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system soporific adjective tending to cause sleep; sleepy or drowsy superlative adjective

of the highest kind, surpassing all else or others; supreme; extreme abstemious adjective moderate in eating and drinking, temperate in diet prevaricate verb to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie realm noun the region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates guise noun general external appearance; aspect or semblance static adjective characterized by a stationary condition showing little or no change; lacking movement, development or vitality inculcate verb to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently and earnestly impasse noun a position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock urbane adjective having the polish regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities; reflecting elegance and sophistication rectify verb to make or set right; remedy; to correct indelible adjective making marks that cannot be erased or removed truculent adjective fierce, cruel, brutally harsh or aggressively hostile opulence noun wealth, riches, or affluence parochial adjective pertaining to a parish or the education they provide; very limited or narrow in scope or outlook; provincial impartial adjective not biased; fair and just indemnify verb to compensate for damage or loss sustained; to secure against anticipated loss mercenary adjective working or acting merely for money or other reward; venal indomitable adjective that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable bellicose adjective inclined to fight; aggressively hostile uncouth adjective awkward, clumsy, or unmannerly; strange and ungraceful in appearance or form steadfast adjective fixed in direction, firm in purpose, resolution, faith or attachment; unwavering inimical adjective adverse in effect; unfavorable, harmful and unfriendly chimera noun

a mythological monster, commonly represented with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail; any horrible creature of the imagination fret verb to express worry, annoyance or discontent wry adjective produced by a distortion or lopsidedness of the facial features, devious in course or purpose; misdirected bereft adjective deprived brusque adjective abrupt in manner; blunt or rough surfeit noun an excessive amount or overindulgence in eating or drinking cessation noun a temporary or complete stopping; discontinuance berate verb to scold or rebuke imbue verb to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions, moisture or color garner verb to gather or deposit in or as if in a granary calumny noun a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something taut adjective tightly drawn, not slack; emotionally or mentally strained or tense collusion noun a secret agreement for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy frenetic adjective frantic; frenzied rant verb to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave harangue noun a long, passionate, vehement speech delivered before a public gathering accede verb to give consent or approval suave adjective smoothly agreeable or polite; agreeably or blandly urbane callow adjective immature or inexperienced; a featherless young bird rancor noun bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred or malice perdition noun a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul abase verb to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation initiate verb

to begin or to introduce into the knowledge of some art or subject gauche adjective lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness miscreant noun a vicious or depraved person; a villain artifice noun a clever trick or stratagem; a cunning, crafty device parity noun equality in amount, status, or character; equivalence or correspondence mellifluous adjective sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding foray noun a quick raid, a quick, sudden attack amity noun friendship, mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship tawdry adjective gaudy; showy and cheap; low, mean or base mire verb to plunge and fix in marshy land; to involve or entangle gaffe noun a social blunder, a faux pas disperse verb to move apart in different directions without order or regularity; become scattered recidivism noun habitual relapse, as into crime or antisocial behavior staid adjective of settled character, not flighty or capricious metamorphosis noun a complete change of form, structure, or substance, appearance, character or circumstance lateral adjective pertaining to the side; situated at, proceeding from, or directed to a side innovate verb to introduce something new; make changes in anything established strident adjective making a harsh sound; having a shrill, irritating quality or character syllogism noun using deductive reasoning; an extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument galvanize verb to stimulate by an electric current flux noun the flowing in of the tide; continuous change or movement gravity noun heaviness or weight; serious or critical nature inundate verb

to flood with water; deluge or overwhelm goad verb to prick or drive with, to prod or incite caliber noun the diameter of something of circular section, especially the inside of a tube beseech verb to make an urgent appeal odium noun intense hatred or dislike toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, despicable, or repugnant obeisance noun a movement of the body expressing deep respect or deferential courtesy; a bow or curtsy infamy noun extremely bad reputation, public reproach, or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful, criminal, or outrageous act savant noun a person of profound or extensive learning; a learned scholar

Words in This List ($20) 27words.

homologize To make or show to be corresponding. merism A synecdoche in which a thing is expressed by a description of several of its parts. exiguous Scanty; meager; small. ana A collection of miscellaneous information about a particular subject or thing, or an item in such a collection, as an anecdote, a memorable saying, etc. altiloquent High-flown or pretentious. perpend To consider; to deliberate. illume To make clear. erudiate To educate or instruct. concatenate To link together; unite in a series or chain. fugacious Fleeting; transitory. exigent Requiring immediate action or aid; urgent; pressing. roman-fleuve A saga. Bildungsroman A type of novel concerned with the education, development, and maturing of a young protagonist. adduce To bring forward in argument as evidence; cite as pertinent or conclusive. sedulous Diligent in application or attention; persevering. euphuism Any ornate style of writing or speaking; high-flown, periphrastic language. catachresis Misuse or strained use of words, as in a mixed metaphor, occurring either in error or for rhetorical effect. anacoenosis A figure of speech in which an appeal is made to one's listeners or opponents for their opinion or judgment as to the subject under discussion. antiphrastic Of, or relating to the use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning. inveigh To protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail (usually followed by against). adumbrate

To foreshadow; prefigure. fatuous Unreal; illusory. amphibological Of or pertaining to the ambiguity of speech, especially from uncertainty of the grammatical construction rather than of the meaning of the words. promulgate To make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.). paralipsis The suggestion, by deliberately concise treatment of a topic, that much of significance is being omitted. erotema A rhetorical question. tautology Needless repetition of an idea, especially in words other than those of the immediate context, without imparting additional force or clearness.

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