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In preparing the answer to the question: Was the British government wrong to send in the troops to Northern Ireland,

here are the key points to consider What did the British army do? Enforce Internment act o What is the internment act? o How did this aggravate the conflict? Bloody Sunday Incident in 1972 o Who shot first? o How did this incident aggravate the conflict? o What do you think the Catholics will do? After Bloody Sunday o Para military groups from both sides

Protestants targeted catholics, catholic homes and businesses

o How did these acts complicate the matters in Northern Ireland? How did the Catholics retaliate? o IRA set up o Continued use of violence o Any example? Or elaboration But did the British government have a choice not to send in the troops? Remember the British army was there to protect the Catholics from the violence of the Police

Whether you can do well, depends very much on HOW good you can write. That means you must convince the marker that you know what you are talking about and you are CONVICTED. No answers will come just by straight memory. Are you convinced by what you write? If you are not, then the marker will know that. You will probably get a not so convincing mark. So be convicted by what you write. Memory is always good. Because without content, there is nothing to convince with. Bottom linestudy your text, make notes. Dont forget to ask yourself questionsTo what extent? How far is this possible? Is this the best solution? Is this the most serious consequence. We cannot study blindly. We must have the questions in mind. Enjoy the process!

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