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Kathrina Micah Alfonso BS. Psy 1-3 1. What is the basic stuff the universe is made of? 2.

What is the role of man in the universe? The role of man in the universe is to be the care taker of it. God gave the universe so wonderful and perfect and it is our duty to protect and to maintain peace and orderliness of it.

3. What is good and evil? 4. Does God exist? Yes God exist. We may not clearly Seen God in our daily lives but I believe that his presence and guidance is always here with us. We dont need to see God just to believe that he exist, we need faith to believe that God really do exist and we need to open our hearts to be able to communicate with God, and it is through prayer and though we might not hear his voice we can feel his presence and his love. It was clearly stated in the 1st chapter and verse in the bible that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1) that verse will easily prove that God really do exist. The Bible is not a textbook that attempts to prove the existence of God but the Bible opens with a positive fact that God does exist.

5. Is soul immortal?

6. What is man in relation to education? Man is the educator to others and at the same time he educates himself. We are the one who gives and share education to others; we give what we learned base on our experience, and the information learned to other people. It is our duty to give education especially those who are willing to learn but there is no capacity to school due to financial problem. We can also educate ourselves by learning through our experience, as the famous saying goes experience is the best teacher. We can also learn from our mistakes and try not to do it again and at the same time teach others what we learned from our mistakes and avoid doing the same mistakes again. We give education free to others because every one of us has a right to be educated and therefore we must not wait for a reward for giving education to others. 7. What is the nature of God?

8. What is faith vs free will? 9. What is the relation of man in state? 10. What is mind and matter?

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