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The Crucible Questions #17-23 Jacob Montgomery Period 5/6/12 17.

. Reverend Hale is in Salem because he is trying to cure Betty Parris and Ruth Putnam. 18. Giles Corey reveals to Reverend Hale that his wife, Martha, could be a witch because while she is in Giless house, he cannot pray, and she is reading a strange book at night. 19. Abigail blamed Tituba for being a witch in the forest, and backs this up by saying that Tituba forced them to drink blood and comes to her every night and makes her dream corruptions. 20. The ultimatum given to Tituba is to make her open up to God, and confess or else she will be whipped to death by Reverend Parris. 21. Tituba accuses Sarah Good of being a witch, 22. Abigail starts accusing people of being witches because she is happy that she has so much power, and wants to open herself like Tituba did. 23. Betty starts accusing people of being witches too because she wants to follow Abigail so that Abigail doesnt try to hurt her.

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