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The Crucible Act II Questions #1-10 Jacob Montgomery Period 5/6/12 1.

. I think that John Proctor says Its winter in here yet because he feels guilty for not being open and for what is happening with the beginnings of the witch hunt. 2. Mary Warren disobeyed her employers to go to Salem so that she could find out about the sentencing of the women there, and the hanging of Goody Osburn. 3. Abigail revealed to John Proctor that she was a fraud. 4. John hasnt told the court what he knows because he doesnt want to reveal that they were together alone. Elizabeth attributes his not telling to the fact that he and Abigail were once close. 5. The lie that John Proctor told Elizabeth that makes her more suspicious of him is that he had not been alone with Abigail. 6. Mary Warren reveals to her employers that there are thirty-nine women on trial now, Goody Osburn will be hanged, and that Sarah Good confesses, and is pregnant. 7. Mary Warren tries to make up for the fact that she left them, and is mostly open to them. 8. When Mary Warren says I saved her life today!, she means that Elizabeth Proctor was accused of witchcraft in court, and Mary defended her. 9. When she finds out she was accused, Elizabeth realizes that Mary wants her dead. 10. Elizabeth asks John to go to Abigail so that she will stop accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft and to sever any relationship John and Abigail had shared. This is so Abigail wont try to take Elizabeths place.

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