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The National Alliance (TNA) strongly condemns comments attributed to Embakasi MP, Ferdinard Waititu.

We remind all potential aspirants and members of our party to remain focused on the goal of unifying the Nation and avoid any utterances or actions that may compromise that vision. As we welcome the prompt actions by the Director of Public Prosecution and the Internal Security Minister Katoo Ole Metito, we also ask for speedy investigations to establish and resolve the conflict in Kayole area that saw one person killed; resolving the issue wholesomely should be our commitment as a nation. The rule of law should be accompanied by a resolve to address the root causes of conflict so as to ensure cohesion and brotherhood in the long term. We have demanded an apology from the Assistant Minister, a clear plan of reconciliation to heal any divisions that may have been caused by those comments and most importantly the party is considering further action. TNA remains committed to unifying the nation and ensuring peace prevails. Onyango Oloo Secretary General

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