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6 Reasons to Respect Ronaldo, by a research made by admin :) 1) Ronaldo doesn't drink alcohol, he took it as a lesson from his father

who was an An alcoholic and died from over drinking 2)Ronaldo does not have any kind of tattoo on his body 3)Ronaldo came from a very poor family in Portugal and lived in deprivation 4)Reached Euro Final Debut at the age of 19, and played the Semi-finals at the a ge of 21. 5)Uncountable Charitable Contributions , like his contribution of donation of mo ney to Build schools in Palestine,donated three million euros to famine victims in Africa, ... 6)achieved his father's dream of Seeing his son win the prize of the best player in the world,made the dream come true in 2008.. Still he is called ignorant, self centered and arrogant!!!

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