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Teaching Learning

It was almost sixty years ago, that I learned walking. My parents must have taught me this art. Over about fifty years, I learned to read, write and speak English, many teachers and colleagues must have been responsible. During past ten years, my leg muscles and nerves responsible for the balancing act of my legs, perhaps got afflicted with ALS, the equivalent of Alzheimer disease for muscle neurons. As I result me, who could even run a half marathon almost every evening, cannot walk steady even for a kilometer nowadays. I have decided to teach my leg muscles again the art of good teaching. Every evening, I drive in my car, to the nearby university lawns, and practice yoga and thereafter some walking for almost 100 minutes. I think I am succeeding !!! A few days ago I also decided to teach the son of our house maid, who studies in a primary school run by the municipal government, that provides free tuition, besides free mid day meals and uniforms to all its students. I teach him for about fifty minutes every day, English Language and basic arithmetic, before I get ready for my evening exercise. It hardly took me a day, to realize how difficult a task I have undertaken. Teaching this kid, who hails from a poor immigrant family from Nepal, is perhaps as difficult as my teaching my weak leg muscular nerves. Just as my walking the language and arithmetic skills of my student are progressing very slowly. He forgets more often then he remembers, but I know I have to practice patience persistently. I know, I have to change what has been ingrained in myself in my very young student (may be in through microbiomes in my body, his body). I am very hopeful because I know everything changes. The path is unknown as rather treacherous. I do not know how should I teach, I can only observe how my students are learning. But I am happy that I am learning to teach something in a situation that was totally alien to me. I am in an alien territory, may be my this essay will inspire some of the readers. Rakesh Mohan Hallen

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