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Coach Quiz 2008

1. 2.
What is the largest planet in our Solar System? What is the fastest animal on 2 legs, which can reach a speed of around 40 miles per hour? 3. In which book of the Bible are the Ten Commandments first mentioned? 4. In the board game Monopoly, what are the three green properties which follow "Go To Jail"? 5. How many steps are there to the top of the Eiffel Tower?

6. 7.

What was the name of Tintin's dog?

Alfred Nobel, the man after whom the Nobel Prizes are named, was originally well known for inventing what? 8. Which Bible book does Joel come before?

9. 10. 11. 13. 14.

What was King Davids father called? Which 'F' would a vexillologist be an expert on?

What is the only letter of the alphabet which does not appear in any of the names of the 50 American states? 12. From which country does the drink Pernod originate? In Ancient Egypt, what was brought with the 7th plague? In a prophetic dream, who represented a tree that got chopped down and banded? 15. In which country were family names first used?

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