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GST is set up for picking a % of your 1 rep max, and hitting that % all week on a variety of your compound

movements set up on 4 days. Typically a four day split consisting of a squat day, a lift day (deadlift), press day and a pull day. After that you will use 10% more of your known/ calculated 1rm the following week, and every 5th week will start the cycle over (65% 1rm, 75, 85, 95, 65, etc). And all weights are calculated on a per exercise basis, so you don't use the same weight for squat and deadlift unless you have the same max on both. The rep ranges of GST are much different than 5/3/1 too. A 65% day is set to do 8, 8, AMRAP (as many reps as possible). 75% 6,6, AMRAP. 85% AMRAP, 4,4. 95% AMRAP, 1,1. Based on your AMRAP lift numbers you can calculate the weight to use to get your numbers the following macro (4 weeks of again 65, 75, etc). Adding whatever weight is specified, vs just 5lb every cycle. 5/3/1- based on the number of reps you will be doing each set, this defines the %'s used for that day. The 5 rep days have a 65, 75, 85% of 1rm. The 3 rep day you would use something like 70, 80, 90. So as you see the weights change every set. Completely different than GST, where the weight stays the same for the 3 sets. Plus the rep range never goes above 5, whereas GST has an 8 and 6 rep day. Also GST has AMRAP sets where people may get 0-4 extra reps.

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