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Hackers Test p.

122 Track8 01 Expatriates The lecturer explained about the case study which has shown that the sending expatriates abroad is neither efficient nor expedient as is mentioned on the reading passage. The passage argues that expatriates benefit company financially and expediently since they are familiar with their tasks before they are sent to another country which dramatically reduces the cost of educating foreign recruits. Also expatriates have no problem in communicating with and within the company which saves the cost for translation and misunderstandings. However, the speaker says the expatriates are needed to be taught due to their unfamiliarity about the environment and business. Not only that additional cost being needed, but also small tasks takes too much time compare to the native employees.

The lecturer explained about the case study which contradicts the benefits of company sending expatriates abroad. But, unlike the speaker, the reading passage argues that hiring employees from a host country is beneficial in both efficiency and expediency. The lecturer says expatriates needed to be re-educated since they are not familiar with the situations in the transferred country; cannot effectively communicate in a native language; and even takes much time to do simple tasks. In such reasons, they cost a good fortune to send an expatriate. However, the reading passage argues that they are used to the tasks and systems of the company by which they are sent. In addition, expatriates are loyal to the company so they put the companys interest first. Another counter argument of the reading passage about the expatriates is the life of employees sent to an unfamiliar country. In the reading passage, they are paid as much as two or three times higher salary than they would be in the host country. Consequently they are more satisfied and more encouraged to work harder. In the lecture, the speaker pointed out that, not like such popular belief, they are actually found themselves stressed out by frequent frustrations due to communication failure and profound social isolation. Also they face some unavailability of familiar products and of a school for children. Add up to these disappointments, expatriates works inefficiently by their problems.

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