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******************* FATAL FRAME 2 CRIMSON BUTTERFLY STRATEGY GUIDE (PS2 VERSION) ******************* Version 1.

00 --Spirit List is 100% complete. --Not all costumes have been unlocked. By Chozo Abigaba Please feel free to e-mail with corrections or questions. Copyright December 2003 Other walkthroughs by me (available at & Fatal Frame NOTE: This walkthrough was written for the PLAYSTATION 2 version of Fatal Frame 2. Thanks to Anjuaria ( for her invaluable help. Thanks also to Ryu Wong and David Ming for helping me fill out the Spirit List. CONTENTS: *********************************** I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS II. THE CAMERA OBSCURA A. CONTROLS B. FINDER MODE C. FILM D. SHUTTER MOMENTS & BONUSES E. UPGRADING YOUR CAMERA 1. BASIC FUNCTIONS 2. POWER-UP LENSES 3. CAMERA EQUIPMENT III. GHOSTS IV. GENERAL TIPS & STRATEGY V. WALKTHROUGH A. CHAPTER ONE: THE LOST VILLAGE B. CHAPTER TWO: TWIN SHRINE MAIDENS C. CHAPTER THREE: THE REPENTANCE D. CHAPTER FOUR: FORBIDDEN RITUAL E. CHAPTER FIVE: THE SACRIFICE F. CHAPTER SIX: THE REMAINING G. CHAPTER SEVEN: SAE H. CHAPTER EIGHT: HALF MOON I. FINAL CHAPTER: CRIMSON BUTTERFLY J. CHAPTER ZERO: HELLISH ABYSS VI. BONUS STUFF A. GALLERY B. STORY MODE EXTRAS C. MISSION MODE D. COMPLETION AWARDS VII. SPIRIT LIST ***********************************

************************* I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ************************* --OVERVIEW Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly (FF2 hereafter) is Tecmo's latest survival-horror masterpiece. This game combines an intriguing storyline, terrifying setting, and rich battle system to make for a truly scary game experience. The eerie music and sound effects complement the haunting visuals perfectly. In short, FF2 is an engrossing, frightening, and fun game that should hold a proud place among other games of the survival-horror genre and stands as a very nice successor its predecessor, Fatal Frame. In FF2, you will control Mio and (to a much lesser extent) her twin sister Mayu as they become trapped in a haunted village and try to find their way out. This "Lost Village", properly named All God's Village, was once the home of a horrible appeasement ritual designed to placate an evil chthonian deity that dwells deep beneath the ground. In order to prevent earthquakes and other signs of the gods' disfavor, a ceremony called the Crimson Sacrifice was used. One day long ago, this ritual went horribly wrong and the entire population of the village was wiped out. Now the desolate village is haunted by the ghosts of its citizens and persists in an eternal darkness; any who dare venture into it are trapped, their souls adding to the panoply of undead that endlessly stalk the dusty streets... It's a place of evil and horror. This is where Mio and Mayu find themselves when the game begins. Your sole defense against the ghosts is the Camera Obscura, a supernatural invention that can, to quote the inventor, 'take pictures of impossible things'. By taking pictures of ghosts you will be able to seal them away, which not only protects you from their baneful touch but can also reveal clues to the history of the village. Unraveling the mystery of what caused the village to become a haunted derelict and revealing the true nature of the Crimson Sacrifice ritual is a main part of the plot in FF2. --COMPARISONS TO FATAL FRAME 1 (FF1) If you have played the first Fatal Frame you will find a lot of familiar similarities in FF2, but there are also very important differences. If you haven't played Fatal Frame, this section will be of little or no interest to you. First, FF2 is much bigger. All God's Village is full of places to visit...none of them pleasant. The four main buildings are the homes of the village's four most influential families: Osaka, Kiryu, Tachibana, and Kurosawa. The Kurosawa Mansion alone is almost as big as Himuro Mansion from the first game. In addition to these four houses there are several ancillary locations: a temple, a cemetery, etc. There are lot more open spaces in FF2 than in FF1, which is nice, but inside the houses are plenty of cramped, claustrophobic rooms that you will have the pleasure of battling ghosts in. The stories of the two games are very similar: a habitation built on top of a portal to hell, an appeasement ritual of sacrifice that went horribly wrong, etc. In both games you control a young and intrepid girl who must face terrible evil spirits that would reduce most people to a helpless panic. In both games the main character is motivated by a desire to rescue a sibling that has been possessed by ghosts. If you liked the story of FF1 and wanted more, this is a good thing. FF2 is a true sequel in this regard. One of the core spirits in FF2 is a young girl named Sae; this girl is the twin sister of Yae, the grandmother of Miku in FF1; this relationship provides a strong link of continuity between the two games. FF2 is more densely packed with ghosts than FF1. You will encounter vanishing ghosts all over the place. And unlike FF1, you are often faced with multiple attacking ghosts in FF2; about half of the battles in FF2 involve more than one ghost.

There are differences in the way the camera works between the two games. In FF1, the Bonus Functions that you could combine with your camera, such as the Slow Function and See Function, were severely limited due to the fact that you had to supply a Spirit Stone every time you wanted to use them, and there were not a lot of these stones to be found in the game. In FF2 the camera is much improved by the Power-Up Lens system. These Lenses have the same effect as the Bonus Functions in FF1, but using them is much easier. The only regrettable change in camera operation is the absence of a 'turn-around' button; in FF1 you could press the Triangle Button while looking through the Finder to do a quick 180, but in FF2 this button is used for another purpose. But overall, using the camera is more flexible and fun than in the first game. The best improvement made in FF2 is in the quality and variety of the puzzles. FF1 had some drearily repetitive puzzles, particularly the sliding-tile locks that were found on several doors. FF2 does a good job of providing you with a nice array of DIFFERENT puzzles that are more fun than in the first game. FF2 also has more secrets than FF1. There are many side quests that you can undertake to obtain powerful camera upgrades and other things, which makes the gameplay less linear and predictable. Overall I would say that FF2, while basically rehashing the formula of its predecessor, is a definite improvement, with better graphics, puzzles, and camera control. If you liked FF1 you will probably LOVE FF2. I sure did.

************************ II. THE CAMERA OBSCURA ************************ The Camera Obscura is your sole weapon and main tool in FF2. You will use the Camera to battle ghosts and to reveal hidden clues. At first the Camera is fairly weak, but as you progress through the game you will be able to obtain special Lenses and other Equipment that will make the Camera much stronger. Most of the Camera's functions can also be upgraded by spending Spirit Points, which I will detail later on in this section. A. CONTROLS *********** --CIRCLE BUTTON: This switches you in and out of Finder Mode, which gives you a first-person perspective through the viewfinder of the Camera. You must be in Finder Mode to use the Camera. --L STICK: Aim. You can switch the up/down axis for aiming from the Options Menu. --R STICK: Move. You can move while you are aiming. It's crucial during battles for you to be able to move and take pictures at the same time. --X BUTTON: Take a picture. Same as the R1 Button. --SQUARE BUTTON: Accelerate aim. Press this while moving the L Stick to quickly change your aim. You will probably end up using this all the time. --TRIANGLE BUTTON: Use Power-Up Lens. Obviously, you can only use this if you have a Power-Up Lens equipped, and if you have enough Spirit Power to discharge the Lens (see Power-Up Lenses, below). --R1 BUTTON: Take a picture. Same as the X Button. --L1 BUTTON: Switch Lens. You can only use this button after you have obtained an item for your Camera (the Switch Function) that allows you to equip multiple Lenses. --R2 & L2 BUTTONS: Zoom in and out with the Zoom Function. You will only get the Zoom Function after you have completed the game. B. FINDER MODE ************** When you are in Finder Mode, there are number of indicators that appear on

the screen. This section provides a breakdown of what it all means. --CAPTURE CIRCLE: This is the big circle in the middle of the screen. This circle lights up when you have a ghost in your sights. If you are facing an attacking ghost, the circle will be red. If you are facing a hidden or otherwise benign ghost, the circle will turn blue. In either case, if the circle isn't lit up, your shot will not be effective. You can expand the radius of this circle by purchasing upgrades. --SPIRIT WAVE GUAGE: This is the ring of kanji around the Capture Circle. When you are battling with a ghost, this gauge will progressively light up as you aim. This process is accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound. It basically indicates how much damage your shot will inflict, although many other factors such as the type of film you are using and the timing of your shot will also affect damage. When the Spirit Wave Gauge turns bright red, you can take a Zero Shot (see Shutter Moments below). --LOCK CIRCLE: This is a smaller, faint circle within the Capture Circle. It marks the center of a ghost and provides the target at which you should aim. If the Lock Circle is not within the Capture Circle when you take your shot, it will have no effect. The closer you can align the Lock Circle with the crosshair at the center of the screen, the more effective your shot will be. --HP GUAGE: The amber meter in the upper left corner shows how many HP the ghost you are battling has. You must have the Measure Function equipped to see this meter. --FILAMENT: The Filament is in the top center of the screen, and it glows in reaction to nearby ghosts. The intensity of the glow increases if you are facing the ghost, which is useful for tracking ghosts that are hidden behind walls or other obstacles. The glow also intensifies in reaction to the ghost's proximity. A red glow indicates an attacking ghost, and a blue glow indicates a benign ghost. --FATAL FRAME INDICATOR: If you have the Instant Function equipped, then a red light underneath the Filament will flash when a Fatal Frame moment occurs. If you have the Alarm Function equipped, then the indicator will chime in addition to flashing. --FILM COUNTER: In the upper right corner is a display showing what type of film you have loaded and how many shots you have remaining. The row of dots underneath this display shows the reloading time after you have taken a shot. --HEALTH METER: The vertical blue meter in the lower right corner shows Mio's remaining health. --POWER-UP LENS: The currently equipped Power-Up Lens will be displayed in the lower left corner. If you can equip multiple lenses (with the Switch Function), your alternate lenses will be displayed above the one currently active. If you have multiple Lenses equipped, you can switch them with the L1 Button. --SPIRIT POWER STOCK METER: Whenever you attack a ghost, the damage you inflict is absorbed by your camera. The amount of damage absorbed is indicated by this meter, which is in the lower left corner. When the meter is full, your stocked Spirit Power will increase by one. --SPIRIT POWER: The number of units of Spirit Power that you have absorbed is displayed in the lower left corner as a row of glowing dots. At first, you can only stock one unit of Spirit Power, but by purchasing upgrades you can increase this amount to four units. Spirit Power is used to activate the Power-Up Lenses. C. FILM ******* There are several types of film that you can load into your Camera Obscura. The type of film that you have loaded determines the base damage that your shots will inflict. The different films also vary in their loading times. The weakest type, Type-07 Film, is always available in unlimited quantity, so you will never be completely out of film. The other types of film, however, are limited and you must find boxes of them to replenish your supply. The

strongest films are rare, so conserve them for the toughest battles. --TYPE-07 FILM: The weakest film. Slow loading time. You never run out of this kind of film. --TYPE-14 FILM: Weak film. Slow loading time. Fairly common film; you will find boxes of this all over the place. --TYPE-61 FILM: Good film. Fast loading time. Uncommon to find early in the game, but still not all that rare. --TYPE-90 FILM: Strong film. Fast loading time. Rare film that you won't find very much of. --TYPE-ZERO FILM: Strongest film. Very slow loading time. This film is very rare; you will only find a few shots worth of this film during the game. Save it for the final boss. D. SHUTTER MOMENTS & BONUSES **************************** When you are fighting ghosts, there are several factors that can influence your damage and your score. Naturally, the more damage you inflict, the higher your score will be. After you have taken a picture, the ghost HP Meter in the upper left will display the damage inflicted. Immediately after that, your score and any bonuses you have earned will also be displayed in blue in the upper left corner. Most of these bonuses can stack together; this is the key to earning a very high score. In this section I provide a list of the various bonuses you can get, and what you must do to get them. --ZERO SHOT: This is the most fundamental bonus that you can get. To get this bonus, you must hit the ghost during a "shutter moment", which occurs when the ghost is attacking you or is otherwise particularly vulnerable. Identifying a Shutter Moment is easy: your Spirit Wave Gauge will turn bright red, and your camera will zoom in a little bit. Also, the buzzing sound your camera makes when you are charging a shot will become louder and higher in pitch. If you take a picture during this brief moment, you will earn the Zero Shot, which will basically inflict double damage and will also stun the ghost and push it away from you. Hitting ghosts with a Zero Shot is your primary strategy during battles; normal shots are quite weak and are practically a waste of film. --FATAL FRAME: During a Shutter Moment, there will be a split second within that time when the ghost becomes even MORE vulnerable. This tiny moment is called a 'Fatal Frame', and you can earn a big damage bonus my making your shot at this time. You can only detect a Fatal Frame moment if you have the Instant Function or Alarm Function equipped on your camera. The Instant Function will cause a red light underneath the Filament to blink when a Fatal Frame occurs. The Alarm Function will add a chiming sound to the blinking light. If you take a picture during a Fatal Frame, the ghost will be severely damaged and knocked back, just like during a Zero Shot. The main difference with a Fatal Frame, however, is that the ghost will REMAIN VULNERABLE, and you will be able to make an immediate follow-up shot for another Fatal Frame! (See Combo Shot below.) --COMBO x2, x3: When you have hit a ghost with a Fatal Frame, the ghost will be badly damaged and knocked back. Furthermore, the ghost will still be vulnerable, and you can immediately follow up your shot with another one, assuming that you haven't knocked the ghost back through a wall or other obstacle. This is called a Combo Shot. Combo Shots are worth a lot of points, especially if you use the Blast Lens or Zero Lens to augment them. --SPECIAL SHOT: If you hit with the Zero Lens or the Blast Lens, you will get the Special Shot bonus for causing extra damage. --CORE SHOT: A Core Shot is very accurate. If you can line up the Lock Circle precisely with the crosshair in the middle of the screen when you take your shot, you will earn this bonus. --CLOSE SHOT: This bonus is granted when the ghost is very close to you when you take your shot. --JUST KILL: If your shot inflicts damage that is barely in excess of the ghost's current HP, you will gain this bonus for 'just (barely) killing' the ghost.

--DOUBLE SHOT/DOUBLE KILL, TRIPLE SHOT/TRIPLE KILL, etc.: You often find yourself battling multiple ghosts in FF2. If you can hit or kill more than one ghost in one shot, you will get a bonus on your score for that shot. E. UPGRADING YOUR CAMERA ************************ When you first obtain the Camera Obscura, it is fairly weak. As you play through the game, you will find lots of opportunities to make the Camera stronger. There are three main ways in which you can improve the camera: 1) Purchasing upgrades with Spirit Points, 2) Adding Power-Up Lenses, and 3) Adding extra Equipment. 1. BASIC FUNCTIONS There are three basic parameters that determine the power of your Camera: Range, Accumulation, and Sensitivity. Each of these aspects can be improved from Level 0, the starting level, up to Level 3, the maximum. In order to raise these levels two things are required: Spirit Orbs and Spirit Points. Spirit Orbs are items that you will find hidden throughout the game; sometimes they are left behind when you defeat a ghost. Spirit Points are earned every time you photograph a ghost. If you look at the Upgrade screen in the Camera menu, you will see a grid corresponding to the three Basic Functions and the three levels of improvement you can make. To raise the level, you must insert a Spirit Orb in the slot for the level and function you want to improve. The inert Spirit Orb will be inserted into the grid. Then, to activate the upgrade, you must spend the listed amount of Spirit Points. When you do this, the Spirit Orb will light up and the upgrade is complete. Even if you have thousands of Spirit Points, you can't upgrade the Camera unless you have Spirit Orbs to insert into the grid; similarly, inserted Spirit Orbs have no effect unless you spend Spirit Points to activate them. The effects and costs of improving your Basic Functions are listed below: --RANGE: LEVEL 1: LEVEL 2: LEVEL 3: Upgrading your Range will increase the size of the Capture Circle. 6000 Points 20000 Points 30000 Points

--ACCUMULATION: This parameter determines how much Spirit Power your camera can hold. Spirit Power is used to activate Power-Up Lenses. At Level 0 your Camera can hold 1 unit of Spirit Power. With each upgrade, this amount is increased by one, up to a maximum of 4 units at Level 3. LEVEL 1: 4000 Points LEVEL 2: 10000 Points LEVEL 3: 21000 Points --SENSITIVITY: This parameter affects the distance at which your Camera will be able to detect ghosts, and also affects the basic exorcismal power of your Camera. As you increase the level of your Sensitivity you will be able to take photographs of ghosts that are farther away, and your shots will do more damage. LEVEL 1: 7000 Points LEVEL 2: 24000 Points LEVEL 3: 38000 Points 2. POWER-UP LENSES There are nine different Power-Up Lenses that you can add to your Camera. At first, you can only equip one Lens at a time, but after you find the Switch Function you can increase this to three Lenses. (Switch between Lenses in Finder Mode with the L1 Button.) In order to use a Lens, you must have Spirit Power accumulated in your Camera; Spirit Power is absorbed every time you take a picture of a ghost that causes damage. The amount of Spirit Power used depends on the Lens. If you have enough Spirit Power, you use the equipped by

pressing the Triangle Button. One nice thing about the Lens system is that if you miss with your shot, your Spirit Power will not be wasted. Some ghosts, however, can resist the effects of a Power-Up Lens, in which case the Spirit Points are lost. Each Lens can be upgraded just like the Basic Functions can. They start out at Level 0 and can be improved up to Level 3. Making these upgrades requires Spirit Orbs and Spirit Points, exactly like the Basic Functions. Improving the Lenses will make them stronger, but won't affect the amount of Spirit Power that they use. --SLOW LENS: Uses 1 unit of Spirit Power. When you hit with this Lens, the ghost will turn purple and it's movement will be slowed down by about half for a little while. This makes scoring a Zero Shot or Fatal Frame a lot easier, because Shutter Chances will be longer. Upgrading this Lens increases the duration that the effect lasts. You find this Lens in the Osaka house at the beginning of Chapter Two. LEVEL 1: 8000 Points LEVEL 2: 17000 Points LEVEL 3: 28000 Points --STUN LENS: Uses 2 units of Spirit Power. When you hit with this Lens, the ghost will sometimes freeze in place, unable to move; it will turn green when this happens. Upgrading this Lens increases the effect's duration. During Chapter Two, you will find this Lens in the Kiryu House, 2F Sliding Screen Room. LEVEL 1: 8000 Points LEVEL 2: 19000 Points LEVEL 3: 30000 Points --SEE LENS: Uses 1 unit of Spirit Power. This Lens makes the spirit easier to see, so that a ghost who likes to turn invisible or flicker out of sight is easier to find. When you raise the level of this Lens, its duration is extended; furthermore, a directional mark will appear around the Capture Circle to show you where to turn to find the ghost. LEVEL 1: 8000 Points LEVEL 2: 18000 Points LEVEL 3: 29000 Points --TRACK LENS: Uses 2 units of Spirit Power. When you activate this Lens, the viewfinder will automatically follow the ghost that you are fighting. This is a much nicer effect than the See Lens, but it costs more Spirit Points. Upgrading the level will make the duration of the Tracking effect last longer. You will obtain this Lens when you clear the game in Easy or Normal Mode. LEVEL 1: 30000 Points LEVEL 2: 44000 Points LEVEL 3: 55000 Points --STOP LENS: Uses 3 units of Spirit Power. This lens is a stronger version of the Stun Lens. When you hit a ghost with it, it will be completely frozen in place. Upgrading this lens will increase the duration of the effect. You will receive this lens when you complete the game in Hard Mode. LEVEL 1: 35000 Points LEVEL 2: 50000 Points LEVEL 3: 65000 Points --BLAST LENS: Uses 2 units of Spirit Power. This Lens increases the power of your Camera, allowing you to inflict extra damage. When you hit with this Lens the ghost will be knocked back (as during a Zero Shot) even if it is not during a Shutter Chance. When you raise the level of this Lens the damage bonus that it gives you is increased. Also, upgrading to Level 1 or higher will cause the ghost to be blasted back in slow motion (Slow Blast Back).

LEVEL 1: 10000 Points LEVEL 2: 20000 Points LEVEL 3: 30000 Points --ZERO LENS: Uses 3 units of Spirit Power. It allows you to take shots that cause a lot of damage. This shot will also knock the ghost back, even if you don't use it during a Shutter Chance. It's stronger than the Blast Lens, but on the other hand you must accumulate more Spirit Power to use it. Upgrading this Lens will increase the damage bonus. You'll find the Zero Lens in the Tachibana House during Chapter 7. LEVEL 1: 12000 Points LEVEL 2: 25000 Points LEVEL 3: 34000 Points --CRUSH LENS: Uses 4 units of Spirit Power. This mother of all Lenses will destroy most ghosts in one shot if you use it during a Shutter Moment. If you don't use it during a Shutter Moment, it won't work as well. Upgrade the level of this lens to increase its exorcismal potency. When the lens reaches Level 3, it will be effective during any shot, not just a Shutter Moment (but using this Lens during a Shutter Moment will always work best). You will receive this lens after beating the game in Hard Mode. LEVEL 1: 45000 Points LEVEL 2: 70000 Points LEVEL 3: 90000 Points --SERIAL LENS: Uses 1 unit of Spirit Power. This Lens is especially designed for use when it's NOT a Shutter Moment. For ghosts that are only vulnerable during a Shutter Moment, like Woman in Box, this lens is pretty much useless. For other ghosts, like Mr. Kurosawa, this lens is very effective. It boosts damage, like the Blast, Zero & Crush Lenses, but since it only requires 1 unit of Spirit Power, you can use it in rapid-fire succession to really dish out some pain. For instance, if you have 4 units charged, you can hit a ghost with Lens 4 times in a row, without waiting for it to 'Blast Back'. You will receive this Lens after you have found 100% of the ghosts on your Spirit List. LEVEL 1: 45000 Points LEVEL 2: 70000 Points LEVEL 3: 90000 Points 3. CAMERA EQUIPMENT There are eight different pieces of Equipment you can add to the Camera. Unlike the Lenses, the Equipment is automatically added to your camera and is always active. Camera Equipment cannot be upgraded with Spirit Points. You will find some of the Equipment as you play through FF2, while other Equipment has to be unlocked by completing the game. --INSTANT: This enables a red light underneath the Filament that flashes during a Fatal Frame moment. You will find this during Chapter Three in the Kurosawa Mansion, 1F Antechamber. --EVADE: When you have this equipped you can escape from a ghost that is about to grab you by using the flash on your Camera. If you hit the X Button at the right moment when you are attacked you can escape without taking any damage. During Chapter Four you will find this item in an alcove in Kurosawa Mansion, 1F Courtyard. --SAVE: This piece of equipment allows you to absorb a lot more Spirit Power when you take a damaging picture of a ghost. You will get this after battling the three ghost children in Osaka House during Chapter 8. --SENSE: This allows your filament to react to ghosts that were previously invisible. You will be able to find more ghosts this way. You get this after you have beaten the game in Easy or Normal Mode. --MEASURE: This enables the HP Meter in Finder Mode. Without it, you can't

tell how many HP the attacking ghosts have. Find this in the Osaka house at the beginning of Chapter Two. --SWITCH: If you have this, you can equip up to three Power-Up Lenses at one time. You can then switch Lenses during battle by pressing the L1 Button. Found in the Kiryu House, 1F Hanging Doll Room, during Chapter Six. --ALARM: Your Camera will make a chiming sound during a Fatal Frame moment. This equipment works in conjunction with your Instant Function. You'll find this during Chapter Five in the Back Room of Osaka House. --ZOOM: With this equipped you can zoom in with the L2 Button and zoom put with the R2 Button. You get this after you have beaten the game in Easy or Normal Mode.

************* III. GHOSTS ************* This section describes the various kinds of ghost encounters that occur in FF2 and provides strategies for coping with ghost battles. In FF2 you will encounter many different types of ghosts. They can be grouped into three general types: Hidden Ghosts, Vanishing Ghosts, and Attacking Ghosts. All the ghosts that you can capture in FF2 will be pointed out in the walkthrough. Some Hidden and Vanishing Ghosts will only appear if you have completed the game once and obtained the Sense Function; this means that it's impossible to capture all the ghosts in your first time through the game. You can also look at the Spirit List at the end of this file to monitor your progress in capturing the ghosts. --HIDDEN GHOSTS: These ghosts are stationary and can be quite hard to find. You will know a Hidden Ghost is near by a blue glow from your Filament. Usually this type of ghost is completely invisible, or only discernable as a faint shimmer. Even in Finder Mode the ghost will not be visible, and you must use the Filament to home in on the ghost's location. When you have successfully targeted the ghost your Capture Circle will glow blue. When you take a picture, the ghost will appear in the photograph. Though they are hard to find, these ghosts won't vanish if you can't locate them right away. Hidden Ghosts are always worth 1000 Spirit Points. Each Hidden Ghost that you capture counts as a separate entry in your Spirit List. --VANISHING GHOSTS: These ghosts can be very hard to capture, because they only appear for a short time and then are gone forever. You must have quick reflexes to capture a Vanishing Ghost. Each appearance is triggered by you, either by moving into a certain area or by picking up an item; these triggers are specific to each chapter, so if you don't set off the trigger then you probably won't be able to go back and do it later. When the ghost appears, your Filament will glow blue, the screen will become obscured with a static haze, and you will hear a heartbeat. This is the time to quickly switch to Finder Mode and take a picture of the ghost before it disappears! Unfortunately, if you don't get a shot of the ghost before it vanishes, you will never get another chance in that game. Ever. So if you really want to capture every ghost in the game, you must be prepared to quit and restore your game if you miss a Vanishing Ghost and want to try again. I will point out each Vanishing Ghost appearance in the walkthrough. The amount of Points you get for capturing these ghosts is highly variable, and depends both on the particular ghost and how quickly and precisely you shoot it. Each separate Vanishing Ghost appearance counts as a distinct entry in your Spirit List. --ATTACKING GHOSTS: Attacking ghosts are your main obstacles in FF2. Each type of ghost has its own pattern of attack, and you must understand these patterns in order to battle effectively. You'll know an attacking ghost is near because

your filament will glow red, and the music will usually change to a more dramatic mode. Some of these encounters are pre-set and you must defeat the ghost or ghosts in order to advance in the game. Other encounters occur randomly as you are exploring; these battles are optional and you can escape the ghost by running away. When a random ghost battle occurs, it will be with one of the following types of ghost: Man in Dark/Woman in Dark, Villagers (Seeker, Pole Bearer and Sickle Bearer), Broken Neck Woman, Veiled Priests, or Limbo Man/Limbo Woman. Random encounters can be very dangerous, so if you are low on health or film it is always best to run and save your resources for the unavoidable encounters. On the other hand, battling random ghosts is a great way to earn extra Spirit Points for upgrading your camera, so you must decide whether or not you want to pursue these encounters depending on how confident you are in your capturing skills. I will give strategies for fighting each type of ghost in the walkthrough. Each type of ghost counts as a separate entry in the Spirit List.

***************************** IV. GENERAL TIPS & STRATEGY ***************************** Before you start playing FF2, I recommend that you visit the Options Menu from the Title Screen. This menu is only available from the Title Screen, so if you want to change the options during the game you'll have to find a save point and quit. You will probably want to change the controller settings to 3D MODE. In 2D Mode, the default, you move Mio by pressing in the direction you want her to go relative to the screen. To make her move 'up' the screen, press up on the controller, etc. This is a big disadvantage in FF2, where you have no control over the camera perspective in Field Mode; you will find Mio veering off whenever the perspective changes. If you switch to 3D Mode, you can eliminate this annoyance. In Subjective Mode, pressing up on the stick causes Mio to move forward in the direction she is facing; angling to the left or right makes Mio turn to her left or right; and pressing down causes Mio to about-face. This is very useful when you are running from a ghost and want to quickly turn and take a shot. Another nice thing about 3D Mode is that you can run forward by pressing the Square Button, and then simply use the L Stick to steer. Veteran players of other survival-horror games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill will be quite used to the Subjective Mode style of control. Another change that many players will prefer is to switch the up/down axis during Finder Mode, so that pressing UP on the stick causes the camera to pan DOWN. Veteran players of 1st-person games will probably be the most comfortable with this set-up. There is no safe place in the Lost Village. In any room, at any time, random ghosts can attack you. They can even attack you in a room with a Save Point. If you spend too much time standing around, you are much more likely to encounter random ghosts. If you have lots of film and are confident in your skills, this isn't a big deal; random ghost encounters can be a good way to get Spirit Points. But if you are low on supplies, you will want to avoid the random ghosts at all costs. Remember that you can run from random encounters if you don't want to fight; the ghosts will probably chase you for a room or two, but then they will give up and go away. If you ever have to set down the controller for any reason, be sure to pause the game unless you want to come back and find that Mio has been taken by ghosts! When you begin upgrading your camera, you must give careful thought to what Functions or Lenses you want to improve. I recommend increasing the Basic Functions first, especially your Range and Accumulation. You won't find enough Spirit Orbs in one pass through the game to upgrade everything to maximum level; there are 22 Orbs total to be found compared with 24 potential slots for

them to fill (36 slots after you finish the game and obtain the bonus Lenses). Since maxing out all the Basic Functions is essential, you will have to choose which Lenses you want to improve and which ones you want to neglect. The See Lens and the Stun Lens are probably the least useful, so I would recommend upgrading the other Lenses first.

**************** V. WALKTHROUGH **************** This walkthrough will take you through FF2 step by step. To follow my directions you will need to make extensive use of the in-game map, which you can see by pressing Select. The names of locations that I direct you to are taken from this map. There are a lot of optional areas that you can visit to find Hidden Ghosts or pick up extra items. I will point out all of these side treks, so that if you follow the walkthrough completely you can find every ghost and item in the game. If you just want get through the game as quickly as possible, you can skip these optional sections; but if you don't take some time to gather extra items and Spirit Points, you will find it much more difficult to upgrade your Camera and defeat the tougher ghosts. The story of FF2 unfolds over the course of nine Chapters, so I have broken the Walkthrough into nine sections. At the start of each section is a summary describing your main goals for that Chapter. I won't describe the cutscenes that you see in detail, but I will indicate when they occur by using an ellipsis (...) so that you will know you are in the right place. A. CHAPTER ONE: THE LOST VILLAGE ******************************** Your goal during Chapter One is to enter the village and explore the first house you find, the Osaka House. There you will find the Camera Obscura and Flashlight, and you will also find your first ghosts, especially the 'Wanderer', Miyako Sudo. --VILLAGE, MISONO HILL After the opening cutscene ... you will take control of Mio at the bottom of a path leading uphill into the forest. Run up the path to see another cutscene ... and find your sister Mayu. The LOST VILLAGE entry will appear in Mio's Memo book. [Note: If this is your 2nd time or more through the game, the Camera will be in your inventory now.] Mayu will be following you at this point. Since she has a game leg, she can't run as fast you and will complain if you leave her behind; whenever you enter a new area, though, she will automatically catch up with you. Now you can begin exploring. The Red Lantern in the SW is a Save Point; use it to SAVE THE GAME. The path you entered from is completely gone, but there are two other paths you can take down into the village. The W path leads to the All God's Bridge. If you go down this path, Mio will refuse to cross the bridge without a light. The E path leads into the village proper; this is the way you should go. As you head down the E path you will see a glowing ball lying on the ground; this is FF2's standard 'icon' for any item that you can pick up. As you approach it you will automatically collect the BLACK BAG, which contains the NEWS CLIPPING, SMALL NEWS CLIPPING, and a photo of a COUPLE. You can look at all this stuff in the File Menu. Continue down the path after you get these items. As you approach the village you will see a ghost walking by in the distance. (NOTE: This ghost does not count as an entry in your Spirit List.) When you reach the end of the path there will be a cutscene ... and Mio and Mayu will automatically enter the Osaka House.

--OSAKA HOUSE, 1F ENTRANCE There are several vanishing ghosts that appear in this house before you get the Camera Obscura. The only way to capture these ghosts is during your 2nd or more time through the game, when you will have the Camera right from the start. The first ghost appears as you move through the entrance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WAITING WOMAN (~600) [Replay only] This is the first of many appearances by Miyako Sudo. She will materialize on the other side of the bars to your left as you step into the room. Take a shot of her through the bars before she disappears. ********** There are no items in this room, so leave through the W door. --OSAKA There to look WOMAN'S finding getting HOUSE, 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM is a long cutscene when you enter this room ... and then you are free around. If you step over to the ruined fireplace you will see the NOTEBOOK 1. These fragments all belong to Miyako Sudo, and we will be a lot of fragments of this notebook here in the Osaka House. After this item, use the E door to enter the Kimono Room. the lantern, in the S of That's all the W door.

--OSAKA HOUSE, 1F KIMONO ROOM There is a lantern you can use here to SAVE THE GAME. Next to on the small table, is the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 2. Enter the closet the room and search the dresser there to find some SACRED WATER. that's here now, so go back to the Fireplace Room and go through

--OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM A vanishing ghost will appear as soon as you step into this room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: ATRIUM WOMAN (~400) [Replay only] If this is your first time playing FF2, you won't be able to capture this ghost. The moment that Mio is through the door, draw your camera and aim to the left through the window into the atrium and you will see Miyako slowly walking by. There will be a very short moment when your Capture Circle will turn blue; quickly hit the shutter to take a picture of her. Be careful not to take your picture too early; you must wait for the Capture Circle to turn blue before taking your shot or it won't count. ********** After the ghost vanishes you can look around. Search the kimono box next to the door to find HERBAL MEDICINE. You can duck under the rope that's supporting the mosquito net to search the bed on the other side and you will find the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 4. That's all you can do here for now, so go back to the Fireplace Room and go down the hallway to the W. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F DIRT-FLOOR HALLWAY As you proceed down the hall Miyako's ghost will appear yet again. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WALKS INSIDE (~450) [Replay only] Once again, if this is your first time through the game you can't capture any ghosts yet. Miyako will appear at the far corner of the hallway as you pass the stairs. Quickly draw your camera to get a shot of her before she disappears around the corner. ********** The door at the end of the short S branch of the hall is locked, so just follow the ghost down the hallway and go through the door at the far end. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BACK ROOM There is only one thing to find here, the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 3, which you will see lying in the corner behind the screen. After you get this item, return to the hallway and head back the way you came.

--OSAKA HOUSE, 1F DIRT-FLOOR HALLWAY As you head back toward the Fireplace Room you will see Miyako's ghost yet again. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: VANISHES AT ALTAR (~450) [Replay only] This is the last ghost you won't be able to capture if it's your first time through the game. She will appear after you round the corner and start heading E; she will be going down the short S branch of the hall that you passed earlier. Draw your Camera as soon as you see the static haze and hear the heartbeat that indicate the presence of a vanishing ghost, and quickly take your picture before she disappears down the side hall. ********** If you follow Miyako down the short side hall to the door that was locked before, you will discover that it is now open. [NOTE: If you try to go anywhere else in the house first (back to the Save Point, for instance), Mayu will not follow you. Instead, she will stay by the newly unlocked door. When you return to the hallway you will see a short cutscene.] Go through the door into the next room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM/DELUXE TATAMI ROOM As you enter the Altar Room you will see an item on the table in front of you; pick it up to receive the FLASHLIGHT and the book CAMERA OBSCURA POINTERS; there will then be a cutscene ... and you will get the CAMERA OBSCURA, which includes a supply of TYPE-14 FILM, and a tutorial file, BASIC CAMERA OPERATION; additionally, Mio will make THE CAMERA OBSCURA entry in the Memo book. All right! Now you can start capturing some ghosts! Just before you go through the open door into the Tatami Room, search the ransacked dresser between the table and the open door to find the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 5. This notebook scrap hints at a secret door somewhere in this room, but you won't be able to find anything just yet. In the Tatami Room you will see some HERBAL MEDICINE shining in the little nook in the corner. When you open the door to return to the Dirt Hallway, there will be a cutscene ... and the door will be sealed. Use your Camera to take a picture of the Door Woman (Miyako) and unseal the door. You will receive a photo of the WARPED FACE LADY. [NOTE: When you capture a ghost that is sealing a door, it doesn't count on your Spirit List.] After another cutscene ... you will be free to leave the room. Return to the hallway and take the stairs up to the second floor. --OSAKA HOUSE, 2F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM You will find yourself on a balcony hallway over the Fireplace Room. There is a locked door here bearing a Ginger Crest. Your next task is to find a key for this door. As you pass the door, Mayu will stop and call out to you; return to the door and check it again to learn that there is someone on the other side... Are you sure you really want to go in there?? To start searching for the key, take the stairs that go back down to the 1st floor of the Fireplace Room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM Go and check the door that leads back to the Entrance. It's been locked! After checking the door there will be a cutscene ... and a vanishing ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: VANISHES AT DOOR (~300) Immediately after the cutscene, Miyako will appear for a moment in front of the door that leads to the Big Tatami Room. You will want to draw your Camera the instant that the cutscene ends to capture this ghost before it disappears. Don't worry if Mayu is also in the shot, her presence won't spoil the photo. ********** Now check the door that Miyako just appeared in front of; it is being sealed

by an evil spirit. If you take a picture of the door you will see a photo of a COAL BRAZIER. Do you remember seeing this place? It's in the Back Room at the end of the Dirt Hallway, so go there now. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BACK ROOM When you enter this room your filament will immediately start to react. Approach the old brazier in the middle of the room and take a picture of it. You will get a photo of the SLASHED MAN, and the spirit sealing the door of the Big Tatami Room will be gone. As soon as you have taken this photo a vanishing ghost will appear, so get ready to take out your camera for another shot! ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: MAN ON DECK (~600) This ghost appears as soon as you have taken a picture of the brazier. He appears on the deck behind the brazier that looks out on the atrium; all you have to do is quickly take out your camera again and snap another photo. ********** After capturing this ghost, take the hallway back to the Fireplace Room and open the now unsealed door to the Big Tatami Room (in the W wall). --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM Hm, it seems like there's nothing new in this room... Why was the door sealed? In order to reveal the secret of this room, try to open the door and go back to the Fireplace Room. As you try and open the door, a panel will fall off the wall, revealing an item. It's the GINGER KEY that you were looking for! As soon as you have picked up this item another vanishing ghost will appear, so get ready! ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WOMAN BEHIND NET (~350) The instant after you have picked up the Ginger Key, turn around as fast as you can and draw your camera. Miyako will be walking by right behind you, heading for the door. You only have about one second to turn and take this picture, but it's not too hard. ********** Now you can go back to the Fireplace Room. Miyako is about to make another appearance, so be ready to use the camera! --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM As you exit the Big Tatami Room, make sure to walk BETWEEN the fireplace and the stairs to insure that you are well placed for the next ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STAIR CLIMBER (~500) Miyako will appear as you pass by the foot of the stairs. She'll be behind you, climbing the staircase. If you press the Circle Button to switch to Finder Mode, Mio will automatically aim at exactly the right place. All you have to do is hit the shutter! If you don't walk between the fireplace and the stairs, then the fallen beams will obstruct your shot when the ghost appears. If you stay close to the stairs, though, you'll have no trouble capturing this ghost. ********** Once again, Miyako has shown you where to go next. Before you follow her up the stairs, however, you should go back into the Kimono Room and SAVE THE GAME. A difficult vanishing ghost capture awaits you on the second floor balcony. --OSAKA HOUSE, 2F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STANDING WOMAN (~500) As soon as you get to the top of the staircase, turn to the right and switch to Finder Mode. Miyako will be standing in front of the door with the Ginger Crest lock, and she will only be visible for a split second. If you make the slightest hesitation you will lose the shot! This is the first tough ghost

capture that you can try, but there are much harder ones awaiting you later in the game. If you can get this one you are doing well! ********** After the ghost disappears, go over to the door and use the Ginger Key to open it. There are more chances to capture Miyako awaiting you in the next room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 2F SERVANT'S ROOM/GUEST ROOMS/STUDY When you enter you will see open doorways to your right, leading to the Servant's Room, and to your left, leading to the Guest Rooms. First, step into the right or S doorway to trigger another appearance of Miyako. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: BECKONER (~550) This section of the house consists of four connected rooms. As you step into the Guest Room, you will see Miyako appear ahead of you. She's going through the next open doorway into another Guest Room. Since she's right in front of you it's not hard to quickly take out your camera and take a shot of her as she's walking away. ********** Before you follow her, turn and go into the Servant's Room to the N. If you check the dresser along the wall you can find HERBAL MEDICINE, and if you search the floor in front of the folding screen you will find a hidden box of TYPE-61 FILM. This is stronger than the Type-14 Film you have loaded, but you should save the strong Films for later in the game. Back in the Guest Room where you photographed Miyako you will see an item on the table; it's the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 6. Pick it up and go through the open doorway to the W. In this room you can find the WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 7 on the ground in front of the shrouded mirror. Miyako will appear yet again as you move through the next open doorway into the final room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STANDS BEHIND (~400) As you step through the open doorway to the N, there will be sudden music and the ghost of Miyako will appear behind you. Switch to the Finder and Mio will automatically turn and aim at the ghost; you will see her walking by behind your sister Mayu. Fortunately, Mayu won't obstruct your view of the ghost; just calmly hit the shutter and you should be able to get a good shot. ********** It seems that Miyako has closed the door behind her, trapping you. This can't be good. Before you pick up the item in the middle of the floor in the Study, examine the bookcases to get the book FOLKLORIST 1. Got it? Then pick up the item on the floor; it's Miyako's last entry, WOMAN'S NOTEBOOK 8. When you pick this up there will be a scary cutscene, ... and you will receive the SPIRIT CAPTURE file. After reading this it's time for your first ghost battle! ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WANDERER (Miyako Sudo) The time for your confrontation with the ghost of Miyako has finally arrived. She's not too tough, though. Stand in the center of the room and switch to Finder Mode. Like all ghosts, Miyako can move through the walls; if you stand by the wall it's much easier for her to ambush you. If you can't see her, use the Filament to guess her approximate direction; you'll know you're facing the right way by how brightly the Filament glows. Now you have to wait. You can take a shot at Miyako as soon as she appears, but the best tactic is to wait for her to make a move against you (or your sister) and go for the Zero Shot. When a ghost attacks, your Capture Circle will turn RED (in what is called a Shutter Moment); if you photograph the ghost at this time it's called a ZERO SHOT and it will do about twice as much damage as normal. After you take a shot of this ghost she will probably teleport away. Don't panic, just stay in the middle of the room and use the Filament to find her new location (probably behind a wall) and wait for her to re-emerge. Don't forget that if you get grabbed, you can shake the L Stick to minimize the damage inflicted; also, you

have several doses of Herbal Medicine that you can heal up with. If you hit with three Zero Shots that should end the battle. ********** After the battle is over there will be a cutscene ... and you will get your first SPIRIT ORB, along with the SPIRIT ORB Tutorial file, and the ARAGONITE crystal. (See the section on Upgrading your Camera above for more on Spirit Orbs.) Also, Mio will make the LOST COUPLE entry in the Memo book. Congratulations! You've made it to the end of the First Chapter!! B. CHAPTER TWO: TWIN SHRINE MAIDENS *********************************** As this Chapter opens Mio is on her own; Mayu has wandered off! Your goal is to follow Mayu through the village to Kurosawa Mansion, and find keys to unlock the big closed gate at the mansion's entrance. Before you head off in search of Mayu, you can use the Spirit Orb that you just got to make the first improvement in your camera. If you have captured all the ghosts up to this point, you should have just enough points to improve your Range, which is what I recommend. Upgrading the Accumulation is cheaper, but it won't help you much at this point since you don't have any Lenses. If you don't have enough points for Range, it's probably best to wait until you do and improve this parameter of your camera first. --OSAKA HOUSE, 2F SERVANT'S ROOM/GUEST ROOMS/STUDY New items have appeared in this room. Check the table to get the SPIRIT STONE RADIO. Whenever you find a supernatural crystal, you can place it in the Radio to hear the thoughts of the spirit that the crystal belongs to. You will also get the SPIRIT STONE RADIO POINTERS book. Mio will also make a new entry in the Memo book, SPIRIT STONE RADIO. You can use the Radio to listen to the Aragonite crystal you found when you defeated Miyako. As you head back into the Guest Rooms you can find a hidden ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: GIRL IN HIDING (1000) To find this ghost, look behind the kimono that's in the SW Guest Room. Like all hidden ghosts, the spirit will be invisible. You must use the blue glow from your Filament to home in on the right spot. You'll want to stand behind the kimono and aim down into the corner. The Capture Circle will turn blue when you are properly aimed. ********** After capturing this ghost, go back through to door to the Fireplace Room balcony. --OSAKA HOUSE, 2F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM As you go through the door you will see a cutscene... After the cutscene you will be in control of Mayu! This will happen from time to time during the game. Mayu can't use any items or even look at the menu. All you can do is follow the crimson butterflies that you see along the path into the village. After following the path for a while control will switch back to Mio, who is still in the Osaka House. Before you leave to follow Mayu, you can ransack the Osaka House for more items. To begin, go back down the stairs into the Sunken Fireplace Room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM When you return to this room a new type of ghost, Man in Dark, will probably attack you. This battle does not ALWAYS happen, but since you are very likely to have some random encounters with this spirit I will describe the strategy for fighting him here. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: MAN IN DARK (2) Of all the ghosts in FF2, this is the weakest and easiest to fight, even when

it appears in a small group. There will be two of these ghosts in this battle. The only complication is that the ghosts will often appear quite suddenly very close to you when the battle starts. If this happens, stay calm and run a few paces away, then turn and take aim. Man in Dark is very slow and can't teleport or turn invisible or do anything sneaky. All they can do is slowly drift toward you and try to grab you. Before they can do this, however, you will get a nice Shutter Chance. Take your picture at this time to knock the ghost away from you, then wait for it to recover; when it starts coming for you again, wait for the Shutter Chance and keep knocking it back. Easy! Each ghost will probably take three Zero Shots before being destroyed. ********** Ok, that wasn't too hard, was it? Now you can pick up the item by the side of the staircase; it's some new additions for your camera. You'll get the SLOW LENS (along with THE "SLOW" LENS File) and the MEASURE FUNCTION (along with THE "MEASURE" FUNCTION File and some TYPE-14 FILM). Now you can see the ghosts' HP! I'm sure you are anxious to save your game, so go through the E door into the Kimono Room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F KIMONO ROOM As you enter the room you will see an item in the middle of the floor. BEFORE you pick up this item, SAVE THE GAME. Now you can pick up the item, it's HERBAL MEDICINE. But as soon as you have it, a new ghost will attack you!! ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WOMAN IN BOX This ghost will appear in the closet at the other end of the room, crawling out of the kimono box against the far wall I think this ghost is one of the scariest, but fighting it isn't too hard. Switch to Finder Mode and take aim. Since the Woman in Box is hunched over and her long hair obscures her face, your camera won't react at first. Keep your finger close to the shutter button because Woman in Box is ONLY vulnerable during a Shutter Chance. As the ghost slowly shuffles closer, there will be some split-second moments when this chance occurs; you must have good reflexes and be prepared to take a shot at that second! Fortunately her slow movement means all you really have to worry about is timing your shot; aiming is easy. Sometimes this ghost will suddenly stand up and start lurching toward you, revealing her face. But don't worry, she is totally vulnerable to a Zero Shot as soon as she begins this attack. If you hold your ground and take shots during the Shutter Chances you can win this battle after three hits. If you miss the Shutter Chances, however, you must be prepared to stop aiming and run to the other side of the room when she gets really close. If this happens, just take aim again and keep trying. Getting the Zero Shot is your most important technique when fighting any ghost, and Woman in Box is good practice. ********** After the fight is over the ghost will leave behind a MOONSTONE (which you can listen to with the Spirit Radio) and a SPIRIT ORB. If you have earned enough points from ghost battles, use this Orb to make further upgrades in your camera. I recommend increasing Sensitivity next. That's all for this room; SAVE THE GAME once again and go back to the Fireplace Room, then through the E door into the Big Tatami Room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM There is a ghost hiding in here that you can capture. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: FROZEN WOMAN (1000) As soon as you enter the Big Tatami Room your Filament will begin to glow. Use the Camera to aim through the mosquito net at the bed on the other side. When your Capture Circle turns blue hit the shutter to take a picture of the ghost. ********** There are no items here. Leave and go back down the Dirt Hallway to the Back

Room. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F BACK ROOM Miyako appears as you enter this room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WOMAN ON DECK (0) After coming through the door, switch to the Finder. Use the R Stick to move yourself into the room as you aim toward the Atrium in the back. As you begin to approach the brazier you will see the ghost appear before you. Your Filament will not react, and your Capture Circle will not glow. You will see a Lock Circle targeting the ghost, however. If you get too close to the brazier or switch out of Finder Mode the ghost will vanish, so capture it as soon as you see it! Even though this ghost isn't worth any points, it still counts as an entry in your Spirit List. ********** On the deck facing the atrium you will see an item. It's a fragmentary collection of notes left by the surveyor, VILLAGE REPORT 1-4. You will only get the first page of each of these reports, but each page mentions a specific landmark in the Lost Village. If you visit these places, you can find the complete reports as well as capture images of the surveyor's spirit. Go back through the hallway and return to the Entrance. --OSAKA HOUSE, 1F ENTRANCE You will find MAYU'S CHARM lying here on the floor. You can listen to it with the Radio. Unlike the other stones that you find, Mayu's Charm will contain new messages if you re-check it periodically during the game. Every time that you see or encounter Mayu, go back to the Radio menu to see if a new message has appeared. You're done in this house for now, so use the E door to exit. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT Go a little bit to the S and check the guardian deity statue by the corner of the house to get some TYPE-14 FILM. Now go N along the road to follow after Mayu. Turn left at the intersection and go W, then take the path to the N between the houses. --VILLAGE, KIRYU-TACHIBANA The path lies between the Kiryu house on the right and the Tachibana house on the left. As you come to the first bend you will see a fleeting image of your sister. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: BUTTERFLY CHASER (0) I think this is by far the most difficult capture in the game. Mayu appears ahead of you, heading around the corner to the right. Your Filament and Capture Circle will not react. Stick to the right-hand side of the road when she appears and keep running until you are about halfway past the double doors. At this point Mayu will have almost completely disappeared around the corner. As fast as you can, draw your camera and take a shot! This is very difficult because your distance from Mayu determines whether or not your shot will be successful; if you are too far back you can get a clear picture that doesn't count. But Mayu only appears for a short moment, so by the time you have run close enough for your camera to pick her up, she's almost gone. It took me dozens of tries to successfully capture this ghost; fortunately there is a Save Lantern nearby if you want to keep trying. When I did finally capture her, she wasn't even visible in the picture; she had JUST disappeared around the corner. Good luck with this one, you'll need it! (One thing that might help...try capturing this ghost when you are replaying the game, and use Costume A or B. Mio seems to run just a tiny bit faster when she's wearing these costumes, and that slight advantage can make a difference here when you're dealing with a capture opportunity that only lasts a tiny fraction of a second.)

********** Follow her around the corner and down the stairs. After a cutscene ... you will be under attack by two ghosts! ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: SEEKER & POLE BEARER These are the spirits of some of the dead villagers. They will appear a good distance behind you, at the bottom of the steps. These are weak ghosts. As they slowly close in on you, they tend to side step a little bit and try to surround you. You can use the R Stick to move around and prevent this from happening. Seeker is the easiest to deal with; when he moves in to swipe at you with his torch you can easily get a Zero Shot. Pole Bearer is a little trickier, because he can hit you BEFORE you get a good Shutter Chance. When you see Pole Bearer begin to rear back with his pole in preparation for attack, back away to get out of his range. After he swings he will take a moment to recover, and this is when he is vulnerable. ********** (At this point, you can listen to a new message from Mayu's Charm on the Radio if you like.) After the battle, go up to the gate that Mayu went through. Your filament will react as you approach. Take a picture of the door and you will get the GATE BUTTERFLY photo; is this some kind of clue? If you try to open the door you will discover that it is locked; two different keys are required to open it. Your next job is to find these keys. Before heading off to look for them, you can find HERBAL MEDICINE among the weeds at the base of the big tree that's nearby. Also, search the lantern on the left side of the gate to find another HERBAL MEDICINE. All you can do now is go back the way you came. As you retrace your steps through the village you will see some crimson butterflies. Follow them along the path all the way to the W end of the village. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT There is a ghost hiding in the small ruined building across the street from the Osaka house. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: FROZEN MAN (1000) This ghost is in the small ruined building that's across the path to the E of the Osaka house. To find it, walk along the N side of this building and you will see a reaction from your filament. Take out the Camera and aim into the opening on the N side of the building and your Capture Circle will glow blue. That's it, you've found him! ********** After you find this ghost, keep going E along the road. --VILLAGE, TSUCHIHARA FRONT The path bends to the SE and ends. You will see a lantern here, so use it to SAVE THE GAME. There is a storage building next to the save point, but the door is locked. In between a corner on the W side of this storehouse is a big well. Search this well to find the VILLAGE REPORT 2...more evidence from the lost surveyor Masumi Makimura. His ghost will appear when you walk away from the well. [NOTE: Each time you find a Village Report (there are 4 of them), Masumi's ghost will appear. If you capture all four appearances you will get an extra file, Village Report 5. There are a lot of events related to this ghost later in the game that will only occur if you make all four captures and get the Village Report 5.] ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WELL CHECKER (~1200) This ghost appears after you have examined the well and found the surveyor's report. Walk slowly away, and after you have taken five or six steps the ghost will appear behind you. Quickly turn around, take out the camera, and hit the shutter! If you are ready for this ghost it's not hard to capture. **********

When you have captured this ghost, go through the gate at the far side of the storehouse. --VILLAGE, STOREHOUSE BACK As you enter the little yard behind the storehouse you will see a cutscene ... and meet a boy who seems to be imprisoned there. He says that the keys to the gate are hidden inside Twin Deity monuments somewhere in the village. If you keep talking to the boy, he will say a few different things. Mayu will make the TRAPPED BOY entry in the Memo book. You'll also notice that your filament is glowing; if you take a picture of the monument that's right here in the little yard you will get a STATUE BUTTERFLY photo. Okay, now it's time to go find the keys. To get the first key, take the path S out of the village and return to Misono Hill. --VILLAGE, MISONO HILL Take the path leading S from the Osaka house to get back to this hill. Here you will find the archway mentioned by the surveyor in one of his reports. Search near the gate to find VILLAGE REPORT 4. As you walk away from the place where you find the report, Masumi's ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: GATE CHECKER (~1200) After you pick up the report, walk slowly away from the gate. When you have taken a few steps, the filament will suddenly give a faint glow and you will see the telltale static haze that indicates a vanishing ghost. Quickly about-face and take your camera to get a shot of the surveyor before he's gone. ********** You will see some butterflies hovering over the statue that's by the path leading down to the cemetery. Before you search this statue, use the lantern to SAVE THE GAME. Then check the statue to get the TWIN STATUE KEY L. When you pick up this key, you will be attacked! ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: SEEKER, SICKLE BEARER, POLE BEARER You have fought Seeker and Pole Bearer just a little while ago. This time a third villager, Sickle Bearer, joins them. This ghost is just as weak as his friends and will attack you in the exact same pattern as Seeker does; when he closes in to swing his sickle, you can easily hit him with a Zero Shot. The only difficulty here is the tendency that these ghosts have of trying to flank you as they close in. When the battle starts the ghosts will be spread out on three sides of you. Before taking aim, run past them to the other side of the hill so you aren't surrounded. Now you can pick off the ghosts as they come toward you. You can defeat each ghost with one Zero Shot. ********** After defeating the villagers a SPIRIT ORB will appear next to the save lantern. Save the game, then before returning to the village take the W path down from the hill to find the Cemetery. --VILLAGE, ALL GOD'S CEMETARY You are likely to be attacked by a random ghost while you are exploring this area (but it's not guaranteed). There is an old tree here that seems to conceal the entrance to some kind of cave, but you can't go inside there just yet. Walk around the cemetery and you will see two obvious items; a GLOWING BLUE CRYSTAL for the Radio and a valuable SPIRIT ORB. Now hurry back to Misono Hill and take the E path back to the village. --VILLAGE, OSAKA FRONT As you approach the Osaka house you will see a cutscene ... of angry villagers searching for something. When you continue into the village these ghosts will attack you. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: SEEKER x2

Two torch-wielding Seekers will appear over by the well to the E. You can run away from these ghosts if you want, but you will miss out on valuable items. You have had experience with all of these types by now, so if you choose to stay and fight the battle shouldn't be very hard. Just stay put and pick them off as they close in. If the ghosts try to surround you, simply back away. Each ghost has low stamina; you can defeat them with one Zero Shot. ********** After the battle, head over to the area where they came from. In front of the well by the storehouse you will see something has been left behind: a SPIRIT ORB and a GLOWING PURPLE CRYSTAL. [NOTE: Don't forget to use these Spirit Orbs to make upgrades to your camera! Concentrate on upgrading the Basic Functions first.] When you have these items, go take the W road to find the next part of the Twin Key. --VILLAGE, KIRYU HOUSE BACK You will see a save point up ahead, so use it! There is a Twin Deity statue nearby where the path bends to the N; if you search this one you won't find another key, but you can get some TYPE-14 FILM instead. To the N is another statue with butterflies hovering over it. Search this monument to get the TWIN STATUE KEY R. More ghosts will attack you when you pick up this key. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: MAN IN DARK x3 The three ghosts appear as soon as you pick up the key. These ghosts won't leave any items, so feel free to run away if you don't want to fight; if you flee across the little bridge they will just go away. But if you want to earn valuable points, you should try to take them out. It's not a hard battle. One of the ghosts appears right in front of you; immediately take out your camera as soon as the battle starts and you can get a Zero Shot on this ghost as he lunges for you. If you get a Zero Shot you can defeat him in one hit. The other two ghosts are standing farther behind you on the path, but they won't start moving toward you until you approach them. These two ghosts are a little stronger than the first one and will probably take three hits to defeat. But since they move so slowly and it's so easy to get a Zero Shot against them you should be able to win with little trouble. ********** Before you go back to unlock the gate, to W over the footbridge to find the Kureha Shrine. There are more items and ghosts that you can find there. --VILLAGE, FORK IN ROAD There is a large, curving staircase climbing up the hillside here. A cutscene ... plays when you approach the bottom of the stairs. There are two ways you can go here; south, along the path, or north, up the stairs. The S path leads to the same Old Tree you saw earlier in the cemetery; it's a dead end for now. Along this path, just to the right of the stairs, is a row of small monuments decorated with a pinwheel that's turning in the breeze. If you search the row on the left side of the pinwheel you can find the VILLAGE REPORT 1. After you find this document the surveyor's ghost will make another appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STATUE CHECKER (~1200) Masumi Makimura will appear after you find the report that he left at the bottom of the stairs. Be ready to turn around and take his picture when you are walking away from this spot. ********** After capturing this ghost, climb up the stairs. --VILLAGE, KUREHA SHRINE PATH The stairs wind up the side of the hill. At the top is a short path leading to an old shrine. There is SACRED WATER lying on the ground here in front of one of the stone lanterns. Grab it, then approach the shrine to find a hidden

ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: SHRINE SHADOW (1000) Your filament will begin to glow as you approach the shrine. The spirit is hovering over the lantern on the right side of the shrine door. If you are standing too close to the lantern you won't be able to get the shot; move around while aiming at the lantern until you get a glowing Capture Circle, then take your shot! ********** Now search the other lantern by the shrine door (on the left side). You will find VILLAGE REPORT 3, and the surveyor's ghost will appear yet again. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: MAN AT SHRINE (~1000) After finding the Village Report 3, do not enter the shrine or this ghost will not appear. Instead, walk slowly away back along the path. After you have taken a few steps the surveyor will appear behind you at the shrine's door. Turn and photograph him before he disappears. [NOTE: This ghost will appear again later, during Chapter Eight. Even if you capture him both times, it still only counts as one entry on your Spirit List.] ********** If you have found all four Village Reports and captured Masumi Makimura's image each time, you will receive the VILLAGE REPORT 5. Now you can enter the shrine. --KUREHA SHRINE As you enter there will be an aisle between two latticed-off areas on the left and right. Go through the gap on the E side and search the urns there to find HERBAL MEDICINE. As you proceed farther into the shrine you will see a SPIRIT ORB lying on the ground on the left side of the altar. Grab it, then go around to the right side of the altar and through the broken lattice. There is a door in the back of the altar but it's locked; further on, in the far corner, you will see some SACRED WATER. After you get these items you can leave. Go back down the stairs and take the path E to return to the village. Now you can unlock the gate at the N side of the village! But before you do this, you can explore a small area of the Kiryu house. To get there, take the N road back into the town. At the top of the stairs going down to the E, you will see a little ramp that leads up to a ledge with a door. This door is unlocked, so you can use it to get into the Kiryu house. --KIRYU HOUSE, 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM A random ghost (Broken Neck Woman) may attack you while exploring this house. Since this is a new type of ghost, I will give a battle strategy here. ********** !!-Random Ghost: BROKEN NECK WOMAN This ghost will attack you in a familiar pattern, but with a catch. She is fairly aggressive and will glide toward you and try to grab you. To get a Zero Shot, you must wait for her to begin her attack. When she moves in, she will duck down at the same time; use the R Stick to back away as she moves in. She will rise up again as she reaches for you, and if you have backed out of range you will be able to shoot her during a Fatal Frame. After you hit Broken Neck, you won't be able to get another Shutter Chance for a few seconds; this means that if you just stay put the ghost will probably be able to hit you with her next lunge. To prevent this, back away after taking your shot so that her next attack doesn't happen too quickly. You might be grabbed a few times as you become familiar with this pattern, but you should have a good supply of healing items to help you out. Remember: hit with the Zero Shot during her attack, then run away before taking aim again. Broken Neck has more HP than the weak Villagers and Man in Dark, so you might need to hit with the Zero Shot three or four times to win. **********

When you enter the house you will be in a small entryway with a door and a staircase. Look under the stairs to find some HERBAL MEDICINE. There is a small storage space next to the entrance full of boxes, but there are no items there. Next, go through the W door to find the Projector Room. --KIRYU HOUSE, 1F PROJECTOR ROOM There is a film projector in this room; when you enter it will automatically start playing. After watching the movie you can examine the projector to take the film with you; it is FILM REEL 1. That's all that's here, so go back to the entryway and go up the stairs. --KIRYU HOUSE, 2F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM When you get to the top of the stairs, turn right and go around the short hallway to find an open doorway into the Sliding Screen Room. In front of the small window you will see an item; it's the STUN LENS (along with THE "STUN" LENS file and some TYPE-14 FILM)! This is a nice item; when you shoot a ghost with this Lens it will freeze periodically, making it much much easier to get hit the ghost during a Shutter Chance. In the corner of the room are some bookshelves; if you search them you will find the book FOLKLORIST 2. There are two doors leading out of this area. The W door is locked, so go through the S door. --KIRYU HOUSE, 2F CONNECTING CORRIDOR You will find yourself on a high breezeway connecting the Kiryu house with its neighbor across the street. In the center of this bridge you can find a CHRYSOBERYL to use with your Radio. The door on the other side of the bridge is locked. This is all you can do in the Kiryu house for now, so go back inside, go down the stairs, and exit the house. --VILLAGE, KIRYU-TACHIBANA Examine the big locked gate and Mio will automatically unlock it with the Twin Statue Keys. Go on through to the next area. --VILLAGE, WHISPER BRIDGE The next area is a long bridge leading to the Kurosawa mansion. Before you go out onto the bridge, check the shore on the W side to find some HERBAL MEDICINE. Now proceed N across the bridge. When you are about 3/4 of the way across, a ghost will appear off to the left over the water. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: FLOATING WOMAN (~300) When the ghost appears, aim your camera out to the left to capture her. ********** After capturing the ghost there will be a cutscene ... and you will enter a battle! ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: SUNKEN WOMAN She appears right in front of you; quickly take out the camera to get a Zero Shot as she closes in. This ghost will teleport whenever you get a Zero Shot, so use the Filament to get a bearing on her new location. Sunken Woman's favorite tactic is to float slowly about; when she begins drifting toward you be ready to hit her during the Shutter Moment before she grabs you. If you see her dive down below the water, stop aiming and run because she will pop up from underneath the bridge and try to grab your ankles. If you are quick you can also get a Zero Shot during this move, but you should concentrate on not getting hurt. Three strong hits should do the trick. ********** When the battle is over an item will appear on the bridge; pick it up to get the GREEN CRYSTAL and a SPIRIT ORB. A hidden ghost will also appear. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: DROWNED WOMAN (1000)

To find this ghost, aim down through the hole in the bridge where you found the items after the battle. ********** Now you can go through the door at the N end of Whisper Bridge to enter Kurosawa Mansion. --KUROSAWA, 1F GROUNDS A vanishing ghost appears the moment you step through the gate. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: BLOODY KIMONO (~300) Take out your camera and capture this ghost the instant you step through the gate. She appears on the path directly in front of you. ********** There is a lantern you can use here to SAVE THE GAME. Before going inside the mansion, check the little nook in the NE corner to find a SPIRIT ORB. There are two doors leading inside; the smaller one is locked so go through the big double doors. There will be a cutscene ... in which Mio's Flashlight goes out. The worst thing about Kurosawa mansion is that your Flashlight will not work when you are inside... This marks the end of Chapter Two! C. CHAPTER THREE: THE REPENTANCE ******************************** Your goal during this chapter is simple: find your sister Mayu! --KUROSAWA, 1F ENTRANCE [NOTE: A new message is now available from Mayu's Charm.] A vanishing ghost will appear as you begin to head up the steps and past the ruined tapestry that's hanging down from a second-floor balcony. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PRIEST BEHIND (~900) As you walk into the room, this ghost appears behind you, right in front of the doors. Be ready to turn and snap a picture of him when he appears. ********** If this is your second or more time through the game and you have the Sense Function, you can also find a hidden ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: LOOKING DOWN (1000) [Sense Function required] To find the ghost, stand just in front of the big curtain and aim up at the balcony ledge above you on the second floor. You can only find this ghost with the Sense Function. ********** Continue N down the corridor to find two doors. The right door is locked and marked with a butterfly symbol. The left door is unlocked, so open it. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: TERRIFIED MAN (~800) Before you go into the next room, switch to the Finder. Behind the kimono that's ahead of you, you will see a man cowering in the corner. Unlike other vanishers, this ghost is not on a time limit (and it won't cause a reaction from your Filament). It WILL vanish if you get too close to it, however. ********** Now you can enter the next area. --KUROSAWA, 1F ANTECHAMBER The dot glowing in the SW corner is a new piece of equipment for your camera: THE INSTANT FUNCTION. This device enables a blinking light underneath the Filament (in Finder Mode) that lets you know when a Fatal Frame moment occurs. Along with this item you will also get THE "INSTANT" FUNCTION tutorial file and some TYPE-14 FILM. In the opposite corner, where you saw the Terrified Man, you can search the furniture there to find HERBAL MEDICINE and TYPE-14 FILM.

When you have collected all of these items, open the S door to trigger another short scene in which you will control Mayu. As before, when controlling your sister you can't use any items or use the menu. Just go down the hallway and through the door at the end. After this scene you will take control of Mio again. --KUROSAWA, 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY You must be getting close to Mayu because this is the same hallway you just saw in the last scene. You won't have it as easy as her, though, because as you proceed down the hall evil spirits will attack you. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: LIMBO MAN This guy appears when you pass the little side hall branching off to the S. He'll be ahead of you at the point where the hall bends to the N. Fighting this guy is very easy. Just stay put and let him come to you. When he attacks, he will bend over first; use the R Stick to begin backing away, out of range of his attack. When he stands back up, there will be a nice chance to hit him during a Fatal Frame. You should be able to score Combo Shots against him quite easily after that. He can't teleport or anything, so just keep aiming and wait for him to bend over again to take your next shot. Easy! You'll probably need four Zero Shots to beat him. ********** If you go down the branch to the S, you will see a door at the end that you can't get through. The wall here is covered with gruesome bloody handprints. You'll need to remember where this place is a little later. Go back and take the N branch of the hall to trigger another ghost battle. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: LIMBO WOMAN This counterpart to Limbo Man has a much trickier pattern. First of all, she is faster. Second of all, she can teleport. As she moves in toward you she will often flicker from side to side, so use the Square Button to accelerate your aim as you track her. She won't bend over before attacking you like Limbo Man, she just moves in for the grab, so just try to keep head within your Capture Circle and be ready for the Shutter Chance. This will occur hen she gets fairly close, just before she grabs you; you must time the shot well to knock her back and avoid getting hurt. You can use the Slow Lens to good effect on this ghost since she moves so quickly. When you take a picture of her, she will teleport away, most likely reappearing behind you. Use the Filament to keep track of her when she teleports. If you have upgraded your Sensitivity, you will be able to defeat her with two or three Zero Shots. ********** Ok, you've finally made it to the end of the hallway. You'll see a SPIRIT ORB lying right there on the ground. It's hard to see, but there is a hole in the floor right next to the sliding door; examine the hole to find a GLOWING GREEN CRYSTAL. That's all here for now, go through the door into the next room. --KUROSAWA, IF GREAT HALL There are two items here; the FLOURITE 1 crystal is in the middle of the room next to the fireplace, and some SACRED WATER is hidden in the corner between the torn screens to the SW of the fireplace. When you have picked up these items and start heading around to the door in the NE you will see a cutscene ... and a powerful, deadly ghost will appear! DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT THIS GHOST! It's completely invulnerable and it can kill you with one touch. All you can do at this point is RUN AWAY. Fortunately the ghost moves pretty slowly, so you should be able to run and get through the NE door without trouble. (If you are feeling brave, you can try to grab a hidden box of TYPE-90 FILM that's in a small gap between the screens on the left as you are running for the door.) --KUROSAWA, 1F COURTYARD STAIRCASE The giant ghost won't follow you out here. Check your Memo book to see a new

entry about the last cutscene, MASSACRE. As you head over to start climbing the stairs a vanishing ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: 2ND FLOOR MAYU (~600) As soon as you step around the corner toward the stairs, Mayu will appear. She is high above you on a 2nd-floor balcony. Quickly take out the camera and (using the Square Button to accelerate) aim up and to the right to get a picture of her before she fades away! ********** Before heading up to follow her, check the dead end to the NE to find a STONE MIRROR. If you check the little alcove here you will see an object draped in filthy cloth; you can't get anything here now but remember it for later. Now you can go up the stairs. --KUROSAWA, 2F COURTYARD STAIRCASE At last, a save point! If you are on your second time through the game you can find a hidden ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: UNREQUITED (1000) [Sense Function required] Stand next to the save point, and if you have the Sense Function your Filament will react. To find the ghost, simply aim up at the rooftops and your Capture Circle will turn blue. ********** After saving, go through the door to the next area. --KUROSAWA, 2F GUEST ROOM HALLWAY The first door you see is locked. Just go down the hall and through the door at the end. --KUROSAWA, 2F GUEST ROOM Search the dresser by the door to find TYPE-61 FILM, then check the bookcase in the corner to find the FOLKLORIST 3 book. That's all you can get here, so go through the N door. --KUROSAWA, 2F FLICKERING ROOM This eerie room is lit by a flickering lamp (thus the name). Search the dried flowers hanging on the wall by the door to find HERBAL MEDICINE. More HERBAL MEDICINE is hidden in the dresser at the other end of the room. The door in the NW corner has a lock with a Diamond Stack pattern. Take a picture of the door and you'll see a BLOODY WALL. Remember this place? It was in the hallway where you fought Limbo Man and Limbo Woman. You will have to run past that terrible invincible ghost to get back there. Go back through the Guest Room and Hallway to the Courtyard and SAVE THE GAME (pay no heed to the voices you hear along the way). Then go down the stairs and back into the Great Hall; keep running so you aren't killed by the big ghost; don't try to cut across the center, just stay close to the walls. Go through the W door. --KUROSAWA, 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY Some vanishing ghosts will appear as you make your way to the door with the bloody handprints. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: FLEEING VILLAGER (~600) This guy appears as you round the first corner; he will be right in front of you and quickly turn to run away. You must take your picture very quickly, before he turns and runs, or it won't count. This ghost is hard to capture. ********** Before you go on, switch to the fast Type-61 Film. Another pair of ghosts appears as you approach the branch to the S. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: DRAGGER & DRAGGEE (~600)

When you near the corner where the hallway branches to the S, this ghost will appear. Before you aim, run forward a few steps so you can see down the hall, then take your shot. If this is your first time through the game, your Capture Circle may not be large enough yet to fit both ghosts in one shot. If you have fast film loaded, you can try taking a picture of one ghost, then the other. Or you can just worry about capturing one of them and concentrate on the next one when you replay the game. This ghost will linger a bit longer than the last one, so you should have time to capture it without too much trouble. ********** When you get to the end of the S branch of the hallway the door there will open for you automatically, as if the spirits were there waiting for you. This can't be good. Go through the door. --KUROSAWA, 1F BLOODSTAINED ROOM You will have a tough battle in this macabre room. First, pick up the item in the middle of the floor; it's the BLAST LENS (along with THE "BLAST" LENS tutorial file and some TYPE-14 FILM). Immediately equip this Lens for use in the upcoming battle. (NOTE: The Blast Lens requires 2 units of Spirit Power. You should have made at least one upgrade to your Accumulation by now; if not, you won't be able to use this Lens!) If you search the dresser in the NW corner you can find HERBAL MEDICINE. When you are ready, take a picture of the swinging door in the NE. The door will slam shut and the battle will immediately begin. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: LIMBO MAN & LIMBO WOMAN This is the most difficult battle yet by far, mostly because of the tiny space you have to fight in. Both ghosts will attack you at once. You have fought each of these ghosts separately before so you know their patterns. Limbo Man will bend over when he attacks, so you have to adjust your aim to get the Zero Shot. Limbo Woman can teleport and come at you from behind. You should try to take out Limbo Woman first if you can, but don't forget to keep your eye on Limbo Man and take a Zero Shot on him whenever you get the chance. The Blast Lens is most effective on Limbo Man because he can't teleport, so save it for him. You will probably get grabbed once or twice in this battle; if this happens, run away to the other side of the room and use a healing item. Don't let your health get too low; although you should have a Stone Mirror (which will replenish your health one time if you run out) you will want to conserve this item. ********** Whew! That was a tough fight! When it's over, you will get the DIAMOND STACK KEY. You can go back and unlock the door in the Flickering Room now, but you'll have to run past the invincible ghost once more to get there. --KUROSAWA, 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY Just outside the Bloodstained Room you will see a blue dot on the floor. Grab it to get the FAINTLY GLOWING CRYSTAL and a valuable SPIRIT ORB. (Don't forget to use these Orbs and upgrade your Camera!!) Go back through the door at the N end of the passage, run past the invincible ghost, and SAVE THE GAME in the 2F Courtyard. Go through the S door and down the hallway to the Guest Room. --KUROSAWA, 2F GUEST ROOM A vanishing ghost will appear when you come back to this room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: TURNS HEAD (~600) The folklorist's ghost will appear by the bookcase in the corner when you enter. Take a picture of him as he turns to look at you. ********** When the ghost vanishes, an item will be left behind. You will see a cutscene when you pick it up ... and you will get the FOLKLORIST 4 book. Also,

Mio will make new entries in the Memo book: SECRET SITE and FOLKLORIST. Also, your Lost Village memo will be updated to become the ALL GOD'S VILLAGE memo. When you've checked out all this stuff, go through the N door back to the Flickering Room. --KUROSAWA, 2F FLICKERING ROOM As you head for the locked door a ghost will appear on the floor. It won't move or do anything and you can't capture it ... yet. Just unlock the door and go to the next room. --KUROSAWA, 2F DOLL STAND ROOM There is a cutscene as you enter ... and you will finally be reunited with Mayu! You have made it to the end of Chapter Three! D. CHAPTER FOUR: FORBIDDEN RITUAL ********************************* Your goal during Chapter Four is try and find a way to escape from Kurosawa Mansion. --KUROSAWA, 2F DOLL STAND ROOM Check the place where you found Mayu. You will get BUTTERFLY DIARY 1 and a picture of WARPED TWINS. There are some shelves decorated with dolls here; that's nice, some of the their heads have been broken off. Your Filament will react when you approach this shelf; use your camera photograph it and in your picture the dolls will have been rearranged. Hm... All you can do for now is return to the Flickering Room. --KUROSAWA, 2F FLICKERING ROOM As you cross the room the ghost you saw earlier will reappear, but this time she will attack you. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WOMAN IN BOX You have fought this ghost before. Run past her when she appears so that when the battle starts you are behind her. Having Mayu with you actually makes the battles easier because the ghosts will often attack her instead of you, making it easy to get a Zero Shot. Mayu seems to have a LOT of health, so don't worry if the ghost manages to grab her (but try not to let this happen). Woman in Box attacks with the same pattern as before. When she is slumped over you can't hurt her. Keep a steady aim on her and wait for the Shutter Moment. Sometimes she will stand up and make rush for you (or Mayu); you should be able to hit her easily as she closes in. You will probably use four Zero Shots to end this battle. ********** After the battle you will get the TWIN DOLL HEADS. Creepy. Take these heads back to the Doll Shelf Room. --KUROSAWA, 1F DOLL STAND ROOM If you check the doll shelf now, you can insert the heads that you found into the headless dolls. This activates a puzzle. The object is to rearrange the dolls so that the two red ones are on the wooden platforms in the center of the top shelf. Basically this works like a sliding-block puzzle. There is one empty position on the shelf, and if you select a doll adjacent to the empty spot it will move there. You have 60 seconds to complete this puzzle, but you can retry it as many times as you like. It's a fairly simple puzzle, but I will describe the solution. First, arrange the dolls in lower left corner so that the two red dolls are adjacent and you have an empty space in the second column. Now you can march the dolls up the second column, sort of like a conveyor belt, until they are at the top. Simple, right? If you are totally stuck and can't figure this one out...

----The dolls are basically arranged in a 4 x 4 grid. You can only move the dolls that have heads, so some of the positions on the grid are unusable. Let's number the positions, like so: X X 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 X 8 X 16 The positions marked X have headless dolls that you can't move. The red dolls start a positions 13 & 15. You must get the red dolls into positions 2 & 3. Position 11 is empty when you start the puzzle.

To solve, select the dolls in this order: 10, 14, 13 (now the red dolls are adjacent), 9, 10, 14, 15, 11, 7, 6, 10, 14, 15, 11, 7, 3, 2, 6, 10, 11, 7, 3, 2, 6. ----When you have solved the puzzle, a secret drawer will open and you will get the BUTTERFLY KEY. This opens a door way back in the entrance hall of the mansion, so that will be your next destination. Before you leave this room, though, you can find a hidden ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: DOLL STAND SHADOW (1000) You can only find this ghost after you have solved the Doll Stand puzzle. Aim your camera to the shadows on the right side of the doll stand to find it. ********** After collecting this ghost, go back through the Flickering Room to the Guest Room. --KUROSAWA, 2F GUEST ROOM A new item has appeared here on the table; the KUROSAWA HOUSE MAP and the FOLKLORIST 6 book. The map seems to show the way to an exit, but it's not much use now. If you are replaying the game and have the Sense Function, there are also two ghosts you can find here. You can't find these ghosts if it's your first time through the game. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HANGING HAND (~400) [Sense Function required] This ghost is not on a timer, but if you get too close it will disappear. It's easy to spot; a pale, naked arm hanging out of the big round window. Don't approach it, just take out the camera and shoot it! ********** After capturing Hanging Hand, remain in Finder Mode and move toward the round window to find another ghost. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: NO ESCAPE (~1200) [Sense Function required] When you approach the window after capturing the dangling arm, an image of Limbo Woman will suddenly drop upside-down from the ceiling! She will hang there in front of the window for a second before she disappears. If you are already in Finder Mode this will be an easy capture. ********** Now head out the NE door into the hallway. --KUROSAWA, 2F GUEST ROOM HALLWAY A vanishing ghost will appear as you go down the hall. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: TALKING MAN (~800) As you round the corner on the hallway a ghost will appear in front of you. This one is easy, just switch to the camera and take a shot. ********** Continue on to the Courtyard. --KUROSAWA, 2F COURTYARD STAIRCASE Use the lantern to SAVE THE GAME, then head down the stairs to trigger a

vanishing ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CALLING MAN (~900) When you reach the first landing, a ghost will appear behind you at the top of the stairs. Quickly turn around and switch to the Finder. Mio will automatically aim up at the ghost. Don't worry if Mayu is in the shot, she won't spoil it. ********** After capturing the ghost, go down the stairs to the first floor. --KUROSAWA, 1F COURTYARD STAIRCASE There is a hidden ghost here that you can find. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: GARDEN WOMAN (1000) When you get to the bottom of the stairs, your filament will react as you near the door. Draw out your camera and aim into the garden, near the stone lantern, to find this ghost. ********** Before going through the door, run to the NE end of the walkway and search the alcove there. The dirty cloth covering the dragon statue here is gone and you will be able to find a new piece of equipment for your camera, the EVADE FUNCTION (along with THE "EVADE" FUNTION tutorial file and some TYPE-14 FILM.) This nifty device will allow you to escape a ghost's grasp by using the flash on your camera if you mash the X Button when you are attacked. It doesn't always work, but when it does you will escape without taking any damage. Nice! Now go through the door and back into the Great Hall --KUROSAWA, 1F GREAT HALL There will be a cutscene when you enter ... and it will be safe to walk around here now; the invincible spirit is gone. The room is now splattered with bloodstains, yikes. There is a door in the NW corner that you haven't been through yet, so go there now. --KUROSAWA, 1F STOREROOM If you captured all four images of the surveyor, Masumi Makimura, earlier in Chapter Two and received the Village Report 5, then there will be a vanishing ghost and an item in this closet. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: EXHAUSTED MAN (~1200) He is slumped against the E wall, just take out your camera and photograph him before he vanishes. ********** After the ghost disappears you will find a BLOODY RING. You'll find out what this is for later, just carry it with you for now. Return to the Great Hall and exit through the W door. --KUROSAWA, 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY When you enter the passage you will be attacked by Limbo Man. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: LIMBO MAN This battle is much like your earlier encounter with this ghost that you had here during Chapter Three. There are two important differences, though. First, Limbo Man has a lot more HP. Second, Mayu is with you. When the battle starts, run away so that Mayu is between you and the ghost. Then take aim and wait for Limbo Man to go after your sister. It's cruel to use her as bait like this, but when he attacks her you should be able to get a Zero Shot quite easily. Since Limbo Man has more health than before you will probably need six or seven good Zero Shots to win. ********** After the battle a SPIRIT ORB will be left behind. Grab it and go through

the door at the E end of the passage to the Antechamber. There's nothing new here, so take the NE door back to the Entrance. --KUROSAWA, 1F ENTRANCE There are three Vanishing Ghosts that can appear in this room. Of the three, Curtain Shadow will always appear. The other two ghosts, Hopes for Ritual and Behind Cloth, are mutually exclusive however. If you trigger Hopes for Ritual, Behind Cloth will not appear, and vice versa. You will have to choose which ghost to capture now, and then get the other one the next time you play the game. If you want to capture Hopes for Ritual, then use the Butterfly Key to open the locked door before you do anything else. If you want to capture Behind Cloth, then don't unlock the door yet and head to the S end of the room first. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HOPES FOR RITUAL (~650) As soon as you try using the key to unlock the door at the N end of the hallway this ghost will appear. Quickly turn to your right so you are facing down the hall, then switch to the Finder and shoot before he disappears. He doesn't stay long, so you must act fast! ********** Head S along the hall to trigger the next ghost. This ghost always appears. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CURTAIN SHADOW (~750) It will appear when you are about halfway down the hallway. Your filament will not glow at all; you will know to take out your camera when the screen becomes hazy with static. Aim straight ahead at the curtain and you will see someone walking by on the other side. Your Capture Circle will NOT turn blue, but you will see a Lock Circle targeting the ghost. ********** If you didn't capture Hopes for Ritual, you can make Behind Cloth appear by trying to open the front door of the mansion. As noted above, if you trigger this ghost than Hopes for Ritual won't materialize. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: BEHIND CLOTH (~800) Before you try the door, wait for Mayu to catch up with you. If she walks through the area where the ghost appears she can obstruct your shot. The ghost will appear directly behind you, so immediately after checking the door turn around and start aiming. ********** There are no items here, so go back to the N end of the hallway and use the Butterfly Key to open the locked door on the right. --KUROSAWA, 1F STORAGE ROOM There is a door in the S end of the room. Approach this door to trigger a ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CHILD AT DOOR (~600) As you near the S door it will suddenly open! A child's ghost will peek through the door. Even if all you can see is his hand, you should still be able to get a valid photo. Just aim at the door when it opens and wait for the Capture Circle to turn blue. ********** You will see an item in the other room beyond the open door, but don't go after it just yet. If you examine the front of the clock you will find some SACRED WATER. Then search the dresser to find HERBAL MEDICINE. If you look up at the ceiling you will see an item stuck up there among some broken planks. How can you get it? Go upstairs to get a closer look. --KUROSAWA, 2F PARTITION SCREEN ROOM As you walk past the screens a ghost will appear.

********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PEEKING CHILD (~800) This ghost will appear on your left, between two of the screens. He's crouched down, looking through a hole in the floor. You'll have to aim downward to capture him, but since he lingers for a second or two this one should be easy to get. ********** Examine the place where the ghost appeared and you will see a hole in the floor. There's the item that you saw stuck in the ceiling of the Storage Room, but you still can't get it quite yet. Before you go back downstairs, search the box between two partitions to find some TYPE-14 FILM. At the top of the stairs is a dresser; search it thoroughly to find the CEREMONY MASTER'S NOTE 3. Now go back downstairs. [NOTE: There is a door at the S end of this room; it's unlocked, but we'll return and explore it later.] --KUROSAWA, 1F STORAGE ROOM As you come down the stairs a child's ball will fall through the hole in the ceiling. Did the ghost drop this?? Pick up the CRIMSON BALL and go back upstairs. --KUROSAWA, 2F PARTITION SCREEN ROOM Go back to the hole in the floor and examine it. Mio will drop the ball through the hole, dislodging the item that was stuck there. Now you can go back downstairs and see what it is! --KUROSAWA, 1F STORAGE ROOM It's a key, the DIAMOND LINK KEY. Hm, you haven't seen a door with this lock on it yet. To find the door, head through the open door in the S. [NOTE: There are some vanishing ghosts in the next area that are VERY difficult to capture. If you are determined to capture all the ghosts (a laudable goal!), you will be wise to make a trek back to the Courtyard Staircase and SAVE THE GAME so that you can have another chance at capturing these ghosts if you fail on the first try.] --KUROSAWA, 1F CLOTH HALLWAY This hallway is hung with tattered banners. The first vanishing ghost will appear as soon as you enter. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: FADING CHILD (~400) This kid appears just in front of you and runs down the hallway. You have only a split-second to take out the camera and capture him before the banner obscures him. This one is pretty hard, but there's another even harder ghost appearance coming up soon. ********** There is TYPE-14 FILM lying nearby in the corner. Grab it and continue down the hallway. You'll see a pair of double doors on the left, but they are locked. When you pass by these doors another vanishing ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CUT-IN CHILD (~600) Ok, they don't get any harder than this. The ghost runs very fast across the hallway. He will emerge from the right-hand or S wall and run through the N wall. To capture this ghost, you must be in Finder Mode when it appears because you won't even have time to draw your camera before it is gone. Switch to the Finder when you reach the double doors. Stand against the N wall and aim DOWN at the bottom part of the S wall. Using the R Stick, slowly begin moving E, always hugging the N wall, and with your finger hovering over the shutter button. You will hear a heartbeat just before the ghost appears; it will come flying out of the S wall and run right through you in the blink of an eye. To insure that you get a good shot, watch the Capture Circle and be ready to take your shot when it turns blue. This one is very very hard, so good luck!

********** You can't open the double doors right now, so to the W end of the hallway. Use the Diamond Link key to unlock the door here and go through. --KUROSAWA, 1F WAREHOUSE A vanishing ghost will appear as soon as you enter. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WAREHOUSE CHECKER (~500) After you enter the room, the ghost will appear and go through the nearby doors on your right (that's MIO'S right). This one moves slowly, so it should be easy for you to capture it as it goes through the doorway. ********** There are no items here. Follow the ghost through the doorway; another ghost will appear when you step through. --KUROSAWA, 1F CELL ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CAPTIVE MAN (~750) This ghost appears inside the cell. To capture him, draw out your camera and aim through the wooden bars. You might have to maneuver a little bit with the R Stick to get a clean shot; don't hit the shutter until the Capture Circle turns blue! ********** After capturing the ghost, check the cell door and you will see that it is fastened with two padlocks. One lock has a 'Light' symbol and the other has a 'Shadow' symbol. Your next job is to find the keys for these locks so you can enter the cell. Nearby on the ground is the FOLKLORIST 8 book. When you read this book, Mio will make a Memo book entry about THE CAVE. Now let's search for the two keys. Return to the Warehouse and go N down the hallway. --KUROSAWA, 1F WAREHOUSE HALLWAY As you enter the hall you will see a dark nook on the right. Search among the urns there to find TYPE-61 FILM. As you continue down the hallway to the N, a vanishing ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CLINGING SHADOW (~800) This ghost is a little different than the other vanishers. When you leave the dark nook and go N down the hallway, Mayu will lag behind (as usual). When she emerges from the nook, the ghost will come out and grab at her (there's a short cutscene when this happens...). Turn around and take a picture of the ghost while it's wrestling with Mayu. This ghost only appears if Mayu is lagging behind, so if it doesn't show, go back to the S end of the hall, then run N and try again. ********** Now go to the end of the hallway and through the door at the bottom of the stairs. --KUROSAWA, UNDERGROUND CELLAR There is a save point in here; but before you can use it you must defeat a hostile ghost. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: VIELED PRIEST This ghost will appear many times in the course of the game. The Veiled Priest has a variety of attacks, but all of them can be interrupted with a Zero Shot. Keep your camera trained on the ghost, using the Filament to track him if he disappears behind a wall. When the ghost raises his staff, he's about to attack; this is when the Shutter Moment will occur. His simplest attack is to approach you and try to hit you with the staff. But he can also use his staff to launch a ranged attack; this can be a group of blue wisps or a floating skull. Whatever the attack form, the ghost must pause and raise his staff

first, so watch for this and be ready to spoil the attack with a Zero Shot. If you can't spoil the attack, stop aiming and run; the wisps and floating skulls will disappear after chasing you around for a little bit. Fortunately the ranged attacks don't cause much damage. Sometimes the Veiled Priest will swoop quickly from side to side; use the Square Button to accelerate your aim so that you can keep up with him, because when he reaches the end of his swoop there will be a brief Shutter Moment. Use these moments to your advantage! This ghost can teleport as well, so if your Filament goes dark, quickly pan around to find his new location. If you can adapt to this ghost's patterns he shouldn't be too hard; the ghost has a fair amount of HP, and you will probably need five or six Zero Shots to win. You can make things easier by using the Blast Lens. ********** After the battle a SPIRIT ORB will be left behind. Grab it, then use the lantern to SAVE THE GAME. At the stop of the stairs near the save lantern is a locked door marked with a Hammer symbol; this door leads outside...but you can't open it yet. First you must open the locked cell. Return to the Warehouse and take the E door back to the Cloth Hallway. --KUROSAWA, 1F CLOTH HALLWAY A vanishing ghost will appear in this hall. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: RITUAL PUSHER (~700) The ghost appears as you approach the double doors. He lingers for a while before walking through the doors. This one is pretty easy to capture. ********** Follow the ghost through the doors, which are now unlocked. --KUROSAWA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM The Veiled Priest will attack you again when you enter the room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: VEILED PRIEST Use the same strategy as you did in the Underground Cellar. Wait for the ghost to raise his staff in preparation to attack and hit him with the Zero Shot. The Blast Lens will help boost your damage, so don't hesitate to use it. This battle is pretty much exactly the same as the one you just had. ********** After the battle you will find CEREMONY MASTER'S NOTE 1 in front of the altar. If you head into the NE alcove you will barely see an item glowing among the lamps, near the floor; it is CEREMONY MASTER'S NOTE 4. Finally, you can find HERBAL MEDICINE at the end of the opposite alcove, in the NW. There are lots of stairs leading out of this room, going both up AND down. Each path will lead you to one of the keys that you need to unlock the cell. Let's start by going down the stairs in the SE corner and through the door at the bottom. --KUROSAWA, 1F CONNECTING CORRIDOR At the end of a short passage are stairs leading back up. A pair of walkways leads to the N, each ending in a door. Go down the E walkway and you'll see there are panels in the floor in front of each doorway. To unlock the doors, both panels must be depressed at the same time, so Mayu will stay behind while you run back and go down the other walkway and stand on the other panel. The doors will unlock and Mio and Mayu will automatically go through into the next room. --KUROSAWA, 1F LATTICE ROOM A ghost appears as soon as you enter. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WAITING PRIEST (~900) This stationary ghost appears nearby the moment that you enter the room, so simply switch to the Finder and take his picture!

********** You can then use the lantern here to SAVE THE GAME. In the place where the ghost appeared you will find the SHADOW KEY. All right! There's one key left to find. Before going back, go through the double doors to the N. --KUROSAWA, 1F ROPE TEMPLE This ominous room has a locked door opposite from where you entered marked with a Butterfly design. You won't find this key for quite a while. If you check the altar in the center of the room you will find CEREMONY MASTER'S NOTE 5. There's nothing else here, so head back the way you came. Use the W passage to return to the Family Altar Room and fill out your map. --KUROSAWA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM Just inside the door, at the bottom of the W stairs, you will find some SPIRIT WATER. A new item has appeared in front of the double doors; it's a GLOWING RED CRYSTAL and a SPIRIT ORB. Don't go through the doors yet, first go UP the stairs in the SW corner. --KUROSAWA, 2F MEDITATION ROOM There's an item on the floor here; grab it to get the SEE LENS (along with THE "SEE" LENS tutorial file and some TYPE-14 FILM). When you hit a ghost with this lens, it will light up and be easier to track. The item on the little altar is the BUTTERFLY DIARY 3. You'll also notice a panel on the floor here similar to the ones in the Connecting Corridor. It unlocks the door in the W wall. Lead Mayu over the panel and she will stand there so you can go through the door. --KUROSAWA, 2F MASTER'S ROOM You will be in a tiny closet that looks into the Master's Room through a wooden lattice. Approach the lattice to trigger a vanishing ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: SPEAKING MAN (~600) This ghost stays for a while so he should be easy to capture. To see him, run all the way up to the lattice and aim through it to the right. You might have to maneuver with the R Stick to get a good angle. When the Capture Circle turns blue, take your shot. ********** Don't leave before the ghost finishes speaking. When he's done you will hear the sound of something opening in the room on the other side of the lattice. That's all you can do here. Don't forget to grab the BUTTERFLY DIARY 2 that's on the floor before you leave. To find the room that you saw, return to the Family Altar Room and back out into the Cloth Hallway. Go W to the Storage Room and up the stairs, through the door by the place where you dropped the Crimson Ball. --KUROSAWA, 2F MASTER'S ROOM The Veiled Priest will probably attack you again as you enter here. This battle doesn't always happen. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: VEILED PRIEST Use the same tactics that have in your last two battles with this guy. Wait for him to attack, then blast him with a Zero Shot. Heck, why not use the Blast Lens and really make it hurt. If he goes after Mayu, so much the better; it makes getting a Zero Shot even easier. You should be able to defeat him with little trouble. ********** After you defeat the priest he will leave behind a SPIRIT ORB. On the cushion behind the pillar in the center of the room is the CEREMONY MASTER'S NOTE 2. The door in the NW corner leads back into the Guest Room hallway that you were in earlier; go ahead and unlock it, but don't go through. Now check

around the sides of the pillar. You will find five books: CRIMSON WING TOME, TABOO TOME, TWIN TOME, DISASTER TOME, and RITUAL TOME. Each book has a word highlighted in red. Got all five books? Then check the sixth side of the pillar, where you see the statue. This is the panel that opened when you were behind the lattice earlier. There are five slots here for you to put the five books that you found in. Use the Circle Button to read the note over the five slots; it has five words highlighted in red too, matching the five words from the books. You must put the books in the slots in the same order as the five words on the note. Simple! The order is: 1 2 3 4 5 >> >> >> >> >> CRIMSON WING TOME TABOO TOME TWIN TOME DISASTER TOME RITUAL TOME

When you have placed all five books, you will receive the LIGHT KEY. Sweet! Now you have both keys to the cell. Return to the Partition Screen Room (through the N door). --KUROSAWA, 2F PARTITION SCREEN ROOM A Man in Dark will attack as you proceed through this room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: MAN IN DARK As you reach the top of the stairs the ghost will appear behind you, near the hole in the floor that you dropped the Crimson Ball through. Because of the many partitions, you might have to maneuver a bit with the R Stick to get a good line of sight. Otherwise you should have no problem dealing with this weak ghost. ********** The ghost leaves behind no items. Go downstairs and head down the Cloth Hallway. --KUROSAWA, 1F CLOTH HALLWAY Man in Dark comes for you again in this hallway. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: MAN IN DARK The ghost will appear as you near the end of the hallway. This battle is complicated by the fact that the many tattered banners hanging down in your face can obstruct your shots. When the ghost appears, don't switch to the camera right away. Take a few steps toward the ghost to bait him into chasing after you, then run back to the area by the double doors, where there are no banners. Wait for the ghost to come to you and let him have it! ********** Again, no items are left after this battle. Just go through the Warehouse Room and back to the Cell. --KUROSAWA, 1F CELL Use the Light and Shadow Keys to unlock the cell door. The first thing to do in here is head for the bookshelves in the corner to trigger a ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: RITUAL RESEARCHER (~550) This ghost appears in the little nook formed by bookshelves in the corner. Run into the nook to capture him. ********** Search the place where the ghost appeared and you will find the HAMMER KEY and the OSAKA HOUSE MAP. Continue searching the shelves along the S wall to find the books FOLKLORIST 9 and FOLKLORIST 10. Finding these books prompts Mio to make some new entries in the Memo book: TWIN SHRINE MAIDENS, THE HELLISH ABYSS, and ONE REMAINED. Before leaving the cell, look by the door to find

some TYPE-90 FILM. As you make your way out, there will be a cutscene ... and Mayu will become trapped! Great. On this happy note, the Chapter comes to a close. E. CHAPTER FIVE: THE SACRIFICE ****************************** Your goal is to find a key to the cell that Mayu is trapped in. According to the map that you found, the key is located all the way back in the Osaka House. Sheet! Fortunately, you now have the Hammer Key, which will allow you to leave the Kurosawa Mansion. --KUROSAWA, 1F WAREHOUSE Before you leave, you can take a picture of your imprisoned sister. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CONFINED MAYU (0) Ok, technically it's not a vanishing ghost. Throughout FF2 you will have chances to take pictures of Mayu that count toward completing your Spirit List. Usually, these pictures aren't worth any points (but compare the picture "2nd Floor Mayu" that you took during Chapter Three; that one WAS worth points). Mayu does not cause your Filament to react, nor will you Capture Circle light up when you aim at her. If you don't take this picture now you won't get another chance later; thus I classify it as a vanishing ghost. Just snap her through the window of the cell, using the Lock Circle as a guide. ********** If you want to complete your spirit list, and IF it is your second or more time through the game, you should now take a trip back through the mansion to the 1F Storeroom to find a hidden ghost (the Storeroom is that tiny room where you found the Bloody Ring NW of the Grand Hall; use your map to trace a path back there.) If you haven't beaten the game yet and don't have the Sense Function, you WILL NOT be able to find this ghost. [NOTE: If you return to the Family Altar Room you will have a battle with a new type of ghosts: the Children Playing Tag. This encounter is completely optional and you won't get any items for it. There are other chances to fight these ghosts later on, so I recommend skipping the battle for now. But if you feel like stocking up on more Spirit Points, then by all means go ahead and fight them!] --KUROSAWA, 1F STOREROOM (Optional) ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: MASUMI MAKIMURA (1000) [Sense Function required] It's the lingering spirit of the geological surveyor. This ghost is in the back of the storeroom; you'll have to aim down a little bit to get your Capture Circle to turn blue. ********** Return to the 1F Warehouse, go down the stairs, and through the door to the Underground Cellar. --KUROSAWA, UNDERGROUND CELLAR You must survive a ghost battle to pass through this room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WOMAN IN BOX The ghost will emerge from the well... You have fought this ghost before and should be able to get an easy win. Just keep aiming and wait for the Shutter Moment. When the ghost charges you, you should have plenty of time to hit it with a Zero Shot. ********** After the battle a SPIRIT ORB will be left behind, near the well. Now is a good time to SAVE THE GAME! Then head upstairs and use the Hammer Key to unlock the door.

--KUROSAWA, 1F GROUNDS As you leave the mansion your flashlight will begin working again. What a relief! Whenever you return here, however, it will go out again. Now head through the village and make your way to the Osaka House. You encounter several vanishing ghosts on the way. [NOTE: As you pass by the Whisper Bridge, you may have random battles with Sunken Woman; these battles are not guaranteed.] --VILLAGE, KIRYU-TACHIBANA A vanishing ghost appears as you proceed through the town. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CORRIDOR WOMAN (~1100) As you climb the steps, this ghost will appear in the breezeway between the 2nd floors of the Kiryu and Tachibana houses. When the ghost appears your filament won't react, but you will see a static haze blurring the screen. The breezeway is directly over the stairs, so don't try to aim from there or all you will be able to see is the underside of the corridor. When the ghost appears, don't stop running until you get to the wall ahead of you; then, very quickly turn and aim upward at the breezeway. The ghost will be almost all the way across, but you should still see a Lock Circle. Use this to guide your shot, because your Capture Circle will NOT turn blue. You'll know if your shot was successful if the ghost's name appears below the picture (as usual). If you missed, then don't worry; unlike every other vanishing ghost in the game there is another and easier chance to capture this ghost a little later on. ********** Continue along the path. --VILLAGE, OSAKA-TACHIBANA As you round the corner to head E along the road another vanishing ghost appears. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: LURED WOMAN (~200) The ghost appears on the road as you emerge from between the Kiryu and Tachibana houses. It's to the E, and a good distance ahead of you. Simply switch to the Finder and shoot when you hear the heartbeat and chimes; even though the ghost is pretty far away, you should be able to get a good shot easily. ********** After capturing this ghost, keep heading E. Another ghost appearance is about to occur. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STOREHOUSE BOUND (~200) The ghost appears as you approach the branch leading off to the S. It's a very straightforward capture; just switch to the Finder when the ghost appears. It will be directly ahead of you. ********** Don't make for the Osaka House just yet. Instead, keep going E to the Storehouse at the end of the road. --VILLAGE, TSUCHIHARA FRONT As soon as you enter this ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WEEPING This ghost is standing at soon as you enter the area, should be easy. ********** area yet another ghost image will appear. WOMAN (~200) the door to the Storehouse. She will appear as and she lingers for a few seconds. Capturing her

After the ghost disappears an item will be left behind near the save lantern. Pick it up and you'll get the BUTTERFLY DIARY 4 and FLOURITE 2. Before you continue through the small gate to the back of the Storehouse, you can find a couple of Vanishing Ghosts in the Osaka House. One of these ghosts, Man Facing Wall, won't appear if you go to the back of the Storehouse first. To find the first ghost, go to Osaka house and through the Entrance to the Sunken Fireplace Room. --OSAKA, 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM If you have completed the game and obtained the Sense Function, a Vanishing Ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PULLED SHADOW (~1800) [Sense Function required.] This ghost won't appear if it's your first time through the game. To trigger it, walk slowly towards the hallway across from the Entrance. As you approach, the ghost will appear. It's lying prone on the floor, protruding a little from the small closet that's a few steps into the hallway. You'll have to aim down a little bit to get the ghost in your sights, then take a shot when the Capture Circle glows blue! ********** There are no new items here. Proceed to the Family Altar Room. --OSAKA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM The ghost appears as soon as you enter here. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: MAN FACING WALL (~850) The folklorist appears in this room only if you haven't yet talked to Itsuki in the Storehouse. He'll be standing right next to you, just switch to the Finder and shoot! ********** There IS a secret door in here, but you won't be able to find it until you return to the Storehouse and talked to the boy through the window in the back. --VILLAGE, STOREHOUSE BACK The boy who is trapped in the Storehouse will talk to you and give you a hint on how to find a secret passage in the Osaka House. You must find this passage to locate the key that will free Mayu. Before you leave, you can take a picture of the boy. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: TRAPPED BOY (0) Like the picture of Confined Mayu you took earlier, this photo is worth no points. Your Filament stays dark, as does your Capture Circle. You will see a Lock Circle, so use that to guide your shot. You must take this picture if you want to complete your Spirit List. ********* Now you can find the secret door in the Osaka House. Before you do, you can make an optional trek out to the Cemetery to find a Vanishing Ghost that's worth a ton of Spirit Points. If you are an avid ghost hunter, then you won't hesitate to go after this one! If you don't feel like it, though, just enter the Osaka House. --VILLAGE, ALL GOD'S CEMETARY There is a ghost lingering here. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: GRAVE GIRL (~2400) To find this ghost, simply run along the path among the tombstones. When the ghost appearance is triggered, you will hear the characteristic heartbeat sound and see the telltale static. Switch to the Finder and Mio will automatically aim at this little girl who is peering between a couple of graves. Quickly hit the shutter before the ghost disappears!

********** There are no items here, so return to the Osaka House and go inside. You can find more Hidden and Vanishing Ghosts before you return to the Family Altar Room to find the secret door. Your first destination should be the Kimono Room. --OSAKA, 1F KIMONO ROOM Use the lantern here to SAVE THE GAME. If you completed the game before and have the Sense Function you can find a Hidden Ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: WOMAN IN BOX (1000) [Sense Function required.] Approach the open kimono box in the S end of the room and your Filament will light up. Aim your camera into the box to find the ghost. (Like all hidden ghosts, you won't actually SEE anything; just take your picture when the Capture Circle turns blue.) If it's your first time through the game, you can't capture this ghost. ********** There's nothing else here, so return to the Fireplace Room and go all the way down the hall to the Back Room. --OSAKA, 1F BACK ROOM If you have obtained the surveyor's BLOODY RING, then there will be a cutscene ... as you enter the room. Pick up the item from on top of the pile of cushions to get the ALARM FUNCTION (with THE "ALARM" FUNCTION file and some TYPE-14 FILM). This item works in conjunction with the Instant Function, so that during a Fatal Frame moment an alarm will chime in addition to the blinking red light. If you saw the cutscene you will find another item here; the BLOODY MEMO and the SARD stone. As soon as you have these items, ghosts will attack you! [NOTE: If you didn't find the Bloody Ring, you won't see the cutscene, you won't get the Memo or the Sard, and there will be NO ghost battle. You can still get the Alarm Function though.] ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: WANDERER (Miyako Sudo) and UNREST IN PIECE (Masumi Makimura) You must fight both the surveyor and his girlfriend at the same time. This is a very hard battle. Both ghosts are very aggressive and they like to teleport around, ambushing you by charging through the walls. These ghosts move very fast, especially Masumi. To make things a little easier, equip your Slow Lens or Stun Lens and use these to give yourself a respite from their onslaught. You must be able to aim and pan quickly to keep track of these ghosts and get a shot of them as they rush toward you. After you hit either ghost with a Zero Shot, it will teleport, usually appearing behind you. Between shots, run to a better vantage point! This is easier said than done, however, because this little room doesn't give you a lot of space to maneuver. If you get grabbed once or twice (and you WILL get grabbed!), don't hesitate to switch to the menu and use some Herbal Medicine. There's no substitute for quick reflexes in this battle. Good luck! ********** After the battle a new entry will appear in Mio's Memo book, MIYAKO'S END. If you have beaten the game before, there will also be a Hidden Ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: MIYAKO SUDO (1000) [Sense Function required.] To find the lingering image of this ghost, aim your camera at the old charcoal brazier in the middle of the room. You can't find this ghost if it's your first time through the game. ********** That's all for this room. You will probably want to SAVE THE GAME in the Kimono Room after that tough battle. After saving, return to the Fireplace Room and go through the W door to the Big Tatami Room. --OSAKA, 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM

The only thing in here is a Vanishing Ghost. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STARING WOMAN (~1600) To trigger this appearance of Miyako, run around the big mosquito net, then head back toward the door. The ghost will appear to your right, outside the window. Turn to face it and then draw your Camera to get the shot. This ghost persists for a while, so capturing it should be easy. ********** Return to the Fireplace Room, then go up the stairs to the balcony and through the door. --OSAKA, 2F SERVANT'S ROOM/GUEST ROOMS/STUDY There is a vanishing ghost waiting for you in here. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PEEKING KID (~1600) To trigger the ghost's appearance, bear left when you enter and head for the doorway between the guest rooms. As you approach the door the ghost will appear (along with the usual heartbeat sound). The kid is above the doorway on the right side, peering over the rafter at the top of the wall. As soon as the Filament begins to glow, take out your camera and aim up and to the right to find him. ********** Continue through the doorway where you saw the ghost and you'll find a SPIRIT ORB lying on one of pillows in the corner. There isn't anything else here, so go back to the Fireplace Room balcony and down the stairs. Return to the hallway and use the door at the end of the short S branch to return to the Family Altar Room. --OSAKA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM/DELUXE TATAMI ROOM First check the SW corner of the room to find some TYPE-ZERO FILM lying there on the ground. Now examine the altar in the NW corner. To unlock the secret door, you must solve a puzzle. You will see five round discs with colored flower petals on them; there are four discs arranged in a square, with the fifth disc in the center. The object is to rotate the discs so that the four petals on the inner one match the color of the petals on the outer ones at the points where they are touching. You can only rotate the outer discs, and only in quarter-turn clockwise steps. The catch is that whenever you rotate one of these, the INNER disc will also rotate a quarter-turn counter-clockwise! It sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. You can only make four rotations before the puzzle resets. Here is the solution: Upper Left: Rotate 3 times. Lower Left: Rotate once. It doesn't matter what order you select them in. After lining up the petals, a secret door will open in the wall on the right side of the altar. This is where the key to Mayu's cell is supposedly hidden, so go through the door! --OSAKA, B1 PASSAGEWAY When you reach the bottom of the stairs a vanishing ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: SEARCHING BELOW (~500) As you head through the tunnel at the bottom of the stairs, the ghost appears ahead of you. He's only visible for a brief moment as he walks past, so quickly draw your Camera and take your shot as soon as the Filament begins to react. ********** Now it's item-grabbing time! In the SE corner a STONE MIRROR lies in plain sight on top of a trunk. Search the other trunk next to it to find some TYPE-14 FILM. The third trunk in this corner has a hidden PREHNITE stone. Now

head for the chamber on the N side. The item lying on the floor is FILM REEL 7. Now search the kimono box to trigger a cutscene ... and a ghost battle! ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: THE MOURNER You'll have a lot of battles with this type of ghost during FF2, so you must learn and understand its pattern well. This is the spirit of one of the attendants of the rituals at the Hellish Abyss; its eyes have been sewn shut because anyone who looks into the Abyss will die or go insane. It's still blind, even in death. The ghost will stalk around aimlessly; keep it in your sights and wait for the Shutter Moment. This occurs when the ghost leans forward and peers around (as best it can), trying to find you. You'll get an easy opportunity for a Zero Shot. Unfortunately, hitting the ghost will give away your position, and it will react by striding straight for you, pinwheeling its arms and trying to grab you. You must abandon your aim after shooting the ghost and RUN! After lurching after you for a bit, it will stop; take aim again and wait for the next Shutter Chance. If you don't hit the ghost while it's peering around, it WILL eventually see you! Don't let this happen! You can use the Blast Lens to help boost your damage and end the battle faster. ********** After the battle a RUSTY KEY will be left behind. This is the key you were looking for! Pick it up and return to the Family Altar Room. --OSAKA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM/DELUXE TATAMI ROOM When you open the door to the hallway, Miyako will attack you! ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WANDERER Wanderer was the first ghost you ever battled in this game, and in this encounter her pattern is identical. Now, however, you have had a lot of practice fighting ghosts and you have upgraded your camera. This is an easy battle. Use the Filament to keep track of Miyako when she teleports; wait for her to rush you and hit her with a Zero Shot; use your Power-Up Lenses to inflict heavy damage. You should be able to win easily. ********** No items appear after the battle. Go back to the Kimono Room to SAVE THE GAME, then leave Osaka House and return to the Village. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT Head W along the path. A Vanishing Ghost will appear as you proceed through the village. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CRYING GIRL (~1600) As you walk W along the path this ghost will appear inside the ruined house on your right. Your Filament won't react, but you will see the usual static'll also see the ghost, a girl in a red kimono, inside the house. Draw your Camera and take aim; your Capture Circle will stay dark but you will see a Lock Circle targeting the ghost. ********** After capturing the ghost, go N through the village, across the Whisper Bridge, and return to Kurosawa Mansion. Go through the side door (your Flashlight goes out again) and down into the Underground Cellar. --KUROSAWA, B1 UNDERGROUND CELLAR You'll be attacked by ghosts in this room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: THE MOURNER x2 This is the same type of ghost that you fought in the cellar underneath Osaka House, but this time there are TWO of them. Since you are in a much bigger room, however, this shouldn't be a problem. Train your Camera on the ghosts and wait for them to lean forward, giving you a Shutter Moment. Concentrate your attacks on one ghost at a time. Remember that the ghost will advance on

you when you shoot it, so run away to avoid it's attack shot. You've got plenty of room to run around here, so ********** After the battle you can SAVE THE GAME, but you won't through the door in the NW, up the stairs, and down the the Cell.

after you take your evasion should be easy. find any items. Go hallway to return to

--KUROSAWA, 1F CELL Use the Rusty Key to unlock the cell...but where is Mayu?? She's gone! She's scrawled a message into the wall, but it's in Japanese and I'm afraid I can't tell what it says. Search the table below the message to find MAYU'S NOTE and a picture of the WHITE-HAIRED BOY. After you grab these items there will be a cutscene ... and you'll take control of Mayu. (At least the ghosts have not murdered her!) As before in these scenes, all you can do is follow the trail of crimson butterflies. After this short scene control will switch back to Mio. Now what has Mayu gotten herself into? If you listen to Mayu's Charm, you'll hear a new message hinting at the Connecting Corridor bridging the Kiryu and Tachibana houses in the center of the village. This will be your next destination. Leave the Mansion the same way you came in. Cross the Whisper Bridge and return to the center of the village. --VILLAGE, KIRYU-TACHIBANA After a short cutscene ... that plays when you approach the stairs, you'll have a chance to capture a Vanishing Ghost. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CORRIDOR WOMAN (~900) This is the same ghost that you saw on the Connecting Corridor a little earlier. If you didn't capture it before, this is you second chance. After the cutscene, simply switch to the Finder and aim upward at the bridge. [NOTE: Even if you capture both appearances of this ghost, it only counts as one entry in your Spirit List.] ********** Climb the stairs and go up the little ramp in the corner to reach the side door of Kiryu House. Go through the door. --KIRYU, 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM You can step through the door into the Projector Room and view Film Reel 7 if you like. Then go up the stairs and through the door at the top to the Connecting Corridor. --KIRYU, 2F CONNECTING CORRIDOR Try to open the door on the other side of the corridor; it's locked. You'll have to find another way in. As you turn to leave, a ghost will attack you. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: BROKEN NECK WOMAN If you didn't have a random battle with this ghost earlier in Chapter Two, this will be your first battle with this ghost. She appears behind you as you head back into Kiryu House. Like most ghosts, you should take aim and wait for her to approach and take a Zero Shot when she starts her attack. The Capture Circle will go dark as she walks toward you, then will suddenly light up (indicating a Shutter Moment) when she gets really close and begins her attack. When this ghost lunges for you, she stoops down quite a bit, so you must track downward to keep her in your sights. After taking your shot, back away (or run to the other side of the corridor, if you're already backed up as far as you can go) before taking aim again. The ghost will keep coming for you in the same pattern. Use of the Blast Lens will make things easier. ********** No items are left behind. Go back through the N door into Kiryu House.

--KIRYU, 2F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM After you come through the door, DO NOT MOVE. A Vanishing Ghost is about to appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: MAN IN STUDY (~800) This ghost appears after a short delay when you return from the Connecting Corridor. Don't move after you come through the door or you won't be able to get a good shot. The ghost will appear on Mio's left, in front of the little table on the other side of the paper screen. When your Filament begins to glow, turn and aim through the holes in the screen to see the ghost. You might have to adjust your position with the R Stick to get a good line of sight through the holes. If you are ready for this ghost, capturing him shouldn't be a problem ********** When the ghost disappears, an item will be left behind. It's the FOLKLORIST 5 book and the LAZULITE 1 stone. Finding these times will cause a new entry, A PASSAGEWAY, to appear in the Memo book. It seems there is an underground passage connecting Kiryu House to Tachibana House; since the Connecting Corridor is locked, you will have to find this passage if you want to follow Mayu. Go back down the stairs and return to the Village road. Go S along the road, then turn to the W at the intersection to find another entrance to Kiryu House. --VILLAGE, KIRYU HOUSE FRONT A Vanishing Ghost appears as you walk past the house. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: ENTERING MAN (~850) This ghost appears directly ahead of you, and seems to be walking through a big door into the Kiryu House. Quickly draw the Camera as soon as you see the Filament begin to glow so you can capture him before he disappears through the door. ********** Use the lantern here to SAVE THE GAME, then go examine the door that you just saw the ghost walk into. It's sealed shut by a powerful spirit. Use the Camera to photograph the door and you will see a picture of a WELL. You should remember this place, it's at the E end of the road by the Storehouse. Before you go there, run around to the W side of Kiryu House to find a Hidden Ghost. --VILLAGE, KIRYU HOUSE BACK To find the Hidden Ghost here, head for the Twin Deity Monument where you found part of the Twin Key earlier. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: MAN IN SHADOWS (1000) This ghost is hidden at the place where the road bends to the W, behind the Twin Deity Monument. Your Filament will begin to react as you approach the spot. Take out your Camera and aim into the woods behind the statue to find him. Your Capture Circle will turn blue when you aim at the right spot. ********** Now go all the way to the E end of the road, to the Well beside the Storehouse. --VILLAGE, TSUCHIHARA FRONT Your Filament will begin to glow as you approach the well. Use your Camera to photograph it and you will see a picture of FACE IN THE WELL. The door to Kiryu House is now unsealed. Go back W along the road, SAVE THE GAME at the lantern, and go through the door. This marks the end of Chapter Five. F. CHAPTER SIX: THE REMAINING *****************************

Your objective during Chapter Six is to find and open the entrance to the hidden tunnel (the 'Earth Bridge') that leads to the Tachibana House. You will not be able to leave Kiryu House during this chapter. [NOTE: By this point you should have been able to upgrade all the Basic Functions of your Camera to Level 3. This advantage will be crucial in the upcoming battles.] --KIRYU, 1F ENTRANCE A Vanishing Ghost appears as soon as you enter the room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: DAZED GIRL and DAZED DOLL (~1000) There are TWO ghosts that appear at the same time. You will find many double ghost appearances as you explore Kiryu House. These shots count as two distinct entries in your Spirit List, but you will have to get both ghosts in one shot for them to count. As you enter, your Filament will begin to glow. Draw your Camera and aim at the wall ahead of you and to the right. You will see two persons on the other side of the torn paper partition. Each one has it's own Lock Circle. Adjust your aim so that both Lock Circles are within your Capture Circle, then take the shot. Only one name will appear below the photograph, but if you look in the Photo menu you will see that both ghosts were recorded. These ghosts linger for a few seconds, so you should have ample time to aim and get a good shot. ********** There are no items here. Go down the short hall to the E and through the door, into the room where you saw the two ghosts. --KIRYU, 1F HANGING DOLL ROOM There will be another double Vanishing Ghost as you enter here. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: FLEEING TWIN and FLEEING DOLL (~2000) The two ghosts appear as you take your first steps into the room. They appear in front of you and run across the room toward the door on the opposite side. Don't run to far into the room or you'll be too close when they appear and it will be difficult to get both spirits in one shot. If you're close to the S wall you should be able to fit both Lock Circles within your Capture Circle. Since these are children, you'll have to aim down a little bit. ********** Now you can search for items. There's HERBAL MEDICINE glowing on top of the chest of drawers. Search the cabinet next to the dresser to find TYPE-14 FILM. That's all, so go through the door in the NW. --KIRYU, 1F TATAMI ROOM HALLWAY Another chance to capture the twin girls occurs when you come through the door. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: VANISHING DOLL and VANISHING TWIN (~1500) The ghosts appear as you walk a couple of paces down the hall. They will be ahead of you, running away. This appearance is basically just like the last one. Quickly draw your camera, aim down a little bit, and try to get both Lock Circles within your Capture Circle. If you aim quickly it's not too hard. ********** This area of the house has a number of rooms with open doorways. Don't worry about the closed doors on your left for now. In the Regular Tatami Room, to your right, you will find some TYPE-61 FILM glowing in the NW corner. In the Deluxe Tatami Room, at the N end of the hallway, you will find some HERBAL MEDICINE. After collecting these items, head through the door at the NE end of the hallway. --KIRYU, 1F TWINS' ROOM Search the first dresser you see as you enter the room to find some TYPE-90 FILM. Along the N wall is a dresser with an open drawer; search there to find

some HERBAL MEDICINE. Now try to open the NW door to trigger another appearance of the twin girls. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: SITTING TWIN and SITTING DOLL (~1200) These ghosts appear when you try and open the door. They are stationary this time, appearing in front of the covered mirrors on the other side of the room. Simply turn around, draw your Camera, and take a shot! ********** After the ghosts disappear, an item is left behind. It's the VIOLET DIARY 2 and a BLUE CRYSTAL. After collecting these, go through the NW door. --KIRYU, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS There is a cutscene ... when you enter the hallway, and then you must battle the twin ghosts! ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: TWIN'S SPIRIT and TWIN'S DOLL The hardest part about this battle is the fact that you have to conduct it in a narrow hallway, which means that a lot of the time the girls will be hidden inside the walls. While there are two ghosts, only one of them actually has any HP. The ghosts will hang back and attack almost reluctantly; when the attack comes it's pretty slow. All you have to do is watch for the ghost to start walking toward you. When it begins to get close, there will be a nice Shutter Moment, so hit the ghost with a Zero Shot. If you hit the 'doll' ghost, it will be knocked backward but you won't cause any damage. If you hit the 'real' ghost, then you will see the damage subtracted from its HP. How can you tell them apart? There's only one difference, as far as I can tell: when the 'doll' ghost closes in to attack it will raise its hands up, while the 'real' ghost does not. But by the time you see this, it's too late to do much about it except take a Zero Shot to knock the ghost backward. Whenever you hit one of the ghosts, it will teleport, so use the Filament to keep track of them as they move around. When you start the battle, the 'real' ghost will be on your left; this will help with your first shot, but after they start teleporting you'll just have to take your shots whenever you can and hope you hit the real one. When you defeat the 'real' ghost, both of them will disappear. Fortunately, the Twin's Spirit has low stamina, and you should be able to win with two good Zero Shots. ********** Now you can explore the hallway. First go W and into the little alcove behind the blue curtain. You'll find FILM REEL 4 lying on the ground. There's a Vanishing Ghost that you can find here, too. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PEEPING CHILD (~3000) To trigger the ghost appearance, switch to the Finder and aim out the window. After a second or two, the ghost will appear, suddenly looming up and staring at you right through the window. It's very startling. But also very easy, and worth a ton of points! The ghost won't appear unless you switch to the Finder first. ********** Now go to the E end of the hall and turn S. Go through the first door that you see, on your left. --KIRYU, 1F DOLL ROOM The item on the doll shelf is the DOLL MAKER NOTE 3. Grab it, then examine the big dolls at the W end of the room. These dolls are connected to a mechanism that will allow you to enter the tunnel leading to Tachibana House, but you can't use it yet because some parts are missing; namely, the head and both arms. That's nice, someone's torn them off. Take a picture of the headless doll and you'll see the FAMILY ALTAR. This is where you must go next. Leave the room, and go all the way around to the SW end of hallway; unlock the door there and go through.

--KIRYU, 1F STAIRCASE-HALLWAY Hooray, a save point! There are no items here, just go through the door at the bottom of the stairs to return to the Tatami Room Hallway. Step around the corner to the S and open the first door that you see, in the W wall. --KIRYU, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM Before you start grabbing items, head for the SW corner to find a Vanishing Ghost. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HIDDEN MAN (0) Why this ghost is worth zero points is anybody's guess. To find him, approach the altar. Your Filament will begin to react and you will hear the ghost's voice. If you look carefully you'll notice there is a hole in the S wall by the altar. Aim your camera through this hole and you'll be able to see the ghost in the next room. ********** When the ghost disappears you'll hear the door of the next room open. You'll be able to go in there now. But first, check for items. The VIOLET DIARY 1 is on the altar. Search the little table in the SE corner to find HERBAL MEDICINE. That's all, now return to the Tatami Room Hallway and go S, then through the next door in the W wall to enter the room where you just saw the ghost. --KIRYU, 1F SEALED ROOM This is where the Doll Maker must have had his workshop. Search the shelves with all the dangling arms and legs to find some TYPE-14 FILM. Now check the table; you'll find DOLL MAKER NOTE 4 and a DOLOMITE stone. Picking up these items triggers another Vanishing Ghost appearance. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: DOOMED GIRL (~1000) When you pick up the items from the table this ghost appears. It will be standing right behind you and very close to you, but it won't move. You should not move either, or else you will dispel the ghost. Draw your camera, then quickly turn and aim downward to capture her before she disappears. ********** According the note you just found, the doll parts are hidden in some boxes somewhere in the house. Your next job is to search for these parts. Return to the Tatami Room Hallway, then go N and W back into the Staircase-Hallway. --KIRYU, 1F STAIRCASE-HALLWAY The Twin ghosts will attack you again when you enter this room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: TWIN'S SPIRIT and TWIN'S DOLL This is your second battle with the twin girls. They will attack in the same pattern; hanging back for a while, then slowly closing in to grab you. You have a little more room than you did in your first battle, but not much. As before, your Filament will be invaluable in helping you keep track of the ghosts as they hide behind the walls. When you see a ghost walking toward you, take aim and wait for the Shutter Moment; don't worry if it's the 'real' ghost or the 'doll' ghost, just take your shots whenever you can. Their stamina is still low, so you should be able to win after two Zero Shots against the 'real' girl. ********** After the battle, SAVE THE GAME and then go upstairs to find the first piece of the doll. --KIRYU, 2F STAIRCASE-HALLWAY Go down the hallway at the top of the stairs. Look down the branch on your right and you'll see the hallway has caved in and is blocked with fallen

timbers. You'll also be able to find a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: PINNED DOWN (1000) To find the ghost, aim your Camera into the fallen wreckage in the blocked hallway. Take your shot when the Capture Circle turns blue; you must be standing fairly close to the fallen beams for the ghost to register. ********** After capturing the ghost, go up the short flight of steps into the next room. --KIRYU, 2F RAISED TATAMI ROOM Approach the shrouded figure sitting in the middle of this room and your Filament will begin to react. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: SHIVERING WOMAN (1000) Aim at the blanketed figure sitting in the center of the room. Your Capture Circle will turn blue. Take a shot. Easy!! ********** After capturing the ghost, aim into the SW corner of the room and you'll see an item lying there on the ground. It's a SPIRIT ORB. Search the shelves in the opposite corner to find SACRED WATER. That's everything here, so continue through the door to the N. --KIRYU, 2F STAIRWAY ROOM This area of the house is maze-like and confusing. Your Filament will begin to glow as you enter here, and you'll hear a heartbeat sound. Go down the hallway and loop around to the right to find a little dead-end that serves as a storeroom. The ghost of the little girl, Azami, is standing in here in front of a kimono box! Use your Camera to photograph her and you'll get the DOLL'S RIGHT ARM and the DOLL MAKER NOTE 2. [NOTE: This photograph is worth points, but it does NOT count on your Spirit List.] One down, two to go! Descend the short staircase nearby and unlock the door at the end of the hall; this connects up with a part of Kiryu house that you have been to before. Don't go through the door, though. Turn around head back toward the door in the S, where you came in, to find a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: CORNER WOMAN (1000) In the S branch of the hallway you will see some wooden bars in the wall, with a room beyond. As you approach the bars, your Filament will faintly glow. Stand at the N end of the bars and aim through into the next room; you will want to angle your aim somewhat to the SW. Take your shot when the Capture Circle turns blue. ********* Now head for the red lantern and SAVE THE GAME. When you're ready, descend the staircase to return to the first floor. --KIRYU, 1F CLOCK HALL As you go downstairs there is a cutscene ... and you'll have to battle a new type of ghost when you get to the bottom. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: FALLEN WOMAN This ghost is very easy to fight, if you know her pattern. The poor creature's arm and legs seem to be broken, so all she can do is sort of squirm toward you and try to grab your ankles. Switch to Finder Mode when you get to the bottom of the stairs and aim down as far as you can. Wait for the ghost to slither close. When you see her start to swing her arms up over her head, that's the Shutter Chance! Hit her with a nice Zero Shot. After shooting the ghost she will melt into the floor and vanish. Quit Finder Mode and start running, because the ghost is going to drop from the sky like a screaming sandbag and try to land on you. If you are running, then she will miss and crash painfully to the ground; turn around, take aim, and wait for her to

wriggle toward you just like before. Sometimes this ghost can slither pretty fast, so be ready to take your shot as soon as she begins raising her arms. ********** After the battle, pick up the FILM REEL 3 that's lying near the staircase. Next, search the grandfather clock to find a SPODUMENE. Unlock the SE door and go through. You'll be back in the Tatami Room hallway. Using your map as a guide, head S and W along the hall and back into the Staircase-Hallway (where you can SAVE THE GAME), then go through the N door back to the Hallway of Contrasts. [NOTE: You might have a random encounter with the Twin's Spirit and Twin's Doll along the way.] --KIRYU, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS Your Filament will begin reacting as soon as you enter the hallway. Just ahead is a door on the W wall. Open it to reveal a closet; Azami's ghost is waiting here for you. Photograph her and you'll get the DOLL'S HEAD and DOLL MAKER NOTE 1. Ok, there's one piece left. Go all the way around the other end of the hall, past the Doll Room, and through the door at the very end. This door leads to the Projector Room, where you can watch the new Film Reels that you have gathered if you like. When you're done, go through the E door. --KIRYU, 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM The Filament reacts very strongly as you enter this place. Enter closet area next to the door to find a third incarnation of Azami. her and you'll get the DOLL'S LEFT ARM and VIOLET DIARY 3. You now the parts mentioned in the Doll Maker's Notes. Go back through the Room to the Doll Room. the little Photograph have all Projector

--KIRYU, 1F DOLL ROOM Approach the dismembered doll and Mio will reattach the missing parts. Hm, the darn thing still doesn't work!! If you examine it again, you'll see a message mentioning Design Plans. Well, now you have to go look for these plans. They are in the Sealed Room, where you saw the Doll Maker's ghost earlier. Use your map to find a route back to this room. --KIRYU, 1F SEALED ROOM Approach the burnt pile of ashes in the NW corner. Your Filament will start to glow. Take a photo of the ashes here to receive a picture of FACING TWINS, as well as some CHARRED NOTES and DESIGN PLANS. According to these documents, you must first activate the doll statue by 'opening its eyes', then use the two buttons to rotate the dolls so that they are facing each other. Leave this room, then go through the S-most door in the hallway and return to the Hanging Doll Room. --KIRYU, 1F HANGING DOLL ROOM The Doll Maker will attack when you enter this room. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: DOLL MAKER This poor ghost isn't much of a fighter. He will teleport around from time to time, and will spend much of the battle just standing there looking at you. Use the Filament to keep track of him when he teleports. His main attack is to animate the dolls lying on the floor and send them after you. You can't hurt these dolls with your camera. To ward off this attack, you must photograph the Doll Maker, which will cause the dolls to drop lifeless to the ground. When he begins the attack, he often teleports first and then becomes only dimly visible, making it hard for you to spot him. Fortunately, he never hides behind a wall during this attack and you should be able to locate him with the Finder. Your See Lens will help during this battle. While animating the dolls he is often vulnerable to a Zero Shot (but not always). Whether you get a Shutter Chance or not you MUST shoot, because it is the only way to stop the dolls. Sometimes, but not often, the Doll Maker will rush you in a

conventional grab attack; you should be able to interrupt this attack with a Zero Shot. All in all the Doll Maker is not too hard; if his dolls start wearing you down, don't forget to use some Herbal Medicine. ********** After the battle you will get the GLASS EYES and the DOLL MAKER NOTE 5. Mio will also make a new Memo entry, TWIN DOLL. The item on the ground is the SWITCH FUNCTION (with THE "SWITCH" FUNCTION tutorial file and some TYPE-14 FILM) and a SPIRIT ORB. The nifty Switch Function allows you to equip up to 3 Lenses at one time, and switch between them in Finder Mode with the L1 Button. Finally you are ready to activate the dolls in the Doll Room. Return there now. --KIRYU, 1F DOLL ROOM First, check the doll on the right and Mio will insert the Glass Eyes. Now you can use the two buttons on the panel behind the dolls to rotate them so that they are facing each other. If you look at the Design Plans you found earlier, you'll see an explanation of what each button does. The dolls rotate like hands on a clock. Right now each doll is at 6:00. To make them face each other, the L doll must move to 3:00 and the R doll must move to 9:00. Each button rotates the two dolls in different ways: R BUTTON: Right doll 1.5 hours forward. Left doll 1.5 hours forward. L BUTTON: Right doll 1.5 hours backward. Left doll 3 hours backward. You must solve the puzzle in fewer than six moves; if you try rotating the dolls more than six times, the puzzle will reset. The solution: R BUTTON: Press 2 times. L BUTTON: Press 4 times. Hooray, at last you can use the Earth Bridge to get into the Tachibana house ... after you fight the twin girls, that is! ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: TWIN'S SPIRIT and TWIN'S DOLL The ghosts appear on the pedestals right next to you. Quickly turn to the L and shoot the 'real' ghost before you are grabbed. After that the ghosts will teleport, and you'll have to use the Finder to locate them. Stay in the center of the room to avoid an ambush through the walls. Just use the same tactics that you have used with these ghosts before; wait for the Shutter Moment that occurs as the ghosts close in, then hit with a Zero Shot (and hope you were aiming at the 'real' ghost). Twin's Spirit has a little more stamina than she did in the previous fights, so you will need to hit with three or four good shots to win. But since you're in a slightly more open space than, say, the Hallway of Contrasts, it shouldn't be too hard. ********** After the battle you will get a PALE PURPLE CRYSTAL. Also, the cabinet behind the dolls will open, revealing a ladder going down into darkness. Well, you know what you must do... climb down the ladder. --KIRYU, B1 PASSAGEWAY You'll see a cave-in blocking the path to the W. If you search among the boulders you can find a DIMLY GLOWING CRYSTAL; using the Finder will help you see where the item is. Head E down the passage to trigger a cutscene ... and end the Chapter. G. CHAPTER SEVEN: SAE ********************* Great, you've dropped your Camera and your Flashlight back in the tunnel.

Your goal during this Chapter is, first, to get these items back, and second, to find your sister Mayu. --TACHIBANA, 1F LARGE STOREROOM The entrance to the Earth Bridge seals shut behind you, so you'll have to find another way to go back and get your Camera and Flashlight. SAVE THE GAME here, then search the covered boxes nearby to find a hidden SPIRIT ORB. Next to the door HERBAL MEDICINE is lying on the floor. After grabbing the items, go through the door. --TACHIBANA, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS Sae will appear when you enter the Hallway. You don't have a Camera so you can't fight her; furthermore, one touch from Sae is lethal (just like the Kusabi you had to run from back in Kurosawa Mansion). All you can do is run away; ignore all the side areas for now and go through the door all the way at the other end of the Hallway. --TACHIBANA, 1F STAIRCASE-HALLWAY Search along the big cart that's stored here to find some HERBAL MEDICINE. Be sure to SAVE THE GAME, then go upstairs. --TACHIBANA, 2F STAIRCASE-HALLWAY A cutscene ... plays when you get to the top of the stairs. Sae is still coming for you. Turn and run away, and Mio will automatically go through a side door into the next area. --TACHIBANA, 2F ROW OF TATAMI ROOM E During the next portion of the game you will be continually on the run from Sae's ghost. If her ghost touches you, you will die, so you must keep up a quick pace. Run across the room and you'll see two doors in the corner. The door on the left is locked, so go through the door on the right. --TACHIBANA, 2F ROW OF TATAMI ROOMS N Don't linger here. Go through the next door; use the Map to help you find your way around. --TACHIBANA, 2F ROW OF TATAMI ROOMS S A cutscene ... plays as you enter. Sae is still after you! The N door here is sealed with a padlock bearing a paulownia symbol. And you don't have the key! Turn around and run to the S end of the room and to through the door to find a small closet. --TACHIBANA, 2F STOREROOM The PAULOWNIA KEY is here on a shelf in the back of also a strange doll here, but you can't get it yet.) go back and unlock the door. BE CAREFUL, because Sae as you run for the door. If you run straight for the just barely miss you. the closet. (There's Whew! Grab the key, then will make a lunge for you door, her attack will

--TACHIBANA, 2F ROW OF TATAMI ROOMS W There's a cutscene ... when you enter the room. After the cutscene you'll be hiding in the closet. Go out into the room and head for the door in the N. It's locked, and there's another one of those rotating doll puzzles next to it...but one of the dolls is missing. The missing doll is back in the closet where you found the Paulownia Key, so you'll have to go back there now and get the RED CORD DOLL. Now go back to the doll puzzle; Sae will make another lunge for you as you run back there, but if you just head straight for the door like you did before her attack will miss. This rotating doll puzzle works very similarly to the one you just solved; you have six moves to get the dolls to face each other. Unlike the other puzzle, you can't keep trying this one over

and over until you get it right; Sae is closing in so you must solve the this puzzle in three tries. The buttons have slightly different effects than in the other puzzle, too: R BUTTON: Right doll 1 hour forward. Left doll 1.5 hours forward. L BUTTON: Right doll 2 hours backward. Left doll 4.5 hours backward. The solution: R BUTTON: Press 3 times. L BUTTON: Press 3 times. After you rotate the dolls so that they are facing each other, the door next to the puzzle will unlock. Go through the door! --KIRYU, 2F CONNECTING CORRIDOR Whew! You're safe from that ghost for territory. Go back into Kiryu House, go Room, and back into the Doll Room. Then passageway where you dropped your Camera a while, and you're back in familiar down the stairs, through the Projector descend the ladder back into the and Flashlight.

--KIRYU, B1 PASSAGEWAY A ghost appears fleetingly as you approach the spot where you dropped your stuff, but with no Camera you can't capture it. Pick up your CAMERA OBSCURA and FLASHLIGHT. Nearby you'll be able to find a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: CRUSHED MEN (1000) Your Filament will react as you near the fallen boulders in the NE part of the Passageway. Draw your Camera and aim down at the boulders to find the ghosts. ********** After capturing the ghost, head up the ladder back into Tachibana House. --TACHIBANA, 1F LARGE STOREROOM There is nothing new here, but you can SAVE THE GAME! Go through the door. --TACHIBANA, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS To your right is a door that is sealed by an evil spirit. Now that you have your camera back, take a picture of the door to dispel the ghost, then go through. --TACHIBANA, 1F PROJECTOR ROOM Pick up FILM REEL 2 from the old projector. You can also watch any of the other films you've picked up, if you like. Go through the N door in the room. --TACHIBANA, 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM This room is just like the first room we saw in the Kiryu house. If you have finished the game before and have the Sense Function, you'll be able to capture a creepy ghost here. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: EVIL ARM (~3200) [Sense Function required.] In the open well under the staircase, you'll see half a dozen arms reaching up from the depths. Your filament and capture circle will not react, but snap those arms anyway, because this picture is worth a lot of points. ********** Search the closet by the door to find FILM REEL 6. The door that leads outside is locked, so all you can do is go upstairs.

--TACHIBANA, 2F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM At the top of the stairs, you can search the Kimono Box to find some TYPE-14 FILM. Follow the hallway around to enter the room itself. You'll see an item on the low desk: it's the ZERO LENS (with THE "ZERO" LENS file and TYPE-14 FILM)! This lens is basically like the Blast Lens, but it's stronger. It also uses more Spirit Power. Search the bookshelf to find GREEN DIARY 4. There's a closet in the SE corner that contains some SACRED WATER. The other door leading out of this area is locked. Go back downstairs, through the Projector Room, back into the Hallway of Contrasts. --TACHIBANA, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS Continue down the hallway and you'll find another door that is also sealed. Use your camera to remove the seal and go through the door. --TACHIBANA, 1F TWINS' ROOM In the middle of the room, you'll find CRIMSON DIARY 3. In the NE corner of the room, you'll find a hidden ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: MALE TWIN (1000) To find this ghost, approach the kimono in the NE corner. Your filament won't begin to glow until you get really close. Aim your camera into the gap between the kimono and the wall to find the ghost, hiding in the corner. ********** If you're replaying the game and you have the Sense Function, approach the mummy on the S wall to find another Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: CLEANSER (1000) [Sense Function required.] You must get quite close to the mummy in order for your filament to react. Aim at the mummy's head and your capture circle will turn blue. ********** To the left of the mummy, there is a faint glowing coming from the cabinet. Search it to find a STONE MIRROR. There's nothing else here, so leave the room by the NW door. --TACHIBANA, 1F TATAMI ROOM HALLWAY Just like in the Kiryu house, this area is a winding hallway, connecting a bunch of open rooms. After you enter, go S and you'll find another sealed door. Go ahead and unseal it with your camera if you wish, but don't go through it yet. Head into the Deluxe Tatami Room and pick up the HERBAL MEDICINE in the NE corner, as well as the GREEN DIARY 2, hidden in the nearby desk. When you have those items, go through the door that you just unsealed. --TACHIBANA, 1F CLOCK HALL You'll see some SACRED WATER lying under the staircase. Pick it up, and go up the stairs. --TACHIBANA, 2F STAIRWAY ROOM As you head down the hallway, you will hear Mayu's voice. Go down the W branch of the hallway and you'll see a cell. Mayu is trapped inside! If you check the door, you'll see a lock marked with a bell design. Finding the key to this lock is your next task, and according to the Crimson Diaries, this key is being held by Chitose, younger sister of the Tachibana Twins. Chitose will appear as soon as you have examined the door. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: CRIMSON KIMONO (~1400) Chitose appears to your right after you have checked the lock on the cell. Just turn and shoot before she runs away down the hall. ********** Before you chase after her, you can get another Vanishing Ghost shot. **********

!!-Vanishing Ghost: CRYING MAYU (0) This photo isn't worth any points, but it does count on your Spirit List. Aim your camera through the bars and take a picture of Mayu. Your filament won't react and your capture circle will not glow, so just use the lock circle as a guide. ********** Don't follow Chitose yet. Go to the end of the central N branch of the hallway and through the door into the closet. You will hear pathetic voices crying for help, and the door is now locked behind you! If you look at the walls of this room through your camera, you'll see that somebody has written all over them. Pretty scary! Unfortunately, there are no items here. The door will automatically unlock after a few seconds. Leave and unlock the door in the NE end of the hallway, but don't go through. Now you can finally go down the NW end of the hallway. Unlock the door there and go through it. --TACHIBANA, 2F RAISED TATAMI ROOM You will find CRIMSON DIARY 2 here, as well as a photo of TWINS & GIRL. Search the closet in the SE corner to find some HERBAL MEDICINE. Also, there is some TYPE-14 FILM on the shelves in the NE corner. As you're searching, you'll hear scuffling noises coming from beneath the floor. Go south down the hallway and search the sliding doors that lead into the crawlspace. You'll see a cutscene, ... and then it's time for your first battle with poor Chitose. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: CRIMSON KIMONO The first thing you should do is run back up into the Raised Tatami Room so you don't have to conduct the battle in the hallway. Chitose is not an aggressive ghost. She will spend much of the battle teleporting around and sobbing. Use your filament to keep track of her as she teleports from place to place. Eventually she will rush toward you. When she does, be ready to hit her with a Zero shot. While her rush attack is easy to defend against, she has a much more difficult one: her blinding attack. Chitose will stand near you and erupt in a fit of sobbing, causing your vision to go dark and blurry (much like the vision that she herself experiences!). You can interrupt this attack if you can learn to recognize the type of crying sound she makes right before it hits you. If you become blinded, there is really nothing you can do except wait for it to wear off and hope that Chitose doesn't tackle you while you're stumbling around in the dark. Chitose doesn't have a lot of stamina, so you should be able to end the fight in three good shots. ********** After the battle you will get CRIMSON DIARY 1, but you won't get the key. You'll have to flush her out of a few more hiding places first. Go back to the Row of Tatami Rooms. --TACHIBANA, 2F ROW OF TATAMI ROOMS In the E room, you can find some TYPE-90 FILM on the shelf. Go to the N room to find GREEN DIARY 1 and GREEN DIARY 2 against the W wall. Enter the closet in the S room to find a SPIRIT ORB on the floor. In the W room, search the SW corner to find some TYPE-ZERO film. If you open the closet in the W room, you will have another battle with Chitose. This battle is completely optional and you don't get any items for it. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: CRIMSON KIMONO Use the same tactics as before. This is good practice for the upcoming, non-optional battles. Stay in the center of the room, track her with your filament, go for the Zero know the drill. She has more stamina as she did before, so it may take more shots than usual. Otherwise, you have more room to fight so it's really an easier battle. ********** After checking the Row of Tatami Rooms, go back to the Staircase Hallway and go down the stairs to the S. Use the red lantern to SAVE THE GAME. Make a

short trip through the door in the SW. You'll find a small closet, just through the door, where there is some HERBAL MEDICINE. After grabbing this, go back to the 1F Staircase Hallway and exit through the N door. --TACHIBANA, 1F TATAMI ROOM HALLWAY As you go down the hallway to the W, a Vanishing Ghost will appear. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: FLEEING GIRL (~900) Chitose will run down the W branch of the hallway as you enter it. Quickly switch to Finder Mode and shoot her before she disappears through the door at the end. ********** Before going through the door at the end of the hall, go through one of the double doors on your right. --TACHIBANA, 1F REGULAR TATAMI ROOM Check the drawer in the NE corner to find some TYPE-61 FILM. There's CRIMSON DIARY 4 on the table in the W part of the room. There's a closet in the W wall, but it's empty. Return to the Tatami Room Hallway and go through the W door. --TACHIBANA, 1F ROOM WITH TATAMI You'll find FILM REEL 5 in the NE corner. That's about it. Continue through the W door. --TACHIBANA, 1F ENTRANCE As soon as you come through the door, turn to your right and search the closet in the N end of the room. You'll find Chitose hiding there. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: CRIMSON KIMONO As with all battles, you'll want to have lots of room to maneuver in, so go to the open area in the S part of the room before switching to Finder Mode. Use the same tactics as before, etc. etc. ********** Now you can search for items. If you are a girl, you'll probably be more excited about the cute shoes on the floor than anything thus far. In the little hallway in the SE part of the room, you can find a hidden STONE MIRROR. Search the giant urn by the door to find some HERBAL MEDICINE. BE CAREFUL as you approach the double doors! If you get too close to them, there will be a cutscene ... and the three villagers will come and attack you. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: SEEKER, SICKLE BEARER, and POLE BEARER These ghosts are slow and will attack you in the exact same pattern as they did long ago on Misono Hill. Unfortunately, you don't have as much room to run around as you did then, AND each ghost has a lot more stamina then he did before. Don't let the ghosts surround you. If they start to spread out, run to the opposite side of the room so you can keep them in your sights. Each ghost will probably take 5 or 6 Zero shots before going down. ********** Now you're ready for the final confrontation with Chitose. Return to the Tatami Room Hallway. --TACHIBANA, 1F TATAMI ROOM HALLWAY Go into the big room and search the closet in the SE corner. The door won't open, but as you walk away... ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: CRIMSON KIMONO This time, Chitose has more stamina than ever before. Otherwise, she attacks you in the same pattern. If you have good reflexes and you're able to score a Fatal Frame as she closes in on you, it's pretty easy to score a 3-Hit Combo on

this ghost. Combine these combos with your Zero or Blast lens for some huge scores. ********** Chitose finally leaves behind the BELL KEY and the RED SPECKLED CRYSTAL after the battle is over. Now go through the S door, SAVE THE GAME, and go upstairs to unlock Mayu's cell. Don't feel obliged to fight any random ghosts you may encounter on your way there. --TACHIBANA, 2F ITSUKI'S ROOM Naturally, Mayu isn't here anymore. Right by the door, you'll find GREEN DIARY 5. Search the bookshelf in the SW corner to find BOUND DIARY 2. Finding these items triggers the appearance of two new Memo book entries: CHITOSE TACHIBANA and TWIN SHRINE. Pick up the glowing item on the table last: BOUND DIARY 1, TACHIBANA CREST, and FLOURITE 3. This prompts a cutscene ... and you'll at last be reunited with Mayu. This ends Chapter 7. H. CHAPTER EIGHT: HALF MOON *************************** Your mission during Chapter Eight is to find and use the four Pinwheel Crests to open the secret passage out of the Village. You already have the Tachibana Crest. [NOTE: During Chapter Eight you are likely to have a random encounter with Woman in Dark, especially in the Misono Hill area. There are no pre-set battles with this ghost, so if you want to add her to your Spirit List you must seek out one of these random battles. Woman in Dark attacks in much the same way as Man in Dark, but she is a little faster and her Shutter Moment doesn't occur until she is very very close to you.] --VILLAGE, KIRYU HOUSE FRONT First thing to do is go to the Old Tree. Go W along the road, across the little bridge and past the shrine, until you reach the tree. --VILLAGE, THE OLD TREE Take a photograph of the spirit blocking the entrance to the tree and you'll receive a photo of ALTAR. Do you remember this place? It's in the Kureha Shrine. Go up the stairs and head towards the shrine. --VILLAGE, KUREHA SHRINE PATH A Vanishing Ghost will appear when you get to the top of the steps. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: MAN AT SHRINE (~1050) This is an easy capture. He'll be standing right in front of you when you get to the top of the stairs. Just draw your Camera and shoot! [NOTE: It is also possible to capture this ghost earlier in the game, during Chapter Two. Even if you capture him both times, it still counts as only one entry in your Spirit List.] ********** After capturing the ghost, enter the Shrine. --VILLAGE, KUREHA SHRINE Your filament begins to react as soon as you enter the Shrine. Take a picture of the altar to banish the spirit that locks the tree. You'll receive a photo of ESCAPING TWINS. Head for the hole in the lattice to the right of the altar and you'll find FOLKLORIST 7. As soon as you pick up this item, you'll be attacked by a ghost. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: VEILED PRIEST It's your old friend, the Veiled Priest! He attacks in the exact same pattern that he used in all your previous battles. Often he will go after your

sister, which is great because it's easy for you to get a Zero Shot while he's attacking her. You'll want to conduct your battle from the middle of the room so the ghost can't hide behind the various walls and lattices. He has A LOT more stamina than before, but even so, you should be able to win quite easily. ********** After the battle you will find a GLOWING YELLOW CRYSTAL and a SPIRIT ORB. After grabbing these items, return to the Old Tree. --VILLAGE, KUREHA SHRINE PATH When you get to the bottom of the stairs, your pal returns for another round. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: VEILED PRIEST How many times must you brutalize this ghost before he gets the point? If anything, this battle is even easier than the last one because there's nothing for him to hide behind. Keep pounding him with Zero shots until you win. ********** You don't get any items after this battle. Go S and enter the Old Tree. --VILLAGE, OLD TREE After a short cutscene, ... Mayu will collapse in exhaustion. You'll be on your own for a while. You can photograph her to get another entry in your Spirit List. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: FALLEN MAYU (0) Just aim and shoot. How easy can it get? ********** In between the entrances to the tree, you'll find FOLKLORIST 12. Mayu has made a new entry in her Memo Book, TWIN ORDER. Then search the Pinwheel Shrine and you'll receive the OCTAGON KEY. This will allow you to finally enter the Storehouse where Itsuki is held prisoner. Now if you photograph the Shrine, you will see what it looks like with all the pinwheel crests in place. After taking this picture, you'll be able to take another picture of Mayu and receive STOREHOUSE WOMAN. You can try talking to Mayu to see an optional cutscene. ... She will give you vague hints about where to find the other pinwheel crests. You're done here for now, so leave through the left opening, then head toward the E side of the village. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT A Vanishing Ghost appears as you walk down the path. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: STOREHOUSE BOUND (~250) Sae appears ahead of you, walking down the path. You have captured an image almost exactly like this earlier, and it even had the same name. However, this appearance counts as a separate entry in your Spirit List. ********** There will be another Vanishing Ghost as you pass by the empty building between the Osaka House and the Storehouse. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: ROAMING DOLL (~3500) As you pass the empty building, you will see a static haze blurring the screen. There will be no sound effects and your Filament will not react. Switch to the Finder as soon as you see the static, and aim S into the building. You'll see a disembodied pair of legs strolling by. Your Capture Circle will not glow, but you can use the Lock Circle as a guide. ********** Now go use the Octagon Key to unlock the door to the Storehouse. --VILLAGE, STOREHOUSE After a cutscene, ... a Vanishing Ghost will appear. **********

!!-Vanishing Ghost: IMPRISONED BOY (~300) It's an image of Itsuki. Immediately after the cutscene ends, switch to the Finder and you'll be perfectly lined up for a shot. ********** Before entering the cell, pick up the TYPE-ZERO FILM that's lying there on the floor. In the cell you'll find BOUND DIARY 4 and CRYSTAL ORE. Search the cabinet in the corner to find BOUND DIARY 3 and BOUND DIARY 5. Take a picture of the map hanging on the wall to get ALL GOD'S VILLAGE MAP. This map shows you where to find the other 3 Pinwheel Crests. It looks like there's one in Osaka House, one in Kiryu House, and one in the Cemetery. Nice. Also, the Trapped Boy memo will be amended to the ITSUKI MEMO in Mio's notebook. There's nothing up the stairs, but don't let that stop you from going up to have a look around through your Finder. Your next destination is the Osaka House. Go inside and make your way to the Kimono Room. --OSAKA, 1F KIMONO ROOM There's some TYPE-14 FILM lying on the ground. Then head into the S closet and examine the kimono box. After a cutscene ... you'll be attacked by the same ghost that you fought here before. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: WOMAN IN BOX This battle is exactly like the last battle you had with this ghost in Chapter 2, except that she has more stamina. You should be able to defeat this ghost effortlessly. ********** The OSAKA CREST will be left behind after the battle. Be sure to SAVE THE GAME before you leave the room, because when you return to the Fireplace Room, there is an extremely tough Vanishing Ghost opportunity. --OSAKA, SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM Before you take a single step into the room, switch to a high-speed film like Type-61 or Type-90. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: RUNNING CHILD (~700), RUNNING CHILD x2 (~2000) Walk very slowly into the room. After you've taken a couple of steps, the perspective will change. Immediately switch to the Finder when this happens. The three ghosts will all appear at the same time, but you won't be able to capture them all in one shot. The first ghost, a girl in a red kimono, will run past you from right to left and head up the stairs. Quickly snap her as she runs past. Then aim to the right and you'll see the two other ghosts; one is running toward the Altar Room, the other is running down the hallway. If you are using high-speed film, you'll barely have enough time to get a shot of both of these ghosts at once. This is a very tough capture, but fortunately it's very near a save point so you can try it again if you want. It's a lot easier to catch these ghosts the second time you play through the game, when you can use your Zoom Function to widen your field of view. So, you might not worry about it until then. ********** After the ghosts disappear, you have an optional side quest of hunting them down. If you go do it, you receive a very powerful upgrade for your camera. First, go through the W door into the Big Tatami Room. --OSAKA, 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM There's HERBAL MEDICINE on the cushions in the corner. That's about it. Now go upstairs to find the first ghost. --OSAKA, 2F SERVANT'S ROOM/GUEST ROOMS/STUDY As soon as you enter, run into the second Guest Room to find a Vanishing Ghost. **********

!!-Vanishing Ghost: HIDING CHILD (~1200) You must move quickly to capture this ghost before she vanishes. She's hiding behind the kimono against the W wall. If you hesitate, she will vanish before you can get close enough to take the shot. ********** After the ghost vanishes, a GARNET will be left behind. On your way out, pick up the Sacred Water that's in the little hallway. You're all done here, so make your way back downstairs to the Family Altar Room. --OSAKA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM Head into the S part of the room to find another one of the hiding children. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HIDING CHILD (~1250) To trigger this ghost's appearance, go into the little alcove with the dead flowers and the faded painting. The ghost will appear crouching at your feet. Draw your Camera and aim down to capture it. ********** There are no items here. If you need a Stone Mirror, and you didn't pick it up before, there's one down in the basement. Now, go to the Back Room to capture the final ghost child. --OSAKA, 1F BACK ROOM You'll find the final ghost child hiding in this room. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HIDING CHILD (~1400) As soon as you enter the room, quickly run over to the deck area to find this ghost finding in the corner on your left. Run and capture him quickly before he disappears! ********** After capturing this ghost, ARAGONITE (SMALL) is left behind. Pick it up and then you can find another creepy Vanishing Ghost. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: LATTICE ARM (~2800) This ghost will not cause your Filament or Capture Circle to react. If you aim out into the Atrium, you'll see half a dozen ghostly arms reaching through the nearby window. Step to the right so that you can get a clear shot that's unobstructed by the hanging screen. This ghost will persist until you take the picture. ********** Ready? Now you can go back to the Fireplace Room where you will have a final battle with the three ghost children. --OSAKA, 1F FIREPLACE ROOM Here we go... ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: GIRL PLAYING TAG, BOY PLAYING TAG, BOY PLAYING TAG This battle only occurs if you have found the hiding places of all three ghost children. (It is not necessary for you to have captured all of the ghost children.) The three ghost children are very tricky. They will teleport quite frequently and try to confuse you. There are two ways to get a Zero Shot against these ghosts--the first way is when they teasingly cry "Over here!" just before teleporting. The second way is to wait for them to attack; there will be a Shutter Moment as they close in to grab you. To avoid a sneak attack, don't linger in Finder Mode and stay in the middle of the room where you can see as much as possible. If you see the ghost beginning to step toward you, get ready to take your shot. Don't forget to use the Zero Lens or Blast Lens to inflict extra damage. While these ghosts are annoying, they're not very strong, so you should be able to beat them on the first try. Each of the three ghosts counts as a separate entry in your Spirit List. **********

After the battle, an item will be left behind. It's the SAVE FUNCTION (with THE "SAVE" FUNCTION tutorial and TYPE-14 FILM). This amazing function will allow you to absorb twice as much Spirit Power as before with each shot. This means you can use your Power-Up Lenses more often. And now, you're finally done in this house. Leave and take the path W into the Village. Go through the big door at the S end of Kiryu House. Head through the Hanging Doll Room and the Tatami Hallway, then enter the Sealed Room (use your map to find the way). --KIRYU, 1F SEALED ROOM The doll maker's ghost is lingering here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: YOSHITATSU KIRYU (1000) To find this ghost, aim your camera at the doll maker's workbench. His ghost still haunts the site of his death....! ********** There are no items here, so get going. Return to the hallway and go N to the next door. --KIRYU, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM A Hidden Ghost has appeared in this room. You will only be able to find it if you are replaying the game, however. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: PHOTO WOMAN (1000) [Sense Function required.] To find the ghost, stand next to the table in the NE part of the room and aim up at the row of three pictures in the corner. ********** After capturing this ghost, use your map find the way back through the Tatami Room Hallway and Staircase-Hallway to the Hallway of Contrasts. --KIRYU, 1F HALLWAY OF CONTRASTS Enter the little closet where you previously found one of the parts of the doll statue. There's a hidden ghost in this little room. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: JAMES MIELKE (1000) Right. This is obviously a crucial part of the story. To find him, aim your camera out the Storeroom window, using your Filament as a guide. Easy. ********** After capturing this...ghost...go through the door in the middle of the hallway and return to the Twins' Room. --KIRYU, 1F TWINS' ROOM The only thing to do here is to grab the SPIRIT ORB on the floor. After you get this item, make your way to the Clock Hall and go up the stairs. --KIRYU, 2F STAIRWAY ROOM If you're replaying the game and you have the Sense Function, you can find a hidden ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: FREE FALL (1000) [Sense Function required.] To find this ghost, stand near the broken railing at the top of the stairs and aim down into the first floor. Take your shot when the capture circle turns blue. ********** Feel free to SAVE THE GAME before going on. Then, go through the door at the NE end of the hallway to return to the Sliding Screen Room. --KIRYU, 2F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM You will see an image of Azami standing in the hallway here. Photograph her and you will receive a picture: GIRL GOES INTO WALL. You can find some TYPE-14 FILM lying on the floor. Then search the W wall next to the Kimono to find a

secret door, leading to a hidden room. --KIRYU, 2F HIDDEN ROOM You'll find the KIRYU CREST hidden in this room. When you try to leave, there's a cutscene ... and then you're thrust into battle. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: TWIN'S DOLL and TWIN'S SPIRIT Leave the hidden room--you definitely don't want to try to fight in there. You should be familiar with the technique of fighting these ghosts by now. While the Twin's Spirit has slightly more stamina than before, you should be able to win with no problem. ********** After defeating the twin girls, you'll be able to find a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: DAVE HALVERSON (1000) Of course! Dave Halverson! find this ghost, approach the door that leads to the Connecting Corridor. When your Filament begins to glow, aim your Camera through the torn paper screen to find this guy. ********** You're finally done in the Kiryu House, and there's only one more crest to go. Go downstairs and leave through the side door. --VILLAGE, KIRYU-TACHIBANA You can find a hidden ghost in this area. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: JUMPING WOMAN (1000) To find this ghost, go down the stairs and stand underneath the Sky Bridge. Aim your Camera up at the bridge to capture the ghost. ********** Now go N through the gate to find a ghost hiding by Whisper Bridge. --VILLAGE, WHISPER BRIDGE There's a ghost hiding here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: JOE RYBICKI (1000) Several game magazine editors were allowed to enter a contest to get their pictures hidden in FF2. This is one of the winners. Find him by standing on the shore at the SW end of the bridge, and aiming down at the water. ********** After capturing him, head back S through the Village to Osaka House. --VILLAGE, OSAKA HOUSE FRONT There is a Hidden Ghost that you can find here, but only if you're replaying the game. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: WINDOW WOMAN (1000) [Sense Function required.] If you stand near the SE corner of the Osaka House, you see the window of the Storeroom (where you talked to the trapped boy) in the background. Stand near the Twin Deities monument and aim at the window. Your Filament will not glow at all, but you will see the Capture Circle turn blue when you aim at the right spot. ********** --VILLAGE, MISONO HILL You'll see some TYPE-14 FILM lying on the ground when you get to the top of the hill. You can also SAVE THE GAME before continuing to the Cemetery. --VILLAGE, ALL GOD'S CEMETERY After you cross the bridge, you'll see some HERBAL MEDICINE lying among the leaves. Enter the Cemetery and look for the Tsuchihara Altar using your

Filament to guide you. Take a picture of the altar and you'll get the photo of a GRAVESTONE. As you go down the aisle of the tombs, your Filament will react to one of the headstones. Photograph it to get a picture of GRAVE SHADOW. This will unlock the Tsuchihara Altar, but you'll have to battle a ghost before opening it. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: BROKEN NECK WOMAN You've had many battles with this ghost before, but now she's got more stamina. Use the same tactics that you have in prior battles, and don't forget to use your Blast Lens for extra pain. ********** After the battle, return to the Tsuchihara Altar to get the TSUCHIHARA CREST. Now you have all four crests! Go to the N end of the Cemetery and re-enter the Old Tree. --VILLAGE, OLD TREE Amazingly, Mayu is still here. Examine the shrine, and you'll get another chance to solve a pinwheel puzzle. This puzzle works just like the one in the Altar Room of Osaka House, except that you have six turns to solve the puzzle instead of four. The solution: Upper Left: Rotate once. Upper Right: Rotate twice. Lower Right: Rotate three times. After you solve the puzzle, there will be a cutscene. ... And you've now reached the end of Chapter Eight! I. FINAL CHAPTER: CRIMSON BUTTERFLY *********************************** Your goal during the Final Chapter is to escape from All God's Village...if you can! --VILLAGE, KUREHA SHRINE PATH A new entry has appeared in Mio's Memo Book, THE OLD TREE. There's a cutscene as you approach the bottom of the steps. ... Then you'll be attacked by the trio of villagers. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: SEEKER, SICKLE BEARER, POLE BEARER The battle will take place near the entrance to the shrine. You have plenty of experience battling these ghosts, so defeating them should be no problem. ********** After the battle, Mayu is gone. Again. At this point, you can enter the shrine and leave the village without her by going through to door behind the altar. If you do this, you'll see a sad cutscene ... and that will be the end of your game (this does not count as finishing the game, though). If you want to try this, be sure to save first so you can come back and really finish the game. To find Mayu, go back down the stairs. When you get to the bottom, there will be a short scene in which you control Mayu. It looks like she's on the Whisper Bridge going back to Kurosawa Mansion. When control shifts back to Mio, head back into the village. Before you go N towards Kurosawa Mansion, go E back to the Storehouse where you met Itsuki. --VILLAGE, STOREHOUSE When you go inside, you Filament will begin to glow. Walk up the stairs to find a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: TRAPPED GIRL (1000) Stand at the top of the staircase leading to the attic and aim your Camera at

the headless statue in the far corner. Take your shot when the Capture Circle turns blue. ********** After capturing this ghost, leave the Storehouse. You can make an optional short trip to the top of Misono Hill to get another Hidden Ghost. --VILLAGE, MISONO HILL Head over to the Shinto Gate where you first entered the Village. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: YAE KUROSAWA (1000) Stand close to the gate and aim your Camera through it. Your Capture Circle will glow blue. ********** To find another Hidden Ghost, take the W path down into the Cemetery. --VILLAGE, CEMETERY Go into the W end of the Cemetery, near the Tsuchihara Shrine. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: BILL DONOHUE (1000) Another bona fide resident of All God's Village. When your Filament begins to react, switch to the Finder and aim between the tombstones. As usual, take your shot when the Capture Circle turns blue. ********** Now you can go N through the Village and head to Kurosawa Mansion. --VILLAGE, WHISPER BRIDGE After the cutscene, ... go to the N end of the bridge where you will find BUTTERFLY DIARY 5. Continue N through the gate. --KUROSAWA, 1F GROUNDS Now you can SAVE THE GAME. Next to the front door of the Mansion, you will find HERBAL MEDICINE lying on the ground. Enter the mansion through the front door. --KUROSAWA, 1F ENTRANCE There's some SACRED WATER lying by the dead plant. If you want to advance the story, just use your map and head for the Family Altar Room. If you want to complete your Spirit List, there are some hidden ghosts lingering in the mansion. However, the mansion is also crawling with lots of aggressive ghosts. If you're low on film or healing items, you'll probably want to skip them. If you're feeling brave, however, go to the N end of the room and through the left door. As you pass through the Antechamber, you'll be attacked by your old friend, Woman in Box. Fight her if you want, or just leave through the S door. Go through the Dirt Floor Passageway and into the Great Hall. --KUROSAWA, 1F GREAT HALL Four ghosts will immediately attack you when you enter. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: LIMBO MAN x3, LIMBO WOMAN You don't have to fight these ghosts if you don't want to, but it's not too hard to beat them. Limbo Woman is the only real threat, since she can teleport around. If you run in a circle around the Limbo Men, you can herd them together, setting them up for a nice double or triple Zero Shot. Don't forget to use your Blast Lens or Zero Lens. You should be able to defeat all four of these ghosts without much trouble. ********** There's a Hidden Ghost and an item here that you can find. You don't have to defeat the Limbo People to get them. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: THE REPENTANCE (1000)

To find this hidden image, aim your Camera down at the fireplace in the center of the room. Your Capture Circle will glow when you aim at the right spot. ********** Before you leave, check the closet in the NW corner to find a SPIRIT ORB. Then go through the NE door to the Courtyard Staircase. SAVE THE GAME at the top of the stairs, then make your way through the Guest Room and the Flickering Room, then back to the Doll Stand Room to find a Hidden Ghost. --KUROSAWA, 2F DOLL STAND ROOM Sae's ghost is hiding in here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: SAE KUROSAWA (1000) To find the ghost, look behind the partition screen in the SW corner. Aim your camera down into the corner and your Capture Circle will turn blue. ********** After capturing the ghost, return to the Guest Room Hallway. Go through the door in the middle of the hall, back to the Master's Room. --KUROSAWA, 2F MASTER'S ROOM On the cushions by the balcony, you will find CHRYSOCOLLA 1. Pick it up and then go through the N door to the Partition Screen Room, then go downstairs. --KUROSAWA, 1F STORAGE ROOM You'll see some TYPE-14 FILM on top of a box here. Get it, then head all the way down the Cloth Hallway into the Warehouse. Then go S into the Cell to find a Vanishing Ghost. --KUROSAWA, 1F CELL The Folklorist's ghost will appear when you approach the cell door. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: PRISONER (~1200) When the ghost appears, switch to the Finder and aim between the bars of the cell to capture the ghost. You will probably need to use the R Stick to line yourself up for a good shot. ********** When the ghost disappears, FOLKLORIST 11 will be left behind, as well as LAZULITE 2. After getting these items, return to the Cloth Hallway and go through the double doors, back to the Family Altar Room. As you open the door, there will be a brief scene in which you control Mayu. As usual, with these scenes, just follow the crimson butterflies down the path. --KUROSAWA, 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM The BUTTERFLY DIARY 6 will be lying here on the floor. If you're replaying the game, approach the altar and there will be a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: RYOKAN KUROSAWA (1000) [Sense Function required.] Walk up to the altar and aim your Camera at the screens behind it. Take a shot when your Capture Circle glows. ********** After capturing the ghost, go downstairs (doesn't matter which side) and then through the door. Continue along the passage until you come to the Connecting Corridor. --KUROSAWA, 1F CONNECTING CORRIDOR Follow the trail of crimson butterflies down the W path. A Vanishing Ghost will appear when you are about a third of the way down the path. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: WHITE KIMONO (~300) When you hear the chimes and see the static haze, switch to the Finder and

aim to your right over at the other path to capture an image of Sae. ********** When you reach the end of the corridor, you'll automatically be able to go through the door. --KUROSAWA, 1F LATTICE ROOM Pick up the TYPE-61 FILM that's lying just inside the door and then SAVE THE GAME. You will confront the Ceremony Master in the next room. --KUROSAWA, 1F ROPE TEMPLE As you enter the Rope Temple, there will be a cutscene ... and then get ready to do battle with the Ceremony Master. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: MR. KUROSAWA It might be a good idea to use some stronger film for this battle. The Ceremony Master has three different attacks. First, he'll try to circle around behind you and rush in to grab you. If he begins circling, keep your eye on him through the Finder and wait for him to start closing in. When he does, begin backing away so that his attack will miss. When he makes his lunge, you'll have a good opportunity to hit him with a Fatal Frame and follow up with some good combo shots. Use your Blast Lens or Zero Lens during the combo to maximize your damage. His second attack is to summon two Veiled Priests. After summoning the priests, he will disappear and let you fight them for a while. You don't have to defeat them before the Ceremony Master will return, but if you can defeat them, he won't be able to use this attack any more. His third attack is to fling three wisps at you. There is no Shutter Moment during this attack, so there is no way to interrupt it. However, if you start backing away when he flings the wisps, there will be a brief second AFTER the attack when you can score a Fatal Frame. This battle is made a lot more difficult by the many pillars, which will obstruct your view. If you can adapt to this ghost's pattern of attack, then you should be able to win without much trouble. Don't forget to use some Herbal Medicine when you get hurt. ********** After defeating Mr. Kurosawa, you will get the MASTER'S KEY and CHRYSOCOLLA 2. Two new entries appear in the Memo Book: KUSABI and HIDDEN CEREMONY. If you're replaying the game, you'll be able to capture a Hidden Ghost. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: SEIJIRO MAKABE (1000) [Sense Function required.] Step up to the Rope Altar and aim your Camera up into the ropes. Your Capture Circle will glow blue and you'll be able to get a clear shot of this ghost. ********** Before going through the north door, go back to the Lattice room and SAVE THE GAME! This will be your last chance to save before the end! The next area, the Spiral Passageway, contains no items or ghosts. Just go down the hall and through the door at the end. --VILLAGE, B1 PASSAGEWAY You'll find FLOURITE 4 as soon as you enter this area. This passageway is very very long and several Mourners will attack you as you make your way down it. You can fight these ghosts if you want, or you can flee. Even if you decide not to fight them, you'll probably still take at least one shot so you can stun them and run past. ********** !!-Attacking Ghosts: THE MOURNER x8 Fighting these ghosts in this narrow passageway is difficult. Remember to turn and run away after hitting with a Zero Shot so you don't get nailed by its counter attack. These ghost's sole purpose is to wear down your supplies before you get to the final boss. **********

When you reach the first turn in the hallway, you'll find a STONE MIRROR lying in front of the cave-in. Continue down the passageway. After you pass a section with some hairpin curves, the perspective will change to a vantage point from a hidden cave inside the wall. If you look carefully, you'll notice there is a big crevice in the side of the passage. You will be able to find a hidden ghost here. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: FAILED KUSABI (1000) Aim your Camera through the crevice on the E side of the passage at the skeletal remains on the other side. Take the shot when your Capture Circle turns blue. ********** Just beyond the crevice, you will see some cave-ins on the left and right. Search the one on the E side to find some TYPE-90 FILM. At the end of the passage, you will come to the Sacrificial Altar. --VILLAGE, B1 SACRIFICIAL ALTAR A Vanishing Ghost appears when you enter this chamber. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghosts: ETERNAL RITUAL 1 & 2 (~400) Unlike most Vanishing Ghosts, these ghosts will not...vanish. They're right in front of you, among the ceremonial candles. You will see two Lock Circles when you aim at this ghost, because it counts as two entries in your Spirit List. The ghost will still be visible even after you've photographed it. ********** After capturing the ghost, switch to Type-90 Film and head down the stairs at the S end of the room to trigger a cutscene. ... After the cutscene, your battle with the Kusabi will begin. ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: ROPE MAN When the battle starts, you'll be standing in front of a mist-filled archway. As soon as the perspective changes, you'll be able to move around. Run towards the center of the room and switch to the Finder. The Kusabi will approach you. As he gets close and gets ready to make a swipe, there will be a Shutter Moment. If you don't take a Zero Shot at this time, the ghost will touch you and you will die. The Kusabi will teleport after every shot. DO NOT SWITCH OUT OF FINDER MODE! If you try to run away, Rope Man will be able to heal himself as he teleports. What you should do is keep aiming at him as he moves around and take Zero Shots when he comes in to attack. Your Blast Lens and Zero Lens will be effective against this ghost; you will definitely need to use one of these Lenses to deliver the killing blow. Even though he can kill you in one touch and he has a lot of stamina, his pattern is very simple. You should be able to beat him on the first try. ********** Go down the steps and pick up the FINAL LETTER. If you're playing the game on Easy or Normal Mode, continue down the steps. After a cutscene, ... you will have a last opportunity to take a picture of Mayu. ********** !!-Vanishing Ghost: HELLISH ABYSS MAYU (0) Take a picture of your sister as she stands at the brink of the abyss. Your Filament and Capture Circle won't react, and you won't get any points, but it does count on your Spirit List. If you're playing the game on Hard or Nightmare Mode, you won't be able to take this picture. ********** Now sit back to watch the final cutscene. ... Congratulations, you've beaten the game! IF, however, you are playing on Hard or Nightmare Mode, you're not quite finished.

J. CHAPTER ZERO: HELLISH ABYSS ****************************** You only see this chapter if you're playing on Hard or Nightmare Mode. --VILLAGE, B1 HELLISH ABYSS There will be a cutscene ... as you enter the Abyss. In order to trigger the final battle, switch to Finder mode and slowly begin walking toward your sister. When you are about six or seven paces away, she will come at you. Keep your finger near the shutter button, because there will be a VERY SHORT Fatal Frame moment as she approaches. If you do not get the shot, she will grab you and you will die EVEN if you have a Stone Mirror. If you do succeed in getting the shot, then you will proceed to the final battle versus Sae. (This shot of Mayu will not be put on your Spirit List.) ********** !!-Attacking Ghost: BLOODY KIMONO Sae will spend most the battle enveloped in a cloud of red mist. She is completely invulnerable whilst inside this cloud. After standing and laughing at you for a while, she'll start walking toward you. When she begins to get close, she'll lunge for your neck. Make sure you are facing away from her as she starts to approach. Then, as she begins to make her lunge, run! If you time this properly, her attack will miss. Even if she does grab you, you can use the Evade function to hopefully avoid taking damage. She will repeat this lunging attack three times. After the third attack, she will appear and the red cloud of mist will disappear. Aim at her through the Camera; when the Shutter Moment occurs, WAIT. At the end of the Shutter Moment, there will be a short opportunity for a Fatal Frame. This is when you should strike. Start off the Combo with your Zero Lens or Blast Lens to inflict maximum damage. If you're using Type-61 Film or stronger, and you can succeed in chaining together a couple of combos, you will win the fight. Don't let the occasional tremors bother you--they will slow you down, but they will slow Sae down as well. ********** There is a Hidden Ghost that you can find DURING this battle. You must capture it before the battle is over if you want it. ********** !!-Hidden Ghost: SWALLOWED BY DARK (1000) To find the ghost, stand at the far edge of the Hellish Abyss (the S edge). You will get a blue glow from your Filament when you are near the right spot. Aim down into the Abyss to find the ghost. You'll get a good opportunity to find this ghost when Sae is laughing, before she starts her lunges. ********** After the battle, you will still be confronting Sae near the edge of the Abyss. Switch to Finder mode and give her one last parting shot. Congratulations! Sit back and watch the final cutscene ... ! [NOTE: After the credits roll you be able to see your total score and total play time for that game, which determine your rank. Fortunately, Rank has absolutely no influence on what extras are unlocked. Only the Difficulty Mode you played in determines that.] ***************** VI. BONUS STUFF ***************** This section describes the extra features available in FF2. Most of these features can only be unlocked after you have completed the game under the various difficulty settings, or by completing Mission Mode. A. GALLERY ********** The Gallery is accessible from the Title Screen. Here you can view artwork and movies from the game. There are 3 Image Galleries and 5 Movie Galleries.

IMAGE GALLERY 1. PROMOTIONAL IMAGES: Contains 3 pictures. Unlock this by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. 2. IMAGE ART: Contains 10 pictures. Unlock this by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. 3. DEVELOPMENTAL DOCUMENTS: Contains 20 pictures. Unlock this by getting 100% completion on the Spirit List. VIDEO GALLERY 1. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO 1: This video was widely available on the Internet long before the game was released. It contains Japanese dialogue with subtitles. It's unlocked by default. 2. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO 2: The same as Promotional Video 1, except the dialogue has been dubbed into English. This is the same video that plays if you let the game idle on the Title Screen. It's unlocked by default. 3. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO 3: This is the original Japanese version of the same movie as Video 1 and 2. It has Japanese subtitles to translate the English voice-overs, and it also has different music. It's unlocked by default. 4. ENDING: CRIMSON BUTTERFLY: View the normal ending movie for the game. Unlock it by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. 5. ENDING: HELLISH ABYSS: View the best ending movie for the game. Unlock it by clearing the game in Hard Mode. B. STORY MODE EXTRAS ******************** There are a number of extras that become available only after you have beaten the game at least once and created a Clear File. When you start a game from this file, you can select several new options. Here is a rundown of the new features you can select. (Extra camera equipment that you can unlock is detailed in the Camera Obscura section above.) COSTUMES (Note: When you are wearing an alternate costume, Mayu and Mio will run just a little bit faster!) 1. NORMAL: The default costumes. 2. TYPE-A - Unlock it by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. --MIO: A pastel pink kimono with a flower print and a yellow obi. --MAYU: The same flower print kimono on a light blue background and a yellow obi. 3. TYPE-B - Unlock it by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. --MIO: An indigo kimono with a sparse pattern and a white obi. --MAYU: A black kimono with big white butterflies on it and a red obi. 4. TYPE-C - Unlock it by clearing the game in Hard Mode. --MIO: A short, lime green kimono with a red obi. --MAYU: A short, peach kimono with a pink obi. 5. TYPE-D - Unlock it by clearing the game in Hard Mode. --MIO: A long white kimono, just like Yae Kurosawa. --MAYU: A long white kimono with bloodstains, just like Sae Kurosawa. 6. TYPE-E - ??? 7. TYPE-F - ??? 8. TYPE-G - Unlock it by clearing Mission Mode. --MIO: It's basically a French maid costume, with striped stockings and white lace. She also has blonde hair. --MAYU: Also a French Maid costume but with red lace trim and plain black stockings and fancy gloves. She has light brown hair. 9. TYPE-H - Unlock it by clearing the game in Nightmare Mode. --MIO: Wow. A leather skirt, thigh high boots and garters, a tiny revealing vest and a slave collar, all in black. Her fingernails are painted red. --MAYU: Same as Mio, but all in red. Her fingernails are a light shade of

blue. Also, she has purple hair. ACCESSORIES 1. MIO'S ACCESSORY: Mio wears a cute pair of glasses. Unlock it by clearing the game in Easy or Normal Mode. 2. MAYU'S ACCESSORY: Mayu wears a cute pair of glasses. Unlock it by clearing Mission Mode. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS Apart from the default settings of Easy and Normal that are always available, there are two more difficult settings that you can unlock. 1. EASY MODE: Ghosts inflict minimal damage and have low resistance to your Camera. 2. NORMAL MODE: Damage caused by and to ghosts is normal. 3. HARD MODE: Ghosts inflict increased damage. Only available after completing the game in Normal Mode. 4. NIGHTMARE MODE: Ghosts inflict maximum damage and have strong resistance to your Camera. Herbal Medicine is not as effective. Only available after completing the game in Hard Mode. C. MISSION MODE *************** Mission Mode becomes available after you have cleared the game in Easy or Normal Mode. When you load your Clear Data file, this Mode will be one of your new choices. It consists of 25 different capture challenges that you can try. Each Mission has its own unique requirements, which I have detailed for you below, along with some tips on clearing them successfully. During each Mission you can use all the Lenses, Equipment, and Upgrades that you have installed on your Camera, but the type and amount of Film and Healing Items will be limited depending on which Mission you choose. There are even some Missions where you do not start with full health! As you complete each Mission you will receive a Ranking and a Spirit Point award. The Spirit Points you receive depend on the Mission and is independent of your rank; you only get the Spirit Point award the first time you clear the Mission (you don't get to keep the points you earn during the Mission itself). The ranking system is based on the following grades: C, B, A, S, and SS, with C being the worst and SS being the best. If you barely meet the minimum requirement for clearing the Mission you'll get a C rank. Getting an SS or even an S rank is very very difficult. The Mission screen will show you statistics on how many Missions you have cleared and how many S or SS ranks you have scored. In order to complete these Missions, you will definitely need to have to maxed out the Basic Functions of your Camera. It will also help if you have upgraded some of your Lenses, especially the Slow Lens, Blast Lens, and Zero Lens. Since you can't play Mission Mode without completing the game, you shouldn't have had any problem making these upgrades. For most of these battles, earning an SS rank will be practically impossible until you have beaten the game in Hard Mode and acquired the Stop and Crush Lenses. A useful technique for earning the huge scores needed to obtain an S or SS rank is to combine your high-damage lenses, such as the Blast, Zero, or Crush Lens, with a Fatal Frame Combo. If you begin a Combo chain, save your Power-Up Lens for the third shot in the Combo and you'll get a massive score. [NOTE: Ghosts captured in Mission Mode do not count toward completing your Spirit List.] MISSION 1 ********* SPIRITS: Miyako Sudo [Wanderer] & Masumi Makimura [Rest in Piece] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 2000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Osaka House, 2F Study EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (3)

HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 The best tactic here is to quickly eliminate one of the ghosts with normal shots, stocking up Spirit Power as you do so. It doesn't matter which one you get rid of first, for it is fairly easy to get a Zero Shot on either ghost as it moves in to grab you. To get the best score, use the Zero Lens or Blast Lens to increase your damage. Getting a Fatal Frame with either ghost is somewhat tricky, since the chance for each ghost only occurs after it has made a lunge. This means you must run away while it lunges at you, then quickly turn to get the Fatal Frame while the ghost is recovering from its attack. You can easily score over 2000 without trying to get the Fatal Frame. MISSION 2 ********* SPIRITS: Broken Neck Woman TO CLEAR: Defeat the ghost within 45 seconds RANK: Best time LOCATION: Kurosawa, 2F Doll Stand Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (10) HEALTH: 50% AWARD: 3000 In order to clear this Mission you will definitely need to use your Slow Function. Take a few quick shots to stock up your Spirit Power, then hit her with the Slow Lens. This will make it much easier to score a Fatal Frame Combo when she lunges in for the attack. Getting the Combo Shot is key to ending the battle quickly. MISSION 3 ********* SPIRITS: Drowned Woman [Sunken Woman] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 1000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: All God's Village, Whisper Bridge EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (15), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 2500 An easy mission. If you score a Zero Shot, you are pretty much guaranteed to get a little over 1000 points, even without using any special Lenses. MISSION 4 ********* SPIRITS: Veiled Priest (3) TO CLEAR: Get a total of 5000 points or more RANK: Total points LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Great Hall EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (50), Type-Zero Film (5), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 The difficulty in clearing this mission lies not so much in scoring 5000 total points, but surviving the assault of 3 Priests at once. If you are having trouble outlasting these guys, I recommend equipping the Type-Zero film right off the bat and trying to eliminate one (or two, if possible) of the priests quickly. Then switch to the weaker film to finish off the last priest, and use the Zero or Blast Lens to boost your damage and your score. If you are going for a high rank, then use the weaker film first, saving the Type-Zero Film for your best shots after you have accumulated Spirit Power.

MISSION 5 ********* SPIRITS: Broken Neck Woman & Woman in Box TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 2000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Tachibana, 1F Regular Tatami Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (20), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 The same tactic for Mission 1 applies here. It's easiest to take out Broken Neck first, since she is the fastest and attacks most often. You should be able to charge up your Spirit Power as you take her down. Then, use your accumulated Power to get a big score on the remaining ghost with your Zero Lens or Blast Lens. MISSION 6 ********* SPIRITS: Children Playing Tag (4) [Boy Playing Tag (2), Girl Playing Tag (2)] TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 5 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Osaka House, 1F Sunken Fireplace Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Type-Zero Film (4), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 There are four ghosts to capture in this battle. They only appear two at a time however, which makes survival fairly easy. It is difficult to capture these ghosts because they aren't vulnerable very often and they like to teleport around. When they call out "Over here!", that is your time to take a shot. You may have to keep sight on a ghost for a long time before a Shutter Chance appears. Since your goal is to end the battle quickly, use the Blast Lens or Zero Lens for maximum damage, and don't hesitate to use the Type-Zero Film. MISSION 7 ********* SPIRITS: ???? [Limbo Man, Limbo Woman, Man in Dark, Pole Bearer] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 2000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Great Hall EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Type-61 Film (10), Type-Zero Film (5), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 5000 When you start this battle, all the ghosts except Man in Dark will be surrounding you. There is a simple strategy that will make completing this mission very easy. First, use the Type-61 Film to take out the Limbo Couple first, since they are the most aggressive. Then take out the Pole Bearer. Do not approach the Man in Dark, who will stay off in a corner and won't attack you if stay away from him. Once you have charged up your Spirit Power by fighting the other three ghosts, switch to Type-Zero Film and use the Blast or Zero Lens to take a massive shot on the Man in Dark. If you train your Camera on him without getting too close, you can score a Fatal Frame as he stands there looking around. Mission complete! MISSION 8 *********

SPIRITS: The Mourner (3) TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 1000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: All God's Village, Kureha Shrine EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (40), Type-61 Film (10), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 5000 Fighting three Mourners at once is hard enough without having to worry about getting a high score! You have fought this type of ghost before, so hopefully you are familiar with the techniques that you must use against this particular type of spirit. (If not, see the strategy for this ghost in the walkthrough section.) Since you are in a somewhat cramped room, it's not too hard to get a Double or Triple Shot against these guys. This will help you attain the high score. If you use the Type-61 Film, a good Zero Shot should easily meet the requirements of this mission. MISSION 9 ********* SPIRITS: Man in Dark (4) TO CLEAR: Defeat all spirits in less than 2 minutes RANK: Best time LOCATION: Kiryu House, 2F Connecting Corridor EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (20), Type-Zero Film (3), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 This is a tough mission because of the very tiny space you have to maneuver in and the large number of ghosts surrounding you. When you start, you will be in the center of the bridge with 2 ghosts on either side of you. Quickly switch to the Type-Zero Film, then snap a picture to one side or the other before you get grabbed, if you can. Try to run through the ghosts while they are recovering from your shot so you can get all the ghosts on one side of you. Then take aim again and keep shooting; don't wait for the Zero Shot! You want to defeat all these guys as fast you can. The only advantage you have is that these ghosts are weak; they can't cause a lot of damage and they don't have a lot of stamina. If you get seriously hurt, however, don't forget that you have one dose of Herbal Medicine that you can use. MISSION 10 ********** SPIRITS: ???? [Man in Dark, Seeker, Pole Bearer, Broken Neck Woman] TO CLEAR: Get a total of 8000 points or more RANK: Total points LOCATION: Kiryu House, 1F Entrance EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (50), Type-Zero Film (3), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 This is an unusual battle, because Mayu is here with you. She is on the other side of the torn screens in a side room, and the ghosts will appear in there with her. You must use your Camera to defend her from the attacking ghosts, which will pretty much ignore you and concentrate on attacking your sister. You can't get into the room where Mayu is, so you must make all your shots through the holes in the screen. The ghosts will appear in three waves: first, Man in Dark; second, Seeker and Pole Bearer; third, Broken Neck Woman. Getting over 8000 points shouldn't be too hard if you use the Blast or Zero Lens to make some good shots. Furthermore, since the ghosts usually won't attack YOU, can score a Fatal Frame as the ghosts launch attacks on Mayu.

MISSION 11 ********** SPIRITS: Woman in Box (9) TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 7 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Below Kurosawa, Underground Cellar EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (20), Type-Zero Film (5), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 50% AWARD: 3000 That's right, there are NINE of these ghosts to defeat. Fortunately, they won't appear all at once, and they will all appear in the same place: crawling out of the well. They will appear at roughly 30-second intervals. If you keep your camera trained on the well, you can defeat the ghosts as they emerge. The main challenge here is that you have only a limited amount of film. Because of this, you must pay close attention to your timing of the Zero Shots. If you waste more than a few frames of film on missed shots, you won't have enough film to complete the mission. Use the Type-14 Film first, and save the Type-Zero Film for last. Also, use the Blast or Zero Lens to get some extra mileage out of your film, but don't waste it on a ghost that's nearly dead. If you time your shots well you will complete the mission. MISSION 12 ********** SPIRITS: Mechanical-doll Maker [Doll Maker] TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 3 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Kiryu House, 1F Hanging Doll Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (20), Type-Zero Film (1), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 50% AWARD: 5000 Your low health is a liability in this mission, but if you know how to defend yourself against the dolls it shouldn't be a problem. (Remember that you can render the dolls inert if you take a picture of the Doll Maker while they are chasing you.) A good strategy is to use the weak film to take as many shots as you can as quickly as you can, don't wait for the Zero Shot. Do this to build up your Spirit Points. When you have three Spirit Points accumulated, switch to the Type-Zero Film and hit him with the Zero Lens. This one big shot should be enough to finish the battle. MISSION 13 ********** SPIRITS: Child Running By TO CLEAR: Capture the spirit RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Tachibana, 2F Sliding Screen Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (1), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 3000 This fun mission is a nice change of pace. All you have to do is take aim through the gap in the screens, then wait for the ghost to run by. You'll want to aim downward a little bit; place the crosshair over the candle that's visible in the gap and you'll be just right. As the child streaks past the gap, the Capture Circle will turn blue. Quickly take your shot at that time! That's all there is to it. This is definitely the easiest mission to get an S or SS rank in. MISSION 14

********** SPIRITS: Miyako Sudo [Wanderer] & Masumi Makimura [Rest in Piece] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 1000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Kurosawa, 2F Flickering Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1), No Flashlight HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 This is a fairly straightforward mission, very similar to the Mission 1. You are in a smaller space, though, and that makes it more difficult. Both ghosts like to rush at you, but this makes it easier to get a Zero Shot in against them. If you get a Zero Shot, you will most likely score the 1000+ points needed to meet the mission requirements. Once you have this shot, don't waste any more time! Keep shooting the ghosts whenever you can so they will be stunned and you'll have a better chance of survival. Remember that you have one dose of Herbal Medicine to use if you get grabbed! MISSION 15 ********** SPIRITS: Chitose Tachibana [Crimson Kimono], Akane & Azami Kiryu [Twin's Spirit] TO CLEAR: Get a total of 5000 points or more RANK: Total points LOCATION: Tachibana, 1F Regular Tatami Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 This is a tough battle because of the combination of 3 tricky ghosts and the confining space. You will want to try to take out Chitose first because of her blinding attack; if she hits you with it you are sure to be grabbed by one of the girls. But mostly you will want to take shots quickly and whenever possible so you can accumulate Spirit Power and use your Blast Lens or Zero Lens to get a nice score. Another good strategy is to use the Slow Lens or Stun Lens to make the girls easier to manage. If you can survive the battle you should easily have accumulated enough points to meet the mission requirements. MISSION 16 ********** SPIRITS: People in Dark (3) [Man in Dark (2), Woman in Dark (1)] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 1000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Grounds EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (1) HEALTH: 10% AWARD: 5000 This is a very tricky mission. You have to kill 3 ghosts, but you only have ONE frame of film! Furthermore, you only have a sliver of health! How can you do this? When you start the battle, the three ghosts will be standing in various places around the grounds, but they will be too far away from you to see you. To win the battle, you must run by the ghosts so that they start chasing you, but don't get too close because one touch is enough to kill. When the ghosts begin slowly shambling after you, run around them in a big circle to herd them into the center of the area. Then get a good distance away and take aim. Use the R2 button to ZOOM OUT (remember the Zoom Function that you unlocked when you beat the game??). You should be able to get all 3 ghosts in your Capture Circle as they file toward you. If they spread out, then start running around again to get them grouped together. When you have them all in

your sights, wait for the Zero Shot. Bam! Triple kill! And that's how you do it! You'll have scored over 1000 points quite easily. MISSION 17 ********** SPIRITS: ???? [Limbo Man (2), Limbo Woman (2)] TO CLEAR: Get a total of 8000 points or more RANK: Total points LOCATION: All God's Village, Kureha Shrine EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 When you start the battle, all four ghosts will appear behind you. Run forward before turning around to start taking your shots. Charge up your Spirit Power with Zero Shots, then use the Zero Lens to score some big points. The battle isn't too hard, since these ghosts are aggressive and give you lots of opportunities to get Zero Shots. If you use the Zero Lens, though, you will easily get the score needed to complete the mission. MISSION 18 ********** SPIRITS: ???? [Broken Neck Woman, Fallen Woman, Woman in Box, Sunken Woman] TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 4 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Great Hall EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Type-Zero Film (3), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 5000 In this mission, you must fight all four ghosts at once! This is a tough combination to battle against. When you begin, Woman in Box will be right in front of you, and you can quickly take her out with the Type-Zero Film to make things easier. Your next target should be the aggressive Broken Neck Woman. Switch to the Type-14 Film after you have used up the Type-Zero Film; don't wait for Zero Shots and keep taking pictures as quickly as you can. There is no substitute here for good camera skills. Good use of your Slow and Stun Lenses will help keep you from being ganged up on. Four minutes is plenty of time to defeat this quartet of ladies...if you can survive. MISSION 19 ********** SPIRITS: Man in Dark (1), Woman in Dark (2) TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 3000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Kurosawa, 2F Flickering Room EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (50), No Flashlight HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 5000 This is a hard fight because of the poor lighting conditions and small space. Fortunately, you have a large supply of film. You will have to rely on the Lock Circle to help you aim your shots, because most of the time all you will be able to see through the camera is an amorphous, inky blackness. To get over 3000 points, use the Zero Lens during a Zero Shot to inflict big damage. When the ghosts start closing in on you, take a shot and run to the other side of the room while the ghosts are stunned. It is hard to see in this room, which makes maneuvering difficult, but these slow ghosts shouldn't give you too much trouble.

MISSION 20 ********** SPIRITS: ???? [Broken Neck Woman (3)] TO CLEAR: Take a photo worth 2000 points or more RANK: Best shot LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Connecting Corridor EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 This is another Mission in which you must defend Mayu from the ghosts. You will appear on one side of the Corridor, while Mayu stands helpless on the other side. The three Broken Neck Women will appear one after another, which makes fighting them much easier. You can get a big score if you wait for them to attack your sister; cruel though it may be, this will enable you to get a Fatal Frame shot. If you can combine this moment with your Zero Lens, your score will be huge. This mission is fairly easy. MISSION 21 ********** SPIRITS: Children Playing Tag (4) [Girl Playing Tag (1), Boy Playing Tag (3)] TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 4 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Great Hall EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (50), Type-Zero Film (3), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 8000 This is a very difficult mission. Unlike your prior battle with these children in which they timidly hid from you, in this battle the children will immediately begin swarming all over you, and their assault is relentless. You will want to immediately switch to Type-Zero film as soon as the battle starts. This film will kill the ghosts in one shot. You can try to quickly take a shot right at the start of the battle as the children close in on you and hopefully eliminate one or two of them. If this doesn't work, run! Avoid the walls so that you don't get surprised by a child leaping through them. Keep running until you have a good lead on one of the ghosts, then quickly turn and take your shot as fast as you can. You will probably get mobbed by the ghosts a few times in this battle, but if you can eliminate just one of the ghosts early on it will make things a little easier; getting your first kill is the hardest part. Fortunately, these children have low HP...but this is your only advantage in this difficult battle. MISSION 22 ********** SPIRITS: Veiled Priest & The Mourner TO CLEAR: Bring Mayu to the goal within 4 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Cloth Hallway EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Type-Zero Film (1), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 1000 For this mission, all you have to do is run through a few rooms and bring Mayu with you. There will be Veiled Priests and Mourners lurking around. Ignore the Priests and only attack the Mourners if they are hurting Mayu or standing directly in your path. You don't have to go very far so completing this mission should be easy. MISSION 23

********** SPIRITS: ???? [Limbo Man (4), Limbo Woman (4)] TO CLEAR: Get a total of 40000 points or more RANK: Total points LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Great Hall EQUIPMENT: Type-40 Film (30), Type-Zero Film (5), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 10 (That's right, 10 lousy points) This battle will start off with 2 Limbo Men and 2 Limbo Women in the room with you. As you defeat the ghosts, other Limbo People will appear in their place. There are a total of eight ghosts to fight here, so there is ample opportunity for you to charge up your Zero Lens and make some high-scoring shots. Remember that you can zoom out to get multiple ghosts in the Capture Circle for a higher score. Defeating these ghosts isn't too hard if you avoid lingering near the walls. If you can survive the mission and get in some good shots with your Zero Lens, you will accumulate the required score without any trouble. MISSION 24 ********** SPIRITS: Mr. Kurosawa TO CLEAR: Capture all spirits within 5 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Kurosawa, 1F Rope Temple EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1) HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 4000 This battle with Mr. Kurosawa is a little different than your battle with him during the game; the ghost will use the same attacks against you, but it is a lot harder to get a Fatal Frame shot against him. You don't have any strong film, either, so your damage potential is limited. In order to defeat the ghost in time, you will definitely need to get some Fatal Frame shots on him; if you can do this in conjunction with the Zero Lens then it will be even better. Remember that the Fatal Frame moment occurs AFTER Mr. Kurosawa has finished his attack. If he circles around you, get ready to run away when he lunges in and try to take a shot when he's doubled over. If he throws some wisps at you, keep aiming while you back away and wait for the Fatal Frame that occurs a second or two after the wisps have appeared. Don't hesitate to take any normal shots either when you get the chance, you will want to inflict damage on this ghost whenever you can if you hope to beat him within the time limit. Good luck, this is a hard mission. MISSION 25 ********** SPIRITS: Sae Kurosawa/Kusabi TO CLEAR: Capture Sae Kurosawa within 8 minutes RANK: Clear time LOCATION: Below All God's, Hellish Abyss EQUIPMENT: Type-14 Film (30), Herbal Medicine (1), No Flashlight HEALTH: 100% AWARD: 10000 This is another very hard battle, but if you know Sae's pattern then you can win. During this fight you must always keep an eye on the Kusabi, who is completely invulnerable and will keep slowly drifting after you during the fight. If the Kusabi touches you, you will die. You want to stay as far away from the Kusabi as possible. While you cannot HARM the Kusabi with your Camera, you can still SLOW him just by taking a normal picture; you will get a message saying that your Camera has no effect...but the Kusabi will move much

slower for a while. Your goal is to defeat Sae, who is also chasing after you. Her pattern is fairly simple. First, she stands and laughs at you; even if you run straight into her at that time you won't be able to touch her and she won't be able to hurt you. This a good time to take a picture of the Kusabi to slow it down. After she laughs, she starts chasing you. When she gets close, she will speed up and make a lunge. Be ready to hit the X button and use your Escape Function if she gets you, because you don't have enough health to survive being grabbed twice. If her lunge misses, she will teleport and start chasing you for another lunge. After three lunges, she will appear and talk to you; the red mist around her will vanish. This is your only chance to strike! When the Shutter Moment begins, don't shoot! Wait for the Fatal Frame that occurs at the END of the Shutter Moment to get a 2-Shot Combo. Repeat this process until Sae is captured. You will want to let her get close to you so she can start her lunge, because she won't become vulnerable until she has missed with three lunges. The time limit on this battle is not generous; you will have to score the Fatal Frame combo every single time that it is possible, and use your Zero Lens (at Level 3!) every time it is charged up, in order to finish the battle in less than 8 minutes. If you miss the shot just once, you probably won't be able to complete the mission in time. This battle is very hard, but if you understand the pattern and wait for the Fatal Frame (and you are lucky) you will complete the Mission. D. COMPLETION AWARDS ******************** This is a short section listing what awards you are given for completing various parts of the game. COMPLETE THE GAME IN EASY MODE: Spirit List is enabled. Mission Mode is enabled. Image Galleries 1 & 2 are unlocked; Movie Gallery 4 is unlocked. Track Lens is added to your camera. Sense and Zoom Functions are added to your camera. Unlock Costumes A & B. Unlock Mio's Accessory. COMPLETE THE GAME IN NORMAL MODE: Same as above, but also unlocks Hard Mode. COMPLETE THE GAME IN HARD MODE: Unlock Costumes C & D. Unlock Nightmare Mode. Unlock Movie Gallery 5. Stop and Crush Lenses are added to your Camera. COMPLETE THE GAME IN NIGHTMARE MODE: Unlock Costume H. COMPLETE MISSION MODE: Unlock Costume G. Unlock Mayu's Accessory. COMPLETE SPIRIT LIST: Unlock Image Gallery 3. Serial Lens is added to your Camera.

****************** VII. SPIRIT LIST

****************** The Spirit List becomes available after you have beaten the game in Easy or Normal Mode. You can look at all the different ghosts that it is possible to capture during the game. In the Spirit List, Attacking Ghosts appear first, followed by Vanishing Ghosts, and then Hidden Ghosts. At the end of the Spirit List you'll see entries for all the Attacking Ghosts that you have shot during a Shutter Moment; this part of the list does not affect your completion percentage. ATTACKING GHOSTS **************** --WANDERER: Miyako Sudo. Followed missing lover to village, but was killed by lover's ghost. --SEEKER: Searching for twins to perform the Ritual. Roams around with a pale torch. --SICKLE BEARER: Looking for twins to carry out the Ritual. Wields a sickle to stop them escaping. --POLE BEARER: Looking for the twins. Unable to find them, he was killed in the Repentance. --SUNKEN WOMAN: Pulled into the ice water long ago by the arms of the dead. --VEILED PRIEST: Performs Forbidden Ritual. When Crimson Sacrifice Ritual failed, he was caught in the Dark. --MAN IN DARK: Villager taken by Malice in the Repentance. In the dark now, he feels no pain. --WOMAN IN DARK: Taken by Malice in the Repentance. She roams around asking for help. --BLOODY KIMONO: Sae Kurosawa. The last Twin Shrine Maiden. Killed many in the Repentance. --UNREST IN PIECE: Masumi Makimura. A surveyor who wandered into the village. Killed by the Kusabi. --ROPE MAN: Sacrificed man, a.k.a. "Kusabi". In life was a folklorist, but now an evil spirit. --CRIMSON KIMONO: Chitose Tachibana. Younger sister of Itsuki and Mutsuki. Died hiding in the closet. --FALLEN WOMAN: Fell trying to escape from the Repentance. Roams around pleading for help. --TWIN'S DOLL: A doll made to resemble Azami Kiryu, who was Crimson Sacrificed. It holds her soul. --TWIN'S SPIRIT: Akane Kiryu. Killed her sister in Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Spirit stolen by a doll. --WOMAN IN BOX: Hid in a box during the Repentance. Trapped there, she was taken by the Dark. --BROKEN NECK WOMAN: Jumped from corridor to escape the Repentance. Tries to pass on her death pains. --DOLL MAKER: Yoshitatsu Kiryu. Lost daughter in Ceremony. Killed by the Remaining daughter. --GIRL PLAYING TAG: She was playing tag when the Dark came. She does not yet realize that she is dead. --BOY PLAYING TAG (1): He was playing tag when the Dark came. He does not yet realize that he is dead. --BOY PLAYING TAG (2): He was playing tag when the Dark came. He does not yet realize that he is dead. --THE MOURNER: Guardians of the Hellish Abyss. Eyes sewn shut, can only hear. Attacks any intruders. --LIMBO MAN: Sliced up by a Kusabi. He roams around trapped between life and death. --LIMBO WOMAN: Sliced up by a Kusabi. She roams around trapped between life and death. --MR. KUROSAWA: Ryokan Kurosawa. He sacrificed an outsider for the Ceremony.

Died in the Repentance. VANISHING GHOSTS **************** --WAITING WOMAN: Miyako Sudo. Waits for lost surveyor lover. She always stares at visitors. --WALKS INSIDE: Miyako Sudo. Wanders after lover's image. Beckons Mio into the house. --VANISHES AT ALTAR: Miyako Sudo. Searches around the house for clues about her missing lover. --ATRIUM WOMAN: Miyako Sudo. Wanders after lover's image. Beckons Mio into the house. --VANISHES AT DOOR: Miyako Sudo. Follows lover's image around. Wants to talk about her past. --MAN ON DECK: Masumi Makimura. Surveyor that died in village. Trapped here with lover Miyako. --WOMAN BEHIND NET: Miyako Sudo. Wanders after lover's image. Wants to talk about her past. --STAIR CLIMBER: Miyako Sudo. Followed lover's image inside. Wants to talk about regrets. --STANDING WOMAN: Miyako Sudo. Follows lover's image around. Beckons sisters to door. --BECKONER: Miyako Sudo. Trapped in the village. Beckons sisters to come inside. --STANDS BEHIND: Miyako Sudo. Trapped in the village. Closes door on sisters. --BUTTERFLY CHASER: Image of Mayu being lured by butterfly. Disappears into closed gate. --TRAPPED BOY: Itsuki Tachibana. White-haired boy who killed his younger brother for Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. --BLOODY KIMONO: Sae Kurosawa. Waits for her sister. Has lost her mind and laughs crazily. --FLOATING WOMAN: Pulled into water long ago by arms of the dead. Eternally adrift. --PRIEST BEHIND: Was waiting for return of Twin Shrine Maidens to resume the Ceremony and close the Hellish Abyss. --TERRIFIED MAN: Taken by the Dark while fleeing the Repentance. Was killed by the Kusabi. --2ND FLOOR MAYU: Lured by the butterflies, Mayu enters the building, called by a voice. --DRAGGER: A folklorist that became an undead. Slaughtered the people of the house. --DRAGGEE: Was inside when the repentance came. He fought with the Kusabi and was killed. --FLEEING VILLAGER: Was killed by the Kusabi and taken by the Dark, but sitll runs in terror. --TURNS HEAD: Seijiro Makabe. Folklorist interested in Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Waits for his assistant. --TALKING MAN: Ryokan Kurosawa. Ceremony Master, he was shamed by his daughter who fled. --CALLING MAN: Ryokan Kurosawa. Calls to Mio and Mayu thinking they are his own daughters. --BEHIND CLOTH: Ryokan Kurosawa. Warns Mio and Mayu about the fate of twins in this village. --CLINGING SHADOW: Driven insane by the Repentance. Tries to escape the Dark through a small crack. --HOPES FOR RITUAL: Ryokan Kurosawa. Sees the twins fleeing and tries to persuade them to finish the Ritual. --CURTAIN SHADOW: Woman killed in the Repentance. Unable to reach Nirvana, she is trapped.

--CHILD AT DOOR: Was playing here when Dark came. Did not notice and keeps playing even now. --FADING CHILD: Was playing here when Dark came. Did not notice and now plays eternally. --CUT-IN CHILD: Was playing here when Dark came. Did not notice and now plays eternally. --PEEKING CHILD: Was playing here when the Repentance came. Did not notice and keeps playing even now. --CAPTIVE MAN: Seijiro Makabe. Visiting folklorist was imprisoned before being sacrificed. --RITUAL RESEARCHER: Seijiro Makabe. Was told to run but was too curious. Because a Kusabi. --RITUAL PUSHER: Ryokan Kurosawa. Killed brother for Ritual, and is ashamed that daughters ran. --SPEAKING MAN: Ryokan Kurosawa. Killed folklorist to make up for his daughters fleeing. --WAREHOUSE CHECKER: Seijiro Makabe. Visiting folklorist. Was checking the cell, but instead was imprisoned in it. --WAITING PRIEST: Waits for Crimson Ritual Sacrifice. The last Ritual failed without the Twin Shrine Maidens, so he was killed. --HANGING HAND: Hand of woman that was killed by the Kusabi. It searches for its body. --NO ESCAPE: Tried to run from the Kusabi, but was killed. Searches for her missing hand. --CONFINED MAYU: Upset about separation from Mio. Mumbles but does not respond. --CORRIDOR WOMAN: Broke her neck in the Repentance. Still attempts to flee the Dark in the corridor. --LURED WOMAN: Sae Kurosawa. Running from failed Ritual. Going to find Itsuki. --WEEPING WOMAN: Sae Kurosawa. Just learned that Itsuki is dead. Resolves to continue Ritual. --PULLED SHADOW: Spirit of one killed in the Repentance. Was pulled into hell when Dark came. --STARING WOMAN: Miyako Sudo. Dark came while waiting for lover. Wanders endlessly, searching. --SEARCHING BELOW: Seijiro Makabe. Folklorist looking for "Hellish Abyss" in cave. --MAN FACING WALL: Seijiro Makabe. Searching room for underground entrance. --CRYING GIRL: Chitose Tachibana. Killed in the Repentance. Waits for her brother's return. --ENTERING MAN: Masumi Makimura. Trying to unravel the mystery of the village so he can escape. --MAN IN STUDY: Seijiro Makabe. Discovers that the twin houses are linked by earth and heaven. --LATTICE ARM: Materialization of despair from The Repentance victims. It fears the light. --GRAVE GIRL: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of own death. --STOREHOUSE BOUND 1: Sae Kurosawa. Captured Sae only wants to see Itsuki one more time. --PEEKING KID: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of own death. --DAZED GIRL: Akane Kiryu. Went crazy after killing sister. Soul was stolen by a doll. --DAZED DOLL: Azami Kiryu. Mechanical doll. Looks like Azami. Contains soul of twin. --FLEEING TWIN: Akane Kiryu. Spirit of Ritual twin. A doll took her soul. Lacks any heart. --FLEEING DOLL: Azami Kiryu. Mechanical doll. Looks like Azami. Contains soul of twin. --VANISHING TWIN: Akane Kiryu. Spirit of Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Runs away saying "I don't want to kill!" --VANISHING DOLL: Azami Kiryu. Mechanical doll. Looks like Azami. Says, "I

don't want to die!" --SITTING TWIN: Akane Kiryu. Akane and Azami were always together, until the Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. --SITTING DOLL: Azami Kiryu. Azami and Akane were always together, until the Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. --HIDDEN MAN: Yoshitatsu Kiryu. Father of Akane and Azami. Tried to kill possessed doll. --DOOMED GIRL: Azami Kiryu. Sacrificed for Ceremony. Asks Mio to be her substitute. --PEEPING CHILD: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of her own death. --CRIMSON KIMONO: Chitose Tachibana. Brother killed in Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Pleads for Itsuki's return. --CRYING MAYU: Mourns Itsuki, as "Sae" thinks his suicide was her fault. Continues to apologize. --FLEEING GIRL: Chitose Tachibana. Thinks Mio is Yae, asks for brother's return. Runs away. --EVIL ARM: Manifestation of emotions from a passageway, the pathway to Hell. --FALLEN MAYU: Mayu fell into the Old Tree. She mumbles while having a nightmare. --STOREHOUSE BOUND 2: Sae Kurosawa. Going to see Itsuki, unaware of his death. Sees dead Itsuki. --IMPRISONED BOY: Itsuki Tachibana. Took his life after Yae and Sae ran way. Has white hair. --RUNNING CHILD 1: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of own death. --RUNNING CHILD 2: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of own death. --RUNNING CHILD 3: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Unaware of own death. --HIDING CHILD 1: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Still in hiding. --HIDING CHILD 2: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Still in hiding. --HIDING CHILD 3: Was playing hide-and-seek when Dark came. Still in hiding. --ROAMING DOLL: Died in this house. Was taken by Malice that seeped up from the well. --PRISONER: Seijiro Makabe. Understands he will be a Kusabi but satisfied to know the truth. --WHITE KIMONO: Sae Kurosawa. Waited in underground corridor for the Ritual to resume. --ETERNAL RITUAL 1: Constantly feels the pain of her Crimson Sacrifice Ritual performed long ago. --ETERNAL RITUAL 2: Constantly feels the pain of her Crimson Sacrifice Ritual performed long ago. --HELLISH ABYSS MAYU: Reliving Sae's Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Waits at the edge of Hellish Abyss for her sister, Yae. --GATE CHECKER: Masumi Makimura. Lost surveyor searching for a way to escape the village. --WOMAN ON DECK: Miyako Sudo. Alone once more, she waits forever to be reunited with her lover... --STATUE CHECKER: Masumi Makimura. Lost surveyor inspecting statues of guardian deities. --WELL CHECKER: Masumi Makimura. Can hear sound coming from well but cannot find the opening. --MAN AT SHRINE: Masumi Makumura. Knows that an exit is in the shrine, but can't break the seal. --EXAUSTED MAN: Masumi Makumura. Tried to escape with lover. Killed by Kusabi in Kurosawa house. HIDDEN GHOSTS *************

--GIRL IN HIDING: Was playing hide-and-seek. Was swalloed by the Dark like all the rest. --FROZEN WOMAN: Was too sick to see Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Was also too sick and afraid to run away. --FROZEN MAN: Lost his mind from the Malice, and now stands motionless in the ruins. --SHRINE SHADOW: Was hiding in his usual spot when Malice came out of the deep below the Shrine. --DROWNED WOMAN: Was pulled into icy water long ago. Still feels the pain of dying. --LOOKING DOWN: Man looking down from Master's Room. Mistakes Mio for Yae and watches her. --DOLL STAND SHADOW: Girl who came to see Sae on Crimson Sacrifice Ritual day. She saw the Crimson Ritual Sacrifice fail. --GARDEN WOMAN: Threw herself from 2nd floor. Her lover used to care for the garden. --MAN IN SHADOWS: Could not run from the Repentance so took his own life. --WOMAN IN BOX: Hid in box with baby and died. The Dark took them as she prayed. --MIYAKO SUDO: Wanted to escape with Masumi, but he was turned into a spirit and killed her. --SHIVERING WOMAN: Was drenched in Malice and shivers eternally from the icy cold. --MASUMI MAKIMURA: Lost surveyor who wants to flee with Miyako. Killed by Kusabi. --FREE FALL: Drank Malice and jumped to her death. But the Malice will not release her. --PINNED DOWN: Trapped under collapsed building. Still searches for a way out. --CORNER WOMAN: Tried to hide in the room. Forever stares longingly at the door. --CRUSHED MAN: Hit by falling in the Repentance. A Passageway echos with their moans. --PHOTO WOMAN: Died long ago in the Ceremony. She is unable to rest peacefully. --MALE TWIN: Mutsuki Tachibana. Killed by his brother Itsuki. Was doomed to this fate since birth. --WINDOW WOMAN: Longs for Itsuki and feels guilty about running away alone. --JUMPING WOMAN: Killed herself to avoid the Repentance. The pain haunts her even in death. --YOSHITATSU KIRYU: Old head of the Kiryus. Made doll to console his daughter, but it took his life. --SEIJIRO MAKABE: Folklorist that was sacrificed in the Cutting Ritual to calm the Hellish Abyss. --RYOKAN KUROSAWA: Father of Sae and Yae. Killed his brother for the Ceremony. He is the Ceremony Master. --SAE KUROSAEA: Waits for her sister. She has gone crazy, but will never forget her sister. --FAILED KUSABI: Could not endure the Cutting Ritual. Their bodies line a passageway. --YAE KUROSAWA: Survivor of the Repentance. Tried to return to the village, but it was gone. --TRAPPED GIRL: The Remaining One driving mad by the Ceremony. Always crying in the attic. --THE REPENTANCE: The consequence of a failed Ritual. Village vanished in a fog of Malice. --SWALLOWED BY DARK: People that saw the evil emerge from the Hellish Abyss, and lost their eyes. --JAMES MIELKE: Hollering editor, cracks the whip. Looking for his big milk bottle. He is surly now. --JOE RYBICKI: He asked for proof of the afterlife, and he got it. Now he is

proof for those who ask for it. --DAVE HALVERSON: Scours the Afterlife to fill a void left by his betrothed black widow. --BILL DONOHUE: He wandered into the cemetery, looking for a clue. What he found was his own demise. --CLEANSER: Cleanses twins for Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Died running from Dark. Had a crush on Sae. --UNREQUITED: Had major role in Crimson Sacrifice Ritual. Was taken by Dark. Had a secret love for Yae.

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