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Why English is important IF YOU are currently learning English in a school, college or institute of further education, you join

approximately one billion other people around the world who are engaged in the same pursuit. However, as you try to memorise proper grammar, and try to avoid the mistakes common to most students of English, you may wonder why you are learning the language in the first place. So, why is English important? After Mandarin, English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined. Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, UN & NATO armed forces, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world. English has plenty of words to choose from. In fact, an English speaker is offered the biggest vocabulary of any language with a choice of 500,000 to 1,000,000 words (including technical and scientific terms). But dont panic, most English speakers do very well with a vocabulary of around 20,000 words. English can be fun too. For instance, the music of such stars as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson and Madonna has encouraged fans to speak the language of their idols, whilst others have enrolled in English classes to improve their understanding of the dialogue in films and TV shows. Or perhaps they have embraced English to enjoy the writing of Stephen King, George Orwell or J.K. Rowling. They may even have an interest in speaking English just to converse with travellers from other countries, who communicate by using the English global interlingua while travelling abroad. Finally, if you are studying English at school, college or university, remember that getting an A grade in English is almost worthless, in terms of communication, if you cannot speak the language. Spoken English is used in the best careers, the best universities, and is increasingly being used at job interviews. So like it or not, English is a very important language to learn how to speak. Being able to read and write in English is not enough! Vance Carson, Kajang

English Language Is it really important? by Sukhpreet Kaur Posted on 20 August, 2009 Yes, English language and learning English is very important for each one of us as it is extensively used in many international organizations and is the official language of 53 countries. Knowledge of the language has become a requirement in many fields like education, occupation and profession. Billions of people across the world communicate in English to at least a basic level. It is vital in every area of life and learning. Moreover, English language is the bridge to communicate with people from other parts of the world. Its simple; if you

know English then you can communicate with three quarter of the planet Am I right ? Tags: english, learning english, online learning, by Harman Singh posted on 26 August, 2009 I think English is a VERY important language simply because so much of the content on the Internet is in English. While it was important to know English even before the Internet era for the reasons stated by Sukhpreet, it has become much more important now. Although I haven't done any research on the amount of content over the Internet in the English language compared to the content available in other languages, my guess is that the former will far exceed the latter, whatever may be the reason. To absorb that content and transform it into knowledge, one has to know the language well. For this and other reasons (trade, for example), more and more countries are prioritizing English language learning as a national agenda - India and China are two such examples. Here is a great presentation that emphasizes the point, although only a part of it is relevant to this post: Shift Happens Uploaded on authorSTREAM by amrik | Upload your own presentation

Also remember that China and India are the two countries where most of the Internet users are expected to come from in the next 10 years. Once that happens, we will be in a spiral loop of more users who know English and hence more content in English and so on. Now add this to the fact that a major portion of the world's economy in the future is going to be attributed to knowledge (hence called 'knowledge economy'). All in all, it seems we are moving into a world where not knowing English, to at least a fair degree, is not going to be an option. I think English is a VERY important language simply because so much of the content on the Internet is in English. While it was important to know English even before the Internet era for the reasons stated by Sukhpreet, it has become much more important now. Although I haven't done any research on the amount of content over the Internet in the English language compared to the content available in other languages, my guess is that the former will far exceed the latter, whatever may be the reason. To absorb that content and transform it into knowledge, one has to know the language well. For this and other reasons (trade, for example), more and more countries are prioritizing English language learning as a national agenda - India and China are two such examples. Here is a great presentation that emphasizes the point, although only a part of it is relevant to this postAlso remember that China and India are the two countries where most of the Internet users are expected to come from in the next 10 years. Once that happens, we will be in a spiral loop of more users who know English and hence more content in English and so on. Now add this to the fact that a major portion of the world's economy in the future is going to be attributed to knowledge (hence called 'knowledge economy'). All in all, it seems we are moving into a world where not knowing English, to at least a fair degree, is not going to be an option. Save Cancel by Englishteacher Namrata Arora posted on 30 August, 2009 Perceived as a global language today, English stands as the common means of communication among members of different countries, cultures and communities. You want a job promotion, a change in the workplace or the job profile, you need to have exceptional communication skills (in English). You are the owner of a local store or a cottage business, you need to reach out to the customers who speak their own language and a global tongue - English. You have no choice but to learn English.

The question is what level of expertise do you need to gain over English to be able to achieve your professional goals? Go to a local store in China, and the salesperson would have expertise on answering one question "How much?" Go to well developed cities, you'll find masters in the English Language who interact daily with their American business partners. Same goes for Indians, Software professionals catering to the UK and US want the highest grade of training unlike a vegetable vendor who wants to speak only numerical figures in English. As providers of Educational inputs, we need to understand this gap and develop customized solutions to the learners of English Language. And somewhere down the line, in order to teach natives of other countries we must be able to understand their native language too. So, not just English, other languages become equally important. That's why Sukhpreet Madam your question becomes all the more significant. English language is really important to live and flourish in the global village. But, can the languages of India and China housing the majority of world's population ever gain more importance than English? Perceived as a global language today, English stands as the common means of communication among members of different countries, cultures and communities. You want a job promotion, a change in the workplace or the job profile, you need to have exceptional communication skills (in English). You are the owner of a local store or a cottage business, you need to reach out to the customers who speak their own language and a global tongue - English. You have no choice but to learn English. The question is what level of expertise do you need to gain over English to be able to achieve your professional goals? Go to a local store in China, and the salesperson would have expertise on answering one question "How much?" Go to well developed cities, you'll find masters in the English Language who interact daily with their American business partners. Same goes for Indians, Software professionals catering to the UK and US want the highest grade of training unlike a vegetable vendor who wants to speak only numerical figures in English. As providers of Educational inputs, we need to understand this gap and develop customized solutions to the learners of English Language. And somewhere down the line, in order to teach natives of other countries we must be able to understand their native language too. So, not just English, other languages become equally important. That's why Sukhpreet Madam your question becomes all the more significant. English language is really important to live and flourish in the global village. But, can the languages of India and China housing the majority of world's population ever gain more importance than English? Save Cancel by Fabiana Giron posted on 26 August, 2009 I think you have a point, but the other point is that Spanish is also growing fast and more and more people need to learn that language as well. So, I can say that English may be the language spoken in most business settings, and the language that brings people from many nationalities together. Now, Spanish is also in my opinion the language spoken for the same number of people as English WHY LEARN ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Learn English People must have a clear purpose in learning English. They must know why they want to learn English. The awareness of the reason for leaning gives you the right motivation and focus. English can be learned for several purposes. It would be a good idea to identify ones reason to learn English in order to encourage oneself to continue learning English every time. Perhaps ones purpose is more mundane, more down-to earth-concerned with daily life of a modest person. One may just want to run a supermarket selling a range of everyday products. Here too you will need to know English to deal with you mode valuable customers.

Whatever the reason you have to learn English, you will never regret to have done it. English is one of the moist widely language spoken around the world as well as the most taught. Many people learn English as their foreign or second language and it is the lingua franca of business. If you learn English, you will be able to get ahead professionally. Employers usually value their employees who handle many foreign languages. The following list shows some of the main reason why learn English language is very important today. Reasons to Learn English * Many books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, technology, sports, pop music and advertising have the English as the dominant language. * In general, the universal language on the Internet is the English. * The majority of the electronically stored information around the world is in English. * English is one of the easiest languages to learn and to use for its simple alphabet, easy words, short words and easy plurals. * You can travel to any English speaking country without the need of have a translator. Usually, if you don't know the language your trip would be hard and maybe you wouldn't enjoy it. * Nowadays in the competitive job market it is necessary to speak English. So if you learn English you will have a better chance of getting a job that pays more. * Learn English will help you to communicate with relatives, in-laws or friends who speak a different language. English is also helpful if you are going to move to a different country because it is a global language. * A lot of educational information is in English; therefore to have access to this material or maybe communicate with other students it is necessary to have knowledge of English. * It is necessary to learn English if you are planning to study at a foreign university or school. Usually many educational institutions will provide you preparatory courses to improve your English language skills but you have to have at least a medium level of knowledge. * Many students from over 70 different countries, from Brazil to Japan, Morocco to Uzbekistan and all points in between, prefer to study English in UK members. Why English Is Important. Summary: Discusses the importance of studying the English language. Describes how a strong grasp of the language leades to strong literacy skills and increased educational opportunities. Imagine if people didn't study English. How would people be speaking and learning today? In order to sound educated and literate people need to thoroughly study English. It is also heavily needed in the business world as well as your own private world. English also teaches you to communicate and process things more accurately. If we didn't have a set English language communicating would be extremely difficult. The main reason to study English is to sound educated and literate. In order to advance in the professional world, you must have proper English and good speech. For example, although President George W. Bush is an extremely smart and

important person he at times lacks public speaking abilities. This has been a detriment to him and a big reason why people may not favor him. Where as, President Bill Clinton spoke very well and was very poplar with the people because he was able to properly connect with the public. This ties in the reason for why studying English thoroughly is important in the business world. In order to obtain a good career an advancement as well as respect from your peers you have to be literate and well educated. An additional reason for studying English is for communication. You are much more accepted in the world if you portray yourself better. People will think of you in a better way and you will have a better chance of being accepted. You will most likely also have more opportunities in life. In conclusion there are many reasons as to why studying English is important. One is being that you sound more educated and literate, two is to communicate properly with others, and three because it is important for career advancement and respect in the business world. Learning English never ends, there is the English dictionary that has so many words in it that most people have never even utilized or heard. Learning to properly use one new word each week is a great way to continually learn to utilize the English language. Teaching and learning English is the need of the hour English is spoken in almost all parts of the globe. A person, whether educated much or not is expected to speak English fluently without any hesitation, for many purposes. It may be for good employment opportunity all over the world, for business, for higher education, scientific studies, research works etc. Call centers, BPOs etc generally need good English speaking as a skill. Trained personnel are capable of speaking good English, and are able to shine in the world in various sectors of employment. To meet the growing requirement of English speaking man power for various employment opportunities, teaching and learning English is the need of the hour. English is also essential for mutual communication among people of different states having different languages as their mother tongues in countries like India .Mother tongue may have great literatures. We can translate them in other languages to help the mankind and to promulgate the richness of the mother language. For doing this one must be capable of expressing in other desired languages. Here comes the teaching and learning process. Learning is a continuous process and obviously teaching is required for learning. Let the teaching-learning process continue effectively to attain and maintain success. Posted by Learn Speaking English at 9:50 PM # 1.

Every country has a lot of people that speak English, and it is the easiest language to learn, well I might be biased seeing as i am English, but anyway, English is a good language to learn, and it is useful for talking to different nationalities, as people from places like Russia and France for example, would be more likely to learn English than the opposite language, as it is easy and opens more doors. Also, America is the worlds leading power and as such has a large influence on the world, so English is very useful, and of course if you feel like visiting England speaking Spanish fluently will not get you very far ! Incredibly important in the world of business since the USA is still considered the world's leading economic superpower. You should also know that English was ( and still is) the language used by business, government and banking in countries that were once controlled by the vast British Empire, such as India. English might lose its current status as a language being learned by countries worldwide. Foreigners are flocking



to learn Chinese in droves. And some of these damn foreigners steal Chinese women from Chinese men EVEN IN China, due to them having a green card / US dollars as an incentive for marriage. After these Chinese women are being tricked into becoming girlfriends or even wives, they are then used as slaves by these a-holes. There's no love between them!!! And half of these suckers have wives and children back home!!! Chinese women shouldn't marry foreigners but only Chinese men. They should not be treated as "trophy wives" or as as an Asian fetish for these foreign suckers. If they want to marry for money, then they should marry a Chinese man overseas who have settled in foreign countries. Why SHOULD YOU learn English? Good question. I believe everyone should learn the English language for the following reasons. Distribution English is the most widely spoken language in the world based on the distribution of native speakers. * There are over 400 million native English speakers worldwide. * There are over 500 million speakers of English as a second or foreign language. 900 million people using English, out of a total world population of about 6.7 billion people, is only 15% of the total population. Then why is English so important? The importance of English is not in the number of speakers, but what English is used for.

Communication, Friends * English is the main language in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. * In many countries, English is widely used, particularly among people who have no other language in common, even though English is not the main language of the country. For example, English is widely used in Hong Kong, Singapore, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In these countries, it is often used as a means of communication between people who use different dialects of their native languages. * English is studied as a foreign language in countries even though it is not used as a means of communication. * In China, English language lessons are popular. Two hundred fifty million Chinese, are learning English on TV.

* English is the most commonly taught foreign language. * Now online communities like My Space, YouTube, etc., offer people a way to make friends around the world and practice speaking English. News, Information * English is the main language of news and information in the world. * English is the language used in business and government even in countries where it is not the main language. * 75% of all telex messages and telegrams are sent in English. * 80% of computer data is processed and stored in English. * Most satellite transmissions are carried in English. * Five thousand newspapers, over half of the newspapers published in the world, are published in English. Even in many countries where English is not the main language, there is at least one newspaper in English. In India alone, there are three thousand magazines published in English. * In many countries, television news is broadcast in English. * Because of the power of television, demonstrators even use signs printed in English to send their messages to the world. * Much of the information countries disseminate about themselves outside of their borders is in English. Business, Government, International Relations * English is the main language of international business, diplomacy, and science. *

It is a common language that a Russian businessman and a Japanese businesswoman are likely to use to communicate. * English is an official language of many professional and international organizations, including the United Nations. * It is usually the language of international conferences, and international athletics. * English is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control, and it is used even for internal air traffic control in countries where it is not a native language. * Most commodities such as silver, gold, and hard currency are traded in English. * Throughout the world, many professional papers are published in English. Even papers that are published in other languages often have abstracts in English. * English is used in government and as a medium of communication among people who do not have another language in common. * In some cases, it is a neutral language that is used to avoid giving any one indigenous language too much prestige. English is often used in India, because it is neutral. * People who speak English have a certain status in society. * In Singapore, English is a second language, but it is necessary for daily life. Many companies there use English. * In addition, sixteen countries in Africa have retained English as the language of government. Now standard English is taught in schools in those countries, because it is necessary for careers. Entertainment * Popular culture has played an important part in spreading English. * American and British popular music are heard all over the world.

* American movies are seen in almost every country. * Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English. * It is used for books, music and dance. * One reason that students give for learning English is to understand these songs, movies and books. Travel * English is spoken in large hotels and tourist attractions, at airports, and in shops that tourists frequent. * Tours are almost always available in English. Even in countries where few people speak English on the street, people who work with tourists generally speak English. In some countries even drivers of buses or streetcars and sellers at newsstands speak English well.

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