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Before beginning, save a clean firmware file to your hard drive in case you need to start fresh again.

Save problems later? Starting/Troubleshooting Several hacks have been developed to allow you to get a background on your iPod. See the links for more. Did you know? Editing t/wiki/index.php/Background_Hack This can be done by changing strings. Under the strings tab in 'Firmware Editor' , search for the string 'iPod'. Change 'iPod' in title? Editing http://www.ipodw Chances are that you've chosen the wrong theme for your iPod firmware. Try a the me converter. Images messed up? Editing ndex.php/FAQs#I.27ve_installed_a_theme.2C_but_all_of_the_pictures_are_cut_off_an d_out_of_place._How_can_I_fix_them.3F A method has been discovered to allow you to get icons on your menus, next to th e text. See the links for more. Did you know? Editing t/wiki/index.php/Arbitrary_Font_Images iPodWizard can tweak many aspects of your iPod, from uncapping your volume to sh owing your battery in volts. Click the 'Tweaks' button. Did you know? Tweaks iPodWizard allows you to combine all of your changes - graphics, fonts, and stri ngs - into the one .ipw file. This is perfect for not only storage, but sharing your creative works with other iPodWizard users around the world! Want to share your theme? Themes is a friendly community which is home to close to 3,000 user-made themes. The site also has a 'Ultimate Theme List' - a list of all the themes re commended by the people who actually use them! Want a pre-made theme? Themes If you are using Vista, it is needed to run iPodWizard as computer administrator user in order to load the iPod firmware directly Vista problems? Troubles hooting 0 All resources on the iPod are linked to form one big puzzle. Check the Layouts t ab for editing resources connections. Did you know? Resources 0 Many questions about the program can be answered at the community website. Click 'Tell me more' to go there. Have a question? Info http://www.ipodw

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