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Week 2 Assessment Chapter 5 & 9 Text Notes Ch5: Mental Status Assessment: I. Defining mental status. A.

Mental disorder- persons response > than the expected rxn to traumatic life event. is defined as a significant behavioral or psychological pattern associated with the strength or disability and has significant Risk of pain, death, or loss of freedom. i. organic disorder: Known specific cause (dementia, intoxication) ii. psychiatric mental illness: unknown organic etiology (anxiety) Functioning Inferred through Assessment Conciousness Language Mood and Affect: Orrientation Attention: Memory: Abstract Reasoning: Thought process: Thought Content: Perceptions:

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Infants and Children: Infant: cannot distinguish self 18 -24 mo: can distinguish self; differentiated language. 1 year old: one word sentence 2 year old: multiword sentence 4-5: language as a social tool school age: attention 12-15 year: hypothetical situation The aging adult:

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