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FDU SAGA Minutes 26 September 2012 Emily Moratti, President Patrick Dickerson, Secretary Meeting Start: 8:00 PM Roberts

Rule of Order Suspended 8:00 Attendance 8:00-8:07 Icebreaker 8:07-8:41 Crayola Art 8:41-8:43 - We made $200! WHOO! Drag Show Contestant 8:43-8:44 - We are going to decide next week Movie Night 8:44-8:46 - (RA) Taylors event - 8:00-12:00 PM - Twombly Lounge - We are premiering the It Gets Better Trans* Day of Remembrance 8:46-8:58 - November 16th - 5:30-7:30 PM - Cant do Balloon releasing - Ideas? Candles? Carry balloon with you? Dye water in fountain? Paper Airplanes? Lanterns? Sky Lanterns? Purple Bombing? Paint Sidewalks? Biodegradable Balloons? Kites?* E-Board Open Forum 8:58-9:08 - Patrick (Secretary) REGISTER TO VOTE Most deadlines are in like 2 weeks You can register in Florham Park

New Jersey Absentee Ballot Form pdf New York Absentee Ballot Form df Pennsylvania Absentee Ballot Form sh.pdf Taylor (PR Chair) Come to events and shit Like FDU Idol because she wants to win Zoe (Vice President) Chick-Fil-A might have lied about their money Aleen (Treasurer) They are trying to pass a law banning Pray the Gay Away-like therapy in New Jersey. WRITE TO YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE/SENATORS about this!! If you do not live in New Jersey, write to one of the state representatives/senators of Florham Park/Madison A letter will be prepared if you dont want to write your own.

Random Shit 9:08-9:16 End Meeting: 9:16 PM

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