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Madness What few fellows fail to actually pontificate when it comes down to the bo ttom line of these illusory

events such as that of the aforementioned defenestra ted, is that we, as observers of the waves in which the overall windows travel h ave an astonishing connection to and dislocation from the standing point at whic h we ourselves and all other things created the color of transpondence from the stillborn musts of our youth; and as a result, we inevitably wonder at the occur ence of such events which all sorcerers of mind and matter twist in order to bet ter acquaint the lesser-known elven tortoises with the general population of evi l-doers whom we dare to assume have the ultimate say in the final state of the p hases of those emotions which run like hot liquid mercury through the sand-encru sted hands of blind, old, Father Time; whose servants, savants, and aides, perpe tually fill his ageing ears with lies and blasphemies the likes of which bend th e minds of those who foolishly expose their spirits to the unutterable horrors w hich unavoidably befall the void crustaceans who ply the icy cold between stars in order to perpetuate the stereotypes under which the Laughing will call out th e ebullient yet utterly sympathetic blunder toads whose incomprehensible metapho rs twist the mind and bind the tounge to an ethereal plane which can only ever b e inhabited by those with the constitution made be He Who Holds All, for it is a forbbiding place indeed; a place which spawns the nightmares of mortal men in i ts bowels and regugitates their contents into the weeping mouths of syrens who e ndessly call out for greater sustenance in a vain attemp to secure a means by wh ich they can escape the incorporeal dungeon in which they have entrapped themsel ves for the crime of failing to cease in the perpetuation of the greatergood of those less deserving; who by all means owe it to them to free them, yet never wi ll; for their lust for the lifeblood of gods far outweighs the grandeur earned b y the seafaring plunderer who does right by the eyes of the few yet never allows himself a moment's introspection in order to better relate himself to the cosmi cally divine who willed him into his current laughable state yet will not bear h im enough mind to treat him any better than a wet seaweed drying in the tears of a dying sun pays to the sugarless echoes of madness in the coffin of a long dea d king who knows it to be no more than a closet which he may attend to or ignore as he pleases, further infuriating the kindred spirits of those wretched swinelike monstrosities which some insist maddeningly upon referring to as merely rhi noceroses eternally embattled with the opposing emotions of a greater entity who se rivals quail in the face of the angels of death which it summons to its side.

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