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Bethel Family Ministries-Expands The Gods Empire And Forms The Spirited Lives

The Bethel Family ministry is a provincial cathedral in El Paso Churches which was started in 1947. The founder of this Bethel family ministry is Ben Hodge, who is the grandfather of the present senior Pastor. This family ministry is dedicated to building the lives and enlarging the kingdom of the God. This church purchased the land in 1977 and built the Assembly in that area, now it is the Bethel Assembly at 6301 Alabama. This Assembly is an excellent place to fulfill the people requirements in a dedicated manner. The Bethel Assembly has some comprehensive basic objectives. For examples, wholehearted worship to the God, outreach ministry to the community, discipleship and religious growth, association of participants, and Evangelism to the people those who do not know the Jesus Christ as their liberator. In the year of 1978, this church started a school with minimum number of students, but now it is developed to around 300 short-listed students. Over the sequence of more than a few years, the number further additions such as an extension for classrooms and a sports hall have been formed into the church complex. At every point, these objectives are the main source to force the main activities of the El Paso Churches. All of these services are directed to the people those who speak English. Approximately 400 families are members in the Bethel Assembly and the people from this El Paso Churches contain number races like Asian, Hispanic, Afro-American, and Anglo. In addition to this, every week 600 to 700 individual persons give many services in this church. They also provide some services to the people, which are very useful to get their gifts from the god and to fulfill their needs. The El Paso Churches people have strong belief in their ministry relationships and the main goal of this Church is to create their church families stronger and healthier. This church provides the place to all kind of people like young or old, single person or married etc. Because, both men and women who have joined into this church team are committed to helping the people and to improve their lives. The persons from this church like Senior Pastor, Neighborhood director, real life coordinator, connections Pastors, and childrens ministry director are working very hard for these Bethel family ministries and they are providing kind services to the people.

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