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El Pasco Churches Explore The Gifts Given By God And Live A Fulfilled Life The Bethel Family Ministries

s is the church located in El Pasco, which is started jointly by the members of Bethel family. This church is working spiritually to break the barrier between God and humans. They are strongly committed to expand Gods holy kingdom in this sinful earth. El Pasco Churches are accredited and affiliated to General Council of the Assemblies of God. They treat all their guests equally with love and affection. This church is opened for worship on all days of the week and Sunday is the special day. During Sundays, all members of the church are gathered to share their love with each other. Bethel church was first built and organized by the grandfather of the present pastor Ben Hodge III. El Paso Churches believes that God is the only person, who is able to forgive all our sins. The members of the church do everything in the presence of God, so that they are able to attain success in all the activities they do in their regular life. During worship, they forget about others and solely think about God and his presence. All the participants of El Pasco Churches build a friendly relationship with their companions, so that they are able to be a good example for others who visit their church. Discipline is very important for all to go near God and to make God live in their hearts. The church members often conduct campaigns in order to make others know Jesus Christ and his gracious qualities. The objective and purpose of El Pasco Churches is God centered, so that the church members are able to attain high spiritual growth within the short period. Till now more than 400 families became members of the Bethel Assembly and dedicate their life to God. Several races of people from all countries attend regular worships conducted by the church. This church is accompanied with special classrooms for doing all kinds of activities related to gymnasium. The gymnastic activities help people to get out of their regular stress and strife, so that the people are able to live in peace and harmony. This recreational activity helps people to lead a healthy life with full of joy and happiness. All people are allowed to become member of the Bethel Assembly, irrespective of their culture, race and religion. People are able to explore the gifts given by God, so that they can live a happy and more satisfied life.

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