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NO 1. IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS To lend a hand MEANING To help SENTENCES The millionaire is a very concern person that will lend a hand to the people around him who has money crisis. 2. To paddle your own canoe. To do things by yourself College life experience is the starting point for us to paddle our own canoe that will help us to survive in future. 3. Out of the question Impossible Buying new clothes, shoes and jewelleries is out of the question for Datin Nadia as her husbands company was forced into bankruptcy recently 4. To give someone the cold shoulder To make someone feel unwelcome She often gave people around her the cold shoulder, which is why she does not have many friends. 5. To pay lip service To pretend to be loyal Johny has to pay lip service in order to prevent anyone in the company know that he is the spy for their opposition.


A red letter day

An important day

13th of August is a red letter day for Andrew and Annie as it is the day they were married to each other.


To bury the hatchet

To forget past quarrels and become friends again

Linda and Hasni had decided to bury the hatchet after they were advised by their parents to sort things out between them for their own goodness.


Hard and fast rule

Very strict rule

The government should imply hard and fast rule to those drivers who do not have driving license.


To face the music

To take scolding or punishment without complaint

As a student, we must face the music as every action done by our teachers is for the sake of ourselves.


To shed crocodile tears

To shed false tears

Anna has to shed crocodile tears so that no one will blame her for causing the accident to happen.

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