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Stages of Evolution

Charles Robert Darwin

12 February 1809 19 April 1882 Pioneer writer of Theory of EVOLUTION

Theory of Evolution

Life and modern man came from different stages of evolution or growth

5 billion 400 million years

400-200 million years Age of Fishes

200-70 million years Age of Reptiles

70-2 million years Age of Mammals

Four different stages of mankind


Primates were the highest order of mammals. By about 40 million years ago two different species of primates developed. One remained in the forest Apes, monkeys, chimps. The other lived in the open country and developed new skills. Bred Missing link*


Some say the Missing link could be the legendary YETI in Himalayas or the mysterious Big Foot of the forest of the American West Coast.


About 14 million years ago, a more advanced primate developed manlike characteristics. Believed to be HOMINIDS (manlike primates)

Ramapithecus Located in Siwalik Hills of India and in places in Africa. He lived about 14 years ago. He could stand upright, had a jaw which did not jut out, and he could pick up stones and sticks to frighten his enemies.

Lucy Discovered by American archaeologist Donald C. Johanson in 1974 at Hadar in the Afar Desert, 160 miles NE of Addis Ababa, Ethopia. She is said to be 3.5 million years old and was named after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. She was 3-1/2 feet tall; with a head as large as a softball and walked erect.

Australopithecus He lived in eastern and southern Africa about 5 million years ago. His brain was as small as a modern apes head, but he walked straight and used simple tools (bones or sharp stones)

Homo Habilis

Handy Man Stone tools were invented by an ancestral man named Homo habilis about 2 million years ago New stage of mans evolution.

Zinjanthropus (East Africa Man) Found by Dr. Louis S.B. Leakey in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa in 1959. Believed to be about 1.75 million yo. 4ft tall; walked upright; knows how to make stone crude weapons.
1470 Man (Lake Turkana Man) Excavated in 1972 at lake Turkana, Kenya, EA Dr. Richard Leakey (Son of Louis S.B. Leakey)

About 2 million yo.; walked upright; was about 5 ft tall; BRAIN double the size of Chimpanzees brain.
Made first true tools by striking and sharpening stones.

Homo Erectus

Upright Man First really man like creature because he walked straight, used fire, made stone weapons, hunted large animals. Lived about a million to 500,000 years ago

Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus) Discovered in 1891 by a Dutch physician named Eugene Dubois at Trinil, Java, Indonesia lived about 1 million ago About 5 ft tall; walked erect; had heavy, chinless jaw, hairy body, and brain almost as large as that of a modern man.

Peking Man (Sinanthropus pekinesis) Descovered fossilized skull in 1929 by a group of Chinese and European archaeologists at Choukoutien village.. Stool about 5 feet 2 inches tall, walked upright, with a brain almost as large as modern mans Knows how to use fire and mane stone hunting tools.

Homo Sapien

Wise Man Ancestors evolved about 250,000 years ago. Muscular and erect with a large, with a large protruding face and low forehead. Lived in small groups of families as hunters and cave tent dwellers. Made and kept simple hand tools, buried their dead, had primitive art and religion.

Neanderthal Man Appeared about 70,000 years ago First of the species to be called Homo Sapiens His skeletal remains were discovered in 1856 by some workmen in a cave of Neanderthal valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. Heavy built with powerful muscles. Powerful jaws but chinless. Brain is a little larger than that of a modern man. Brutish in appearance, but intelligent.

He developed the first religious ideas and had technology superior than that of his predessors.

Cro-magnon Man About 35,000 years ago, Neanderthal man disappeared. A more developed species of man emerged known as Cro-Magnon man. The remains of this prehistoric man, were discovered by Louis Lartet (French archaeologist) in 1868 at the village of Les Eyzies in south France. Height is 5 feet 11 inches More developed brain Wore animal skins sewed in bone needles Made fire by rubbing two dry pieces of sticks Mighty hunter and skilled artist.

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